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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

Are you saying giving freedom to people to choose what they want to wear is going to affect your scintific research. i would tend to think free societies tend to be more inventive than oppressed ones.

Granted some people will abuse the freedom, but as a society your productivity will increase if you give as much freedom to people as possible.
dont put words on my mouth.plz

i can not go disco and study in the same time.
it is good to see iranian talkking about freedom and human rights.
iran is turning steamer cooker filled with full pressure. some day it will couldnot stand the social pressure and badly burst on hands of Stalinist and Kim Jong-il type Mollahs..
Iran nation never deserve such regime. Justice needed for humans as much as food and water.
in fact iran is one of the worst 2-3 countries of the world in field of human rights and freedom.

As for religion aspect, from i saw and realised iranian were more religous in time of Shah than the current. Those who look at iran society from outside suppose iranian are religous but when they came in İran and stay a while they are suprised. becuse there is no such stituations..their mosqe mostly empty. most of sermons of mollahs just about politic issues such as israel,Us,hizbollah and calamity of Karbala. i could say that in public, the stronghold city of secularists of Turkey Izmir held ramadan month more better than Tehran.

Mollahs delibrately leave people ignorant about islam. Iranian people are not well informed about islam. Mollahs misuse islamic rules as tools of pressure to reinforce their own regime and to destroy rightful opposition and critiques. Where the biggest blow Mollahs has hit is islamic spirituality of iranian society. They made every evils toward people on the name of islam.

curroptions, drug, prostutions and social distress is growing. As if Mollahs were able to make nuke bombs they guarantee solve all problems of iran. Even if iran would make 500 nuke bombs it will change nothing in iran.

right now, there are 2 troublesomes of muslims. Those who try to distort islam with intention of reform. The other ones who turning islam so hard that make it impossible to practise in daily life of people. Like taliban, Iran and some salafis etc..
in relaity, Islam is quite simple and not hard to implement.
it is good to see iranian talkking about freedom and human rights.
iran is turning steamer cooker filled with full pressure. some day it will couldnot stand the social pressure and badly burst on hands of Stalinist and Kim Jong-il type Mollahs..
Iran nation never deserve such regime. Justice needed for humans as much as food and water.
in fact iran is one of the worst 2-3 countries of the world in field of human rights and freedom.

As for religion aspect, from i saw and realised iranian were more religous in time of Shah than the current. Those who look at iran society from outside suppose iranian are religous but when they came in İran and stay a while they are suprised. becuse there is no such stituations..their mosqe mostly empty. most of sermons of mollahs just about politic issues such as israel,Us,hizbollah and calamity of Karbala. i could say that in public, the stronghold city of secularists of Turkey Izmir held ramadan month more better than Tehran.

Mollahs delibrately leave people ignorant about islam. Iranian people are not well informed about islam. Mollahs misuse islamic rules as tools of pressure to reinforce their own regime and to destroy rightful opposition and critiques. Where the biggest blow Mollahs has hit is islamic spirituality of iranian society. They made every evils toward people on the name of islam.

curroptions, drug, prostutions and social distress is growing. As if Mollahs were able to make nuke bombs they guarantee solve all problems of iran. Even if iran would make 500 nuke bombs it will change nothing in iran.

right now, there are 2 troublesomes of muslims. Those who try to distort islam with intention of reform. The other ones who turning islam so hard that make it impossible to practise in daily life of people. Like taliban, Iran and some salafis etc..
in relaity, Islam is quite simple and not hard to implement.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

look at this fela !!!

i think Izmir is best place for wh0re houses :coffee:
Because that is emotionalism. If their own relative had done that they would not be talking squat.

Punishments need to be harsh, death in this case, but not through medieval and barbaric things like beheading. Hanging or even chemical injections are fine.

First of all, Do u know what the delhi victim wanted?
She wanted to burn all the rapists alive. If she had done this at that time no one would have objected because every one at that time would understand her feelings...No one would feel it is barbaric.

Aim of these punishments in islam is not tortured death of criminal. Aim is to create fear about the crime. Which works really well. This is the reason punishment carried out in public. Just looking at the pics i get scared to death.

Do u know why punishment to rape is barbaric in islam?

Islam first prohibits every possibility of getting such mentality, including modest dress, asking to marry without any delay. No indecent movies. No pornography,No tempting adds on road side walls. Even after so much is done person still choses to commit a barbaric crime, then he must be punished in barbaric way and his death should be a lesson for every one. sure that every victim would want this.
First of all, Do u know what the delhi victim wanted?
She wanted to burn all the rapists alive. If she had done this at that time no one would have objected because every one at that time would understand her feelings...No one would feel it is barbaric.

Aim of these punishments in islam is not tortured death of criminal. Aim is to create fear about the crime. Which works really well. This is the reason punishment carried out in public. Just looking at the pics i get scared to death.

Do u know why punishment to rape is barbaric in islam?

Islam first prohibits every possibility of getting such mentality, including modest dress, asking to marry without any delay. No indecent movies. No pornography,No tempting adds on road side walls. Even after so much is done person still choses to commit a barbaric crime, then he must be punished in barbaric way and his death should be a lesson for every one. sure that every victim would want this.

I think we need to grow up when talking about rape and laws in general, its like talking to imbeciles when people say chop their heads, kill them, torture them.
Islam does not prohibit any such mentality, you dont become rapist by seeing people in modern dress, or pornography (unless it glamourises violence and rape and shows it as okey thing to do).

Anyway, this is all offtopic, lets not derail iranian thread here.

Why do people think that observing religious rules as backward? One who is less religious is considered as open?

Because they are still stuck in backwardness . Why else ??

Their is nothing called "Religious Rules " . Religion is just a tool for Power projection .

Why do you need rules . Religion according to me is a spiritual bond between you and your GOD sans all the singing , dancing and other gimmicks .

And like @hinduguy said you are taking this thread off topic . So if you say something and i don't reply it will only be to keep this thread on topic . Bye
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

look at this fela !!!

i think Izmir is best place for wh0re houses :coffee:

İzmir overall is better than any other Iranian city, but your words of wisdom also showed us that when you talk about something with a Persian, they all will start to think with their penis.

Secularism won't work for Iran. Surenas and Abii are trying to hide the reality, the majority in Iran is low-life thugs like kollang and soheil.
İzmir overall is better than any other Iranian city, but your words of wisdom also showed us that when you talk about something with a Persian, they all will start to think with their penis.

Secularism won't work for Iran. Surenas and Abii are trying to hide the reality, the majority in Iran is low-life thugs like kollang and soheil.
and we low life thugs are already ahead of you open minded in most of fields.
now get lost plz
İzmir overall is better than any other Iranian city, but your words of wisdom also showed us that when you talk about something with a Persian, they all will start to think with their penis.

Secularism won't work for Iran. Surenas and Abii are trying to hide the reality, the majority in Iran is low-life thugs like kollang and soheil.

i have a big one !!!

i mean brain :rofl:
Many Iranians abroad are secular, but i dont know how representative they are of the Iranian population back home. I suppose the reason why they are abroad suggests that their views dont coincide with the majority's back home (or at least a significant part of the population). In Sweden either way many are atheist. I only know of one Iranian mosque in my city.
right now, there are 2 troublesomes of muslims. Those who try to distort islam with intention of reform. The other ones who turning islam so hard that make it impossible to practise in daily life of people. Like taliban, Iran and some salafis etc..
in relaity, Islam is quite simple and not hard to implement.

That is true for every religion !!
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