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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

ok, i hope you ashamed enough that you stop posting abt Iran!!! you embarras Iran with "white" genetic talk! move on with your life.... concern with holland... you give nothing to Iran gdp, you contribute to enemy gdp.... you are a bache farari…. what you said to indian parsis escaping & no longer being Iranian applies to you most!!!

He knows more about Iran's history and culture than your hezbollahi ***.

What do you and your family do that's so ******* radical and fantastic? Beat up students for a box of sandis every month?

The most ironic part is that me and Surenas have the most to gain from this regime. Everytime we go there the currency has fallen more and more and our money is stronger. We can spend what we like and party up and leave when we like. In Iran's current situation we have the most to gain since we only get the benefits and none of the worries. It's your stupid kind that would benefit the most if the sanctions are removed, if the situation gets better... How does it feel to be jobless? Homeless? In debt? In a few years you're gonna have to marry and you need to have a house. Do you even have the money or are you gonna beg your dad for the money? I hope he has money b/c your unemployed *** won't be finding a job with IRan's fucked up economy anytime soon. Even if you find something you would be a "ejare neshin" at best with a broken saman/pride. In 30 years you're gonna be a broken old hezbollahi with nothing to your name.

Have fun with your shitty beliefs and govt.
That's funny Soheil, it really is.

You're telling me that you know exactly how people think in Iran when there are no surveys, no elections!!!, no non-govt organizations and human rights organizations, no freedom of speech at any level etc...? You're no different than me. At least I'm not getting brainwashed by Iran's bull **** North Korea like public TV 24/7. Doesn't matter if you're sitting in Karaj or Toronto or Munich, it's all the ******* same when Iran is concerned. You know as much about the mindset of Iranians as me.

You grew up in a hezbollahi family, I grew up in a secular liberal family. We're both biased and it's my word against yours. So don't feed people bull **** b/c anybody that steps foot inside Iran knows exactly what's up. People have dual lives in Iran, they act/speak/think one way in public and another way in private. Not being able to do this means prison or death. Now go be a good Talibani soldier and practice how to be a good arab.

first of all i am not a hezbollahi , i am not good enough to be hezbollahi ...

i am not going to answer your BS which comes from western propaganda

just look at this people :

he killed by your western liberal democracy ...


look at this man !

he is not a hezbollahi ...


you can't call all the people brain washed ...

He knows more about Iran's history and culture than your hezbollahi ***.

What do you and your family do that's so ******* radical and fantastic? Beat up students for a box of sandis every month?

The most ironic part is that me and Surenas have the most to gain from this regime. Everytime we go there the currency has fallen more and more and our money is stronger. We can spend what we like and party up and leave when we like. In Iran's current situation we have the most to gain since we only get the benefits and none of the worries. It's your stupid kind that would benefit the most if the sanctions are removed, if the situation gets better... How does it feel to be jobless? Homeless? In debt? In a few years you're gonna have to marry and you need to have a house. Do you even have the money or are you gonna beg your dad for the money? I hope he has money b/c your unemployed *** won't be finding a job with IRan's fucked up economy anytime soon. Even if you find something you would be a "ejare neshin" at best with a broken saman/pride. In 30 years you're gonna be a broken old hezbollahi with nothing to your name.

Have fun with your shitty beliefs and govt.

you say you have most to gain. yeahhhh coming once in 12 years for 2 weeks, you must gain a lot!!! you will be an outcast wherever you go. you will be foreigner in canada same as Iran. that is why you ask "how can I come Iran, what do I need to do to move there". also u know anything about me, my studies, finances, work!!!??? No…. but i know abt you, and your sh1t life wishing to move to "taleban iran".

I am done with pointless discussion. reality is u dnt know whats happening in Iran. say what you like, it is worthless!!!!

It is like me saying I know how life in somalia is….
I think there are plenty of "secular" thinking people in Iran (granted most I know are immigrants, and perhaps not truly representitive of the home population). Having the government reflect the attitudes would help in international relations...but I do understand that religion is more important in the region. Perhaps a secular government with special clauses protecting ALL beliefs would work.
They do because they are here for education so in school and colleges there are a lot of natives . But yes i have seen a lot of different nationalities bunched together according to nationalities as well in which Afghans lead the pack .

Plus i have seen quite a few "inter-nationality" marriages ....

So it's a mix of both . More towards clumping as nationalities which is understandable .
It's always the same here...everyone will make an effort to hang with others and expand your knowledge and friends...but at the end of the day it's good to chill with like-minded people. (and yes, of all people from that region...the Iranians seem to have less of a stick in their Assez about religion. It seems to me as an outsider that the same happened with their revolution as did Russia's, the nuttier ones coopt it)
You can begin by explaining why there are so many thugs on the streets waiting to suppress political activeness, cyber monitoring, jailing of Iranian students, hanging, torturing and raping of Iranian political activists, a crackdown on satellite dishes, lack of journalistic freedom, lack of freedom of political movement, house arrests of political leaders, jailing of liberal ayatollahs like Boroujerdi, murdering of bloggers like Sattar Beheshti, killing of Kurdish intellectuals, moral police, basij-thugs, prosecution of minorities, etc.

One would think that a regime and system that is supported by a clear majority of the people, wouldn't fear its own people so much. I'm waiting on your answers.
as is said im not regime supporter in fact im more regime hater.for god's sake stop calling me basiji or hezbollahi.
the thing i am f.....myself to tell is that regime has lots of supporter.the majority support the Islamic system.and you and me alike are minority.

anyway most of your claims regarding the system are bulshit.
from an Indian point of view I say a secular Iran would probably lead to mass exodus of already depleted Parsi population of India which would be bad for india
Despite minute in numbers Parsis have made tremendous contribution towards development of India and in order to make India we dream of we need their help without them it would be very hard to make india a developed nation
Secular iranian state may work, someone trying to 'secularise' the 'society' won't. Exactly what the puppet king tried and failed.
before 1979 we had a secular Iran.that Iran was just a slave weapon buyer.we were dependent to west.we had no place in science and technology.

but these idiot mullahs(as abii and surena call) have turned 1979 Iran to a country with independent policy.a country with fastest science growth.a country that produces her needed cargo ships,air plane,train,military stuff,a country that all her villages have access to water,electricity and gaz flow.
before 1979 we had a secular Iran.that Iran was just a slave weapon buyer.we were dependent to west.we had no place in science and technology.

but these idiot mullahs(as abii and surena call) have turned 1979 Iran to a country with independent policy.a country with fastest science growth.a country that produces her needed cargo ships,air plane,train,military stuff,a country that all her villages have access to water,electricity and gaz flow.

maybe they need this :


instead of this :



What i will tell is from personal experience. Pune is one of the largest education hub in India . A lot of Afghanis and quite a lot of Iranis , Arabs , Maghrebs and Africans come here to study .

Iranis are amongst the cooler lot and very outgoing . Been to Pubs , bars and trips with them . they love the "freedom" in India plus are focused towards studies unlike others who just come here have a good time for a few years and go back without a degree :D .

By and Large religion never comes into Discussion but it was sad to see a little bit of prejudice from Arabs towards them .

That being said Iranian chicks are HOT :D

Now the question goes how is it relevant to the thread .

Its relevant because i did not find them rabidly religious while they do believe in their religion and basic tenets .

If their is democracy it will propel Iran's progress further at it will become a knowledge and economic hub in Middle east , quite comparable to Turkey in a couple of decades or so . That being said it will take time . Change is a slow continuous process . Sudden change brings precarious results as Iran has seen it itself .

Before any cynic calls my post figment of imagination Here's an article which quotes there are 15000 Iranian Students in Pune


Oh yes...If you go to pub, dance with some girl then it is called open minded.
nope we cant^^^
Are you saying giving freedom to people to choose what they want to wear is going to affect your scintific research. i would tend to think free societies tend to be more inventive than oppressed ones.

Granted some people will abuse the freedom, but as a society your productivity will increase if you give as much freedom to people as possible.
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