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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

Now, Have you ever been to Iran? Did you ever seen any Iranian farmer working in wheat field or any Iranian tribes riding donkeys in 110 degree farenhites? I been in rural Iran and I can assure you that I can find at least 3 people in that group picture which could be resembled with some rural Iranians.
Dont compare some Bengali day laborer with a Iranian posh models. I seen Iranian models too. :azn:

Have you ever been to the beach with an Iranian? I assure you, they don't look Bangladeshi even spending hours tanning in the sun. And where's your evidence by the way? How are Bengali Muslims different from Indians in general? I'm not interested in jokes, I've heard this argument plenty of times, I'm hoping this time someone can step up and validate their claim instead of sticking their head in the sand like some.
The point is simply that before anyone can think about 'countering' anything, they have to have a sense of identity. Its ridiculous how certain members claim to have foreign ancestry based on religion. Religion has absolutely NOTHING to do with your genes.

There are plenty of Bangladeshis in New Jersey and guess what? They still look like they're Bangladeshis. All this garbage about 'working in the sun' or 'humidity' reeks of an inferiority complex.

Their worldview warped beyond comprehension, if I'm half christian and the English introduced Christianity to the sub continent, does that mean I'm white? and if not why? and how is this different from how Islam spread to the sub continent.

I just found the picture of the sardarji's funny :D And lo and behold the conversation drifted onto complexion, north and south and this other nonsense mostly because of some serious underlying insecurities.
You Hindu bigots will never perhaps understand what a mixed blooded person may mean. Because of your JAT PAT you are not allowed to intermingle among each other. But, Islam teaches us not to behave and shape our society like a bigot society. We have no distinction between a black Muslim and a fair-skinned Muslim.

So, inter-racial marriage were and are prevalent in the Bengali Muslim society. Why are you talking pride when someone says his ancestory was Persian or Arabian. I believe that person is at least 50% wrong, because there is no way all his 40 ancestors married into a Persian family who settled in Bengal. The mixing started from the 2nd or 3rd genaration after the first batch of Turkic Afghan Muslims arrived in Bengal in 1203 and some local Hindus/Budhists accepted Islam.

It is a historical fact, you have to read the general history of Bengal before you throw muds at us. Muslims of Bengal are SPEAKERS of Bangla and they live in Bengal. So, they are certainly Bengali. But, genetically speaking, they have quite a different blood than the local Hindu Bangali. We are mixed, but Hindus are not. It is a big distinction.

All the Muslim Chieftains (we call them Bara Bhuiyan), who resisted Mughals in Bengal, were Pathans whose fore bearers fled to Bengal after they were defeated by Badshah Baber in the 1st Battle of Panipath in 1526. Also note that Sher Shah Suri of BENGAL (note that he was a Pathan of Bengal) retook Delhi in 1539. His descendents were defeated again in the 2nd Battle of Panipath in 1554 by Humayun, and they again fled to Bengal.

So, the war between Mughal and Pathans started in 1526 in Panipath in the present day Hariyana, but finally ended in 1606 in Uhar of greater Mymensingh or Sylhet of the present day Bangladesh.

There are many such events that infused foreign blood among Muslim Bangali. There are always different looking Bangali Muslims. Why do you throw muds when most of the Indian Hindus are very black and look also like monkeys. Yet you say you belong to Aryas. It must be a joke. You will perhaps throw the same mud, as you have done to Bangali Muslims here, at President Obama if he says his mother is a white Amrican. You are such a miserable stupid.

The way you are spitting your words it seems your parents and siblings look like angels and have been sent from a white moon. Better send your own photograph and I will send photographs of other monkey-looking ugly Hindus. Do not say these stupid things to the Bangalis in New York, they may slap your DALIT face. What is your problem if we truthfully deny the existence of only one strain of blood in our veins?

Without first studying the general history of Muslim Bengal, please do not venture into the subject of immigration of foreign Muslims in Bengal. If you need I can recommend some very old Persian-written books as well as books written by many famous Hindu writers starting from Rakhal Das Bannerjy, who discovered Moenjodaro.

About the sense of identity, we people live in Bangladesh and our identity is with this country. This is final and foremost. Who denies that must be living in an unreal fantasy world, where things are fuzzy. However, history must be acknowledged in its proper perspective. It is not necessary to deny historical facts in order to become a REAL BANGALI. We cannot deny our fore bearers.

By the way, Persians are quite fair-skinned, but not all the Arabs, specially the Gulf people, are fair-skinned. We also have negro blood among us. These people came from Ethiopia. How can we deny our fore bearers just because you bully us for that? This is our heritage, we have to accept it as it is and not in a twisted form prescribed by the bigots.
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These are C-802 misslies from China, has 98% success rates..
100 of that misslie boat are even enough for uncle sam to be over whelmed. :)
As far as I know, our navy is minutely studying the Iranian missile boat strategy they have shown against Uncle Sam in the Persian Gulf. Really, this system has merit. How many missiles a DADA frigate carries, and how many small crafts the DADA navy will destroy?

Hundreds of small BD missile boats will be swarming the ocean to sting the DADA frigates like wild bees. Man, BD has finally acquired the modern technology to build ships. We have great shipyards. You perhaps know that wooden warships built in Chittagong were used in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 by the British. Our days are coming back.

If Indians think, we are sitting idle without further development of the military then they are in error. We want good relationship with India, but are against their hegemony imposing on us. Here is an article about our naval strategy written by our former navy Chief Sarwar Jahan Nizam.

Have you ever been to the beach with an Iranian? I assure you, they don't look Bangladeshi even spending hours tanning in the sun. And where's your evidence by the way? How are Bengali Muslims different from Indians in general? I'm not interested in jokes, I've heard this argument plenty of times, I'm hoping this time someone can step up and validate their claim instead of sticking their head in the sand like some.

I could not upload the pictures here or I dont know. I could have shown the real Iranians. Anyways, EW already covered most of my reply. So no need for reduntant argument.
I could not upload the pictures here or I dont know. I could have shown the real Iranians. Anyways, EW already covered most of my reply. So no need for reduntant argument.
But, anyway, in average, Iranians are quite fair-skinned. You have to understand that such a person goes darker and darker if a family starts to live in a hot and humid country even without marrying into another family that has different blood line.

However, that person's other physical features such as sharpness of nose, colour of eyes, amount of body hair etc. do not change equally. So, it is only the shade of skin that changes. Among the Muslims of Bengal there is no pure blooded Iranian or Arab, or locals, because in the course of the last few centuries, all the Muslims have become somehow a mixed-blooded community.

Moreover, not so many Iranians migrated to India/Bengal. Many of the Iranians who came to India with Nadir Shah remained in India. But, most of them settled in Uttar Pradesh as soldiers. Bengal may not have that many Iranians from the beginning.

Whatever it may be, we are a mixed blooded community and Bangladesh is now our native country. So, it is not acceptable if someone projects himself (as can be seen in one post) as Persian. All the muslim countries are more or less had influx of foreign people who became the natives.

It is also true for Saudi Arabia. Many Muslims from other countries including Bengal, Iran, Uzbekistan, Adfghanistan, Turkey etc. had settled there 70 or 80 years ago, and now their descendents are Saudi citizens.

I just do not understand why the Indians are so eager to keep us only as local and not a mixed blooded community? What benefit do they get? Probably they can bully us more in that way.
The mixing started from the 2nd or 3rd genaration after the first batch of Turkic Afghan Muslims arrived in Bengal in 1203 and some local Hindus/Budhists accepted Islam.

The foreign armies did not come with large numbers of women - the foreign Sipahis would have taken local women as wives and concubines. So the mixing began immediately, not after second or third generation.

The descendants of the foreign Sipahis are called Ashrafs. Even though the Sipahis were relatively few, they and their descendants had greater reproductive success - they are about 20% of the population. The remainder 80% are not descendants of Sipahis and are called Ajlafs. Even amongst the Ashrafs, it is not that the women were imported, so Ashrafs are mostly of native blood.

It is a historical fact, you have to read the general history of Bengal before you throw muds at us.
Where is there mud being thrown? The mud is in the racist tendencies of your own mind.

Also note that Sher Shah Suri of BENGAL (note that he was a Pathan of Bengal) retook Delhi in 1539.
Sher Shah Suri was an Afghan Sipahi in Babar's army, who became the governor of Bihar, and then overran Bengal.

Why do you throw muds when most of the Indian Hindus are very black and look also like monkeys ... Better send your own photograph and I will send photographs of other monkey-looking ugly Hindus. Do not say these stupid things to the Bangalis in New York, they may slap your DALIT face.
This is the racism that is in your own mind.

Yet you say you belong to Aryas. It must be a joke.
Do you know the meaning of Arya?
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Well a number of genetic surveys have shown that more than 80% of muslims are converts in the sub-continent. Apart from that, even the migrated muslims after second third generation were more "Indian" than foreign as they evolved a new syncretic culture. For example Maulana Azad was a son of Bengali father who was ethnically Afghan but had been there for many generations while his mother was from mecca. But still he was one of the greatest Indian nationalist.
Eastwatch buddy some of your post are worth reading specially regarding the news about Bangladesh...Its helps us know more about Bangladesh..But when you degrade your self as a third rate racist you are loosing lots of respect around here
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Agree with seiko.....ew isnt the same when he talks bout genetics,race'n all........btw,WHAT IS BANGLADESH DOING TO OVERCOME INDIAN DOMINANCE???
Eastwatch buddy some of your post are worth reading specially regarding the news about Bangladesh...Its helps us know more about Bangladesh..But when you degrade your self as a third rate racist you are loosing lots of respect around here

I dont think he is a racist but he is against it, so the venom. How could he be racist when he himself calimed to belong to every race? On the contrary some of the Indians here are racist or have mental complexity.

By saying that he could be milder in his of venom towards them.
OK then, tell me how your race differs from Bengali Hindus, and Indians in general. Specifically what makes a Bengali muslim different from the rest of India.

Please input this in your vegetarian braincell for good.

Your hindutva prorogation won't shake the foundation of Bangladeshi Muslim.

We are different because we follow different ideology. A Bangladeshi could black as African but he still be different than some Hindus in Bharat.

We are different because we created different nation out of bharat based on two nation theory and again re emphasis the same ideology with greater instinct in 1975 with death of Mujib.

If we were same race or people than we would not have created separate nation in 1947 or we would have reemerged with bharat after the fall dhaka in 71. Bangladesh being a separate nation surrendered by hostile bharat is our biggest prove that we are separate entity. :smokin:
I dont think he is a racist but he is against it, so the venom. How could he be racist when he himself calimed to belong to every race? On the contrary some of the Indians here are racist or have mental complexity.

By saying that he could be milder in his of venom towards them.

Why do you throw muds when most of the Indian Hindus are very black and look also like monkeys ... Better send your own photograph and I will send photographs of other monkey-looking ugly Hindus. Do not say these stupid things to the Bangalis in New York, they may slap your DALIT face

^^^^ above is one of the comment made by him dont you think it a racist remark??
Why do you throw muds when most of the Indian Hindus are very black and look also like monkeys ... Better send your own photograph and I will send photographs of other monkey-looking ugly Hindus. Do not say these stupid things to the Bangalis in New York, they may slap your DALIT face

^^^^ above is one of the comment made by him dont you think it a racist remark??

yes it is racist. but it is started by the racist Halaku Khan (a indian) in other thread when he called bengalis are black monkey. so EW had to show that indians are blacker monkey which he should not have. :taz:
yes it is racist. but it is started by the racist Halaku Khan (a indian) in other thread when he called bengalis are black monkey. so EW had to show that indians are blacker monkey which he should not have. :taz:

I was quoting a reputable author who quotes Pakistan civil servant and scholar Akbar S. Ahmed. The topic was what East Pakistanis were called by Punjabis pre-1971. See

Bangladesh: past and present - Google Books
Please input this in your vegetarian braincell for good.

:lol: good one, although you might want to consider becoming a vegan, god only knows how many cattle smugglers the BSF has shot down this year.

Your hindutva prorogation won't shake the foundation of Bangladeshi Muslim.

All your kind can ever do is stick your head in the sand. When you have no answers you simply label everything as 'propaganda', 'zionist' and 'hindutva'.

:lol: at your paranoia.

We are different because we follow different ideology. A Bangladeshi could black as African but he still be different than some Hindus in Bharat.

So Bangladeshis appeared out of thin air in 1971? or were you around before that? I'm sure when the Iranians 'immigrated' with they went straight to Bangladesh. :lol:

We are different because we created different nation out of bharat based on two nation theory and again re emphasis the same ideology with greater instinct in 1975 with death of Mujib.

That's right!! see, I knew you've done some reading.

If we were same race or people than we would not have created separate nation in 1947 or we would have reemerged with bharat after the fall dhaka in 71. Bangladesh being a separate nation surrendered by hostile bharat is our biggest prove that we are separate entity. :smokin:

It seems you don't fully understand the two nation theory. Religion is the ONLY thing that separates us. It was true in 1947 and its true today. You cannot become a different race no matter how much you tell yourself you're Persian or Arab or mixed, even if you try speaking in broken arabic.

And here's what else, Bangladesh being a separate state itself is indicative of our friendly stance towards Bangladesh. If India was hostile wouldn't we have taken over in '71?
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