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What should be done to Increase Religious tolerance in Pakistan/ serious Discussion

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By talking about compulsion thingy knowing full well what happened to and still happens to apostates.
I was talking about freedom/rights of people to practice whatever beliefs they choose for themselves and not forcing them into Islam against their will . How you define apostate and what constitutes apostasy in Islam ? . I know many Muslims who are atheist and don't follow even one percent of Islam . Are they apostates? Or you are considered apostate only if you do rebellion and spread hate propaganda against your ex religion etc

I am talking about Islam while you are talking about what Muslims are doing in the name of Islam. Muslims are also doing suicide in the name of Islam but does it mean Islam approve terrorism. My views was based on this quranic verse

“There is no compulsion in ‘Deen’ (way of life according to laws of Allah); truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the rebel and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing
This article will sum up my opinion

Can People Be Forced To Accept Islam? | KASHIF SHAHZADA
......I really think that praising our prophet and our religion does not serve that purpose which is much better served by following his message that I earlier mentioned.

Absolutely agree.

We now have become idolators.

Just like pagans used to worship their gods' beauty, write poems and all
but they will not follow their gods when it came to performing righteous deeds (Aaamal Saleh)

I noticed a Church and I just stopped at the gate, since I had not noticed that church before and I liked its architecture. Though I did not myself want to go inside to avoid any possibility of problem people there might have, they told me that they do not let many people go inside because of bad security environment in our country and other threats. I liked to offer them to accompany me to a mosque. Really, we allow non-Muslim foreign dignitaries into mosques with pride but might not let our own Pakistani Christians into the mosque easily.

It shows you have good heart.

May Allah bless you

......I am talking about Islam while you are talking about what Muslims

yes. That's what they say Theory vs. practice
No sir that is not based on time that is why hazrat Muhammad saw was sent to teach and tell people what Quran means and explain people and order them and give them and hazrat Muhammad saw have told everything how to offer Salah and pay zakat

prayer was the finalized by 4 imams in Sunnis and Shias have their own method

4 Sunni Imams all have different method.

So what you say is not correct

and how many death you have witnessed in practice because of apostasy lol

Those who can run away from islamists, survive

The ones who get caught are killed without mercy.

That's if the victim knows before hand

Suicide bombers don't give the chance even for summary trial

Watch the practice

don't continue talking about theory.
Remove 'blasphemy laws', introduce 'secular' in constitution and teach Darwinian Evolution in text books.
Those who can run away from islamists, survive

The ones who get caught are killed without mercy.

That's if the victim knows before hand

Suicide bombers don't give the chance even for summary trial

Watch the practice

don't continue talking about theory.
We were talking about apostasy and now you did jumped from apostasy to suicide bombing lol How they are relevant ? suicide bomber blow up himself and kill innocent because he consider them apostate? I thought suicide bomber dont even know whom he is going to kill let alone knowing their religious beliefs in their hearts :D
1)the first and foremost is knowing that all religions and all humans are same. That is a bit difficult with an "islamic" Pakistan. You cannot develop tolerance by having in mind that "Your religion" is the greatest and everything else is blasphemy/wrong/stupid.
2)Stop praising anything and everything Islamic and dropping anything and everything unislamic - including historical figures and facts (praise wherever praise is worth irrespective of religion)
3)When you call "my muslim brothers" try to include everyone else as well "all humans - are my brothers and sisters" this would help in getting out of a mindset that there are "muslims" and "others". because there are just people of different religions.
4) Keep track of the teachings and sermons given in the mosques, have a standard practice to make the mosques strictly religious and strictly non-political.again- this is difficult in Islam because Islam claims to be complete only when implemented throughout.
5) You can even chart a common syllabus for all mosques/madrassas that is overlooked by not just religious purists but also people from purely educational point of view.

All the above are suggestions with utmost sincereity and absolutely no hatreed to either islam or muslims. I honor all good people and dishonor all bad people irrespective of religion, race, color etc.

quoted for truth because it struck a chord with me . I have quite a few of practicing muslim friends but i try to avoid the "SUPERIORITY" kind of muslims .

We are better because we are muslims .

Everything apart from Quran is false . When stated the same about quran they go in some mad religious rage bombing the whole discussions on quotes and verses gibberish .

Like the poster said

"You cannot develop tolerance by having in mind that "Your religion" is the greatest and everything else is blasphemy/wrong/stupid. " .
Remove 'blasphemy laws', introduce 'secular' in constitution and teach Darwinian Evolution in text books.
and how do you know that we are not teaching evolution theory in biology in pakistan ?

How many people got punishment in Pakistan because of blasphemy laws'? any statistic would be great?

We are talking about your supposed "compulsion" and supposed "lack of" in case you forgot.
yaar i give up..sawal gandum jawab chana in your case :D
and how do you know that we are not teaching evolution theory in biology in pakistan ?

How many people got punishment in Pakistan because of blasphemy laws'? any statistic would be great?

yaar i give up..sawal gandum jawab chana in your case :D

Perhaps we need to use Graham Bell phone and call Salman Tasir (sadly) and he will let you know if he could.

and how do you know that we are not teaching evolution theory in biology in pakistan ?

How many people got punishment in Pakistan because of blasphemy laws'? any statistic would be great?

yaar i give up..sawal gandum jawab chana in your case :D

There is no sawal jawab

you make an argument that is clearly incorrect historically and presently.

that there is no compulsion in Islamism.

Because the rest of the world says there is!
and how do you know that we are not teaching evolution theory in biology in pakistan ?

How many people got punishment in Pakistan because of blasphemy laws'? any statistic would be great?

yaar i give up..sawal gandum jawab chana in your case :D

We teach evolution as the only truth...do you?
Answer is simple:Be good Muslims. Teach the kid from childhood/school The Holy Quora'n and Sunnah.
Perhaps we need to use Graham Bell phone and call Salman Tasir (sadly) and he will let you know if he could.
thats why i asked question that what constitute apostasy in your holy book ? Is it just changing/giving up your beliefs or showing hate and bigotry and have negative propaganda against your ex religion or nation like what traitors shakil afridi did

I wonder why Fauji historian is still alive :D kidding
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