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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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Pretty much my point. To us it is as much a fact as it is a theory. I TRULY believe my ancestors were apes. I can say the same for most Indians.
I dont have any problem with it :D
did you read the link i posted to know the difference between theory and fact and why its called theory?

Facts (or scientific facts) are what one can readily observe. It can pertain to any objective and real phenomenon may it be the falling of the ball after being thrown upwards or other simple observable occurrences. In this regard, the fact is that the ball will fall. More so, if this test is being done repeatedly under a controlled environment that cancels all unnecessary variables the phenomenon would have become a very obvious and undeniable fact. It is considered a fact because it will remain as true even after several centuries unless there is a more rigid and precise way of measuring a certain phenomenon.

On the contrary, theories in science are likened to the explanations to what has been observed. It is relatively greater in weight to what a hypothesis is. If a hypothesis (an intelligent guess) is the first base of formulating a scientific law then theories are placed at the second base. These are the statements that are assumed to be true (because they seem so) even if there are no hundred percent concrete evidences. Nevertheless, theories are always presented to be true even if the claims in the said theories are mere speculations or a general agreement between a significant numbers of experts. Moreover, theories are the statements that often undergo a series of tests to nullify the claims maid by those who propose them.

To display the difference between fact and theory, a good example is when a report will state that a certain hurricane killed thousands in a particular state in America yesterday because of the reckless mass evacuation spearheaded by the local officials. In this aspect, the fact is that many were killed by the hurricane while the theory is the reason behind the death of these people. Was it only because of the haphazard evacuation plan or was it also because of the intensity of the hurricane among many other reasons? Hence, facts are really the real deal while theories are still unclear although presumed to be true.

1. Facts are observations whereas theories are the explanations to those observations.

2. Theories are vague truths or unclear facts whereas facts are really facts.
I dont have any problem with it :D
did you read the link i posted to know the difference between theory and fact and why its called theory?

Facts (or scientific facts) are what one can readily observe. It can pertain to any objective and real phenomenon may it be the falling of the ball after being thrown upwards or other simple observable occurrences. In this regard, the fact is that the ball will fall. More so, if this test is being done repeatedly under a controlled environment that cancels all unnecessary variables the phenomenon would have become a very obvious and undeniable fact. It is considered a fact because it will remain as true even after several centuries unless there is a more rigid and precise way of measuring a certain phenomenon.

On the contrary, theories in science are likened to the explanations to what has been observed. It is relatively greater in weight to what a hypothesis is. If a hypothesis (an intelligent guess) is the first base of formulating a scientific law then theories are placed at the second base. These are the statements that are assumed to be true (because they seem so) even if there are no hundred percent concrete evidences. Nevertheless, theories are always presented to be true even if the claims in the said theories are mere speculations or a general agreement between a significant numbers of experts. Moreover, theories are the statements that often undergo a series of tests to nullify the claims maid by those who propose them.

To display the difference between fact and theory, a good example is when a report will state that a certain hurricane killed thousands in a particular state in America yesterday because of the reckless mass evacuation spearheaded by the local officials. In this aspect, the fact is that many were killed by the hurricane while the theory is the reason behind the death of these people. Was it only because of the haphazard evacuation plan or was it also because of the intensity of the hurricane among many other reasons? Hence, facts are really the real deal while theories are still unclear although presumed to be true.

1. Facts are observations whereas theories are the explanations to those observations.

2. Theories are vague truths or unclear facts whereas facts are really facts.

Again you prove my point. On a similar question on evolution another Pak forum member argued on gthe same lines excepting he said E=MC2 is a theory. Fair enough, but when a theory presents itself with too much evidence, you should start considering it a fact. You can't look at a 5 Megaton nuclear weapon go off and still maintain it is only 'theory'
As per your assertion

Ayatullah Khomeni was the biggest idiot when it came to Islam

So are Imam kaaba and other forking Mullahs and Ayatullahs.


lol, AstafurrAllah, AstafurrAllah ...

So as per you, they don't have knowledge of Islam? My comments clearly shows, There are many idiots and they are not one of them.
I think Pakistan requires a radical left leaning movement as an antithesis of Radical theocratic right movements. The resultant "Synthesis" will be a moderate path.
It is almost imposssible to deal with the current strength of theocratic right force by the weak moderates of Pak society alone
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I think Pakistan requires a radical left leaning movement as an antithesis of Radical theocratic right movements. The resultant "Systesis" will be a moderate path.
It is almost imposssible to deal with the current strength of theocratic right force by the weak moderates of Pak society alone

leftists provide the coals that are used by Islamists to burn down civilization.

lol, AstafurrAllah, AstafurrAllah ...

So as per you, they don't have knowledge of Islam? My comments clearly shows, There are many idiots and they are not one of them.

Come on don't change the topic.

you said I quote

"Religious tolerance comes with the understanding the religion at the first place."

Everyone knows Saudi mullahs and Irani Ayatullahs are the most intolerant people in Muslims countries,
Guys what do you think, What should be done to increase religious tolerance in pakistan?
Do we need changes in constituition or we need to deal with these unwanted elements with Iron Hand?
Shut down all Madarsa's
Include Islamic education as part to curriculum in School as a compulsory subject for Muslims and recruit teachers in the same way as for other subjects based on interview for the same.
This will bar crazy mullahs to influence masses, moreover increase your school enrollment ratio in Pakistan.
Shut down all Madarsa's.

Good idea

Include Islamic education as part to curriculum in School as a compulsory subject for Muslims and recruit teachers in the same way as for other subjects based on interview for the same.
This will bar crazy mullahs to influence masses, moreover increase your school enrollment ratio in Pakistan.

Been there done that

crazy Mullahs don't have to be INSIDE schools to start the Islamist $hit.

Biggest crazy Mullahs are not even in Pakistan

Think Iranian Ayatullahs and Suaid Mullahs then think crazy squared.

I wanted to focus on "Materialist" part of leftist ideology.

you get both.

When it comes to death and destruction in Pakistan

Islamists and marxists walk hand in glove
Come on don't change the topic.

you said I quote

"Religious tolerance comes with the understanding the religion at the first place."

Everyone knows Saudi mullahs and Irani Ayatullahs are the most intolerant people in Muslims countries,

I guess now we have to go back and start defining religious tolerance. Does your definition means, if someone comes and kill your family, you remain tolerant and leave him alone is intolerant, then yes everyone is intolerant. But if we are discussing, non-muslims are allowed to do what ever they want as per their religion, and giving them equal rights in the state as common citizens, tolerate those Muslims who might not perform same practice as you, respects other thoughts than both Imam-e-Kabah and Ayatullah Khomeini are religiously tolerant.

There is nothing called freedom. But freedom under the Law is tolerance. & 'abuse of religion' is fueling terrorism
Religion should be separate from state affairs and banned in Public..

The hunt is on for Iranian trained target killers.
I would like to focus to a different thing-

You will find hysteria in Muslims is Pakistan and some other places that people are not valuing their lives for a predetermined "Islamic Cause". We saw this hysteria in various communist movements. We saw this hysteria in various freedom movements like in India. What are these inherent reasons for this hysteria?

- For communists many believed that they are sacrificing their lives people who survived may leave their life without oppression. How much truth is there behind their belief that is a different issue.

- For freedom fighters, they believed that they are giving their lives for the country and betterment of fellow countrymen

What is the reason for Muslims to give their precious life in mass so easily? What is the driving force. It may not be the Hatred only. -ve emotions are not strong enough to sacrifice life in mass although it is enough to take others life.

I think they are thinking their short earthy life as an investment of eternal happiness of afterlife. Is the concept of heaven is so strong in Islam? Concept of heaven is there in every religion but not as strong as to sacrifice present life as nothing. Is it an important part of Islamic religion or they are just brainwashed?
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Quran and sun nah are both part off Islam mr and Quran even doesn't how to offer Salah and pay zakat it's sunnat and we need to educate about non Muslim rights in Islamic state
zarvan you should stay away from this, you are an extreme fundamentalist!!!
its because of people like you that we are in this situation!!
Start it with cleaning the history books.
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