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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

I hang my head in shame when I hear about the VHP, RSS activities - they are the shame of India. It's good they got booted out of power and I don't think they will be back soon. Most Indians realise the venom they spew will destroy our country before it destroys others.

Mate, unfortunately sane voices get drowned, when this fsckards take gullible people for a ride on the religious bandwagon. And we have loads of this. They bring us nothing but shame. Fortunately .... the election have shown them they no longer can cut the "GOD" cake with people.
Zakir Bhai,
We also have to remember that Hindus make up a significant proportion of Bangladesh's population.Besides I don't see any thing in the National anthem which is praising Hindu Goddess.
"Ma" can be referred to motherland,so I don't think you should worry too much on this.It was so popular as a patriotic song,it probably deserved to be the national anthem.

Bengali culture isn't entirely Hindu.There is Muslim Bengali culture,which separates us from Middle Eastern muslims.As long as culture does not get in the way of Islam,there is no problem to it.

Brother you must remember that majority rule over minority. Hindus are insignificant in number compare to Muslims in Bangladesh. Tagore was racist and Hindu fundamentalist who voted against the establishment of Dhaka University. To him Muslim belongs to farmland rather than school when fact is we Muslim brought the civilization in Hindustan. I think this is an enough reason for us to disown all of his work including so called national anthem of BD that doesn’t reflect true fabric of Islamic Bangladesh. I know you differ but that is how I truly feel brother.

Now this thread is about how do we overcome Indian dominance in Bangladesh? Fact is as long as we have national anthem written by Bharati and Hindu than how can we emerge as true independent nation from outlook to separate entity? If we have any dignity than we must write a national anthem that truly reflect our glorious Islamic heritage, culture as well as nature of Bd. We are Ummat-e-Mohammad (SWS) hence; we must patronize culture of our beloved prophet (Sunnah).

And yes,like you I have problems when I see people celebrating pahela baishakh,falgun etc exceeding their limit,you know what limit I am talking about.Like doing rituals which are more related to hinduism than Bengali culture.

People tend to forget the following line often:

[109:6] "To you is your religion, and to me is my religion."
-Surah Kafeeroon

You are right on the point my bro. Surah Kafeeroon explain it all. Also notice the celebration of Bengali New Year now a day. If we speak against this bulgur practices than we are label as Taliban, Jamaati or even Pakistani some time because we try to save our young and naïve from participating in totally shirk practice.

Having said that,we must respect Hindu religion and Hindus,but we should not follow their rituals,which would be shirk

Definitely one is free to do however we can not encourage shirk practice.
I would like to point out a small note on Tagore's stance on Dhaka University--when tagore gave a negative response to DU (as many claim),bengal was ONE.......we had a single identity.......so how does one gain from that.......??....maybe tagore's response was due to some other reason,which we are unaware of or needs furthur investigation...regards
Brother you must remember that majority rule over minority. Hindus are insignificant in number compare to Muslims in Bangladesh. Tagore was racist and Hindu fundamentalist who voted against the establishment of Dhaka University. To him Muslim belongs to farmland rather than school when fact is we Muslim brought the civilization in Hindustan. I think this is an enough reason for us to disown all of his work including so called national anthem of BD that doesn’t reflect true fabric of Islamic Bangladesh. I know you differ but that is how I truly feel brother.

:lol: are you serious?

'We' Muslims? who's 'we'? :lol: facts? what facts? please, do enlighten me! :lol:

You have to build your own identity before you can think about countering 'Indian dominance'.

Are you telling me your ancestors were naked, hungry barbarians who were civilized and tamed by Afghans and Persians? or better yet, could it be that you are a descendant of Persians and Afghans?

You probably don't have an answer, think about it for a while before you get back to me.
:lol: are you serious?

'We' Muslims? who's 'we'? :lol: facts? what facts? please, do enlighten me! :lol:

Do I really have to. Welcome back from Hibernation. :smokin:

You have to build your own identity before you can think about countering 'Indian dominance'.

We already have different identity.

Are you telling me your ancestors were naked, hungry barbarians who were civilized and tamed by Afghans and Persians? or better

Most likely you are talking about your ancestor. Take out Islamic civilization form Bharat and you have nothing to show for. :cool:

yet, could it be that you are a descendant of Persians and Afghans?

Yes I am. :agree:
I would like to point out a small note on Tagore's stance on Dhaka University--when tagore gave a negative response to DU (as many claim),bengal was ONE.......we had a single identity.......so how does one gain from that.......??....maybe tagore's response was due to some other reason,which we are unaware of or needs furthur investigation...regards

Because east Bengal was majority Muslim and Dhaka (Dacca) was capital of Muslim Bengal nevertheless history is well known to us but unfortunately some of our ignorant Bengali minded country men worship his work.

If Nawab Salimullah did not established dhaka university than majority Bangladeshi Muslims would still be uneducated and unworthy yet still my ignorant nation do not show same respect to Salimullah as racist Tagore. What a disgrace and losing mentality....:hitwall:
Do I really have to. Welcome back from Hibernation. :smokin:

Yeah, I think you should try and validate some of your nonsense from time to time. and thanks, its good to be back.

We already have different identity.

Oh yeah? so what makes you so different from an Indian Muslim? or a Bengali Muslim? Tell me about Bangladeshi music, language, art, architecture, traditions, so on and so forth.

Most likely you are talking about your ancestor. Take out Islamic civilization form Bharat and you have nothing to show for. :cool:

See, this is where you baffle me. Are you really this ignorant? its almost impossible, you're on the internet and you spend a lot of time here, so you must have undoubtedly read at least a little something about ancient India. Yet you choose to blatantly ignore history and spend your time spewing garbage. Interesting. Do you do it because you feel insecure about your identity? do you feel threatened by India's growing clout?

Yes I am. :agree:

But of course my aryan friend, its obvious. I have spent much time reading about Bangladesh's glorious and fascinating history. Clearly, Bangladeshis, Afghans and Iranians are ethnically the same.

These guys are definitely from the same stock...definitely. The Afghans and Iranians made sure to bring their wives along while they were busy invading a country. Just like the Americans brought their wives along with them during world war 2. I'm so silly :rofl:

Observe the dude on the far right next to the guy in the black shirt.


This guy looks like his twin brother. The nose, hair, eyes, everything's practically the SAME. I guess I was wrong about you guys.

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Well I think most bangla seaking hindus in west bengal are hindu foundamentalist.
Please note that the Hindu Bangalis have always been more fundamentalists than their counterparts in any other Provinces of India. Muslim population in west Bengal is 28%, but the State govt's Muslim employees are less than 2%. These Bangali Hindu fundamentalists call us by JABAN, MOCHOLMAN etc. They had very successfully created a landless peasant class out of the once powerful Muslim population of Bengal during the Hindu/British rule of 190 years.

Their self-centered attitude was one of the main reasons that the Muslims had formed Muslim League in Dhaka and went after forming a separate country called Pakistan. The present day Pakistani people were not that oppressed by their Hindu counterparts during the British period. But, Bengal and Bihar were different. So, Pakistan movement was superficial in the present-day Pakistan, but not in Bengal and Bihar.

It is no wonder that the present day west Bengal is suffering the fate of a neglected Province of India has roots during the British Raj. Even when all other Hindus of other Indian Provinces went against the British in 1857, it was our Hindu neighbours whose brain and pen helped British in that war. Of course Punjab Sikhs were another group to support the British with their might.

Hindu Bangali roles have been compiled in a book titled in 'Kolkat-kendrik Budhijibi' by M.R. Akhter Mukul. Rabindranath Thakur once said that people who make other people suffer, they themselves will have to suffer the similar fate at the hands of those who are oppressed. He was talking about the oppression of Musalmans of Bengal by their Hindu neighbour. He died before his prophecy came true in 1947.

By all accounts, Bangali Hindus are most fundamentalist and most oppressive in the whole sub-continent.
There is no need for poor people to go to India. Those are your own citizen who run for a bag of atta. In fact our people dont eat atta :azn:
BIHAR police is enough for even a superpower. They will contaminate the whole locality within a few days like a dirty bomb:lol:.
That man is talking about those Biharis who were ousted by the Marathis last year. What a joke!
Communist west bengal is fundamentalist!!!....wow!!....even the opposition is hell bent against fundamentalism here....never feel ashamed of accepting truth and doing some reading ,my generous friend.....INDIANS are never left back in INDIA,replace indians by west bengal here.......in 1941 % of hindus in now east bengal~30%.....so prior that it must have been even more.....,.your last post was a disgrace to your good posting for so long, mr ew.....and no comments to our superior aryan martial arts champ ,al-zakir!
Brother you must remember that majority rule over minority. Hindus are insignificant in number compare to Muslims in Bangladesh. Tagore was racist and Hindu fundamentalist who voted against the establishment of Dhaka University. To him Muslim belongs to farmland rather than school when fact is we Muslim brought the civilization in Hindustan. I think this is an enough reason for us to disown all of his work including so called national anthem of BD that doesn’t reflect true fabric of Islamic Bangladesh. I know you differ but that is how I truly feel brother.
I would say Kazi Nazrul Islam was more Bangali and Rabidranath was more Hindu. But, it is not true that that the latter was a racist and Muslim hater. Is it because he had opposed establishing an University in Dhaka? Is this the reason you have concluded that he wanted us to be only peasants? I think, your analysis is too simplification of certain events.

Dhaka was not completely Muslim dominated in the early 20th Century as it is now, there were certainly 30% to 40% (assumed) of Hindus in today's entire Bangladesh in those days. So, not establishing an University in Dhaka was not also in the interest of these Hindus. The opposition was probably due to the then mind-set of Kolkata high level Hindus. They probably wanted the peasant east Bengal to be fully dependent upon that city. They did not want another power (=education) center in Dhaka. It was a mean ploy, no doubt, but it was not specifically against the Muslims.

Please note that Hindu Bangalis were educated at that time. There were only a few Muslims who even passed through the Primary schools, let alone University. So, how it is that an opposition to Dhaka University was equal to keeping the Muslims as peasants?

By the way, we must respect Rabindranath Thakur for at least one more thing, which people are not aware of or are not interested in. He was the first man in the entire Bengal who tried to develop agriculture by applying scientific methods, and it was in his estate in Shilaidaha of Kushtia. He, I can say, was trying to be a peasant.

Moreover, to make it a success he sent his son, Rathindranath, to the USA to become an expert in agriculture, or you can say to make him a peasant, although he was not a Muslim. What is wrong with agriculture or farming? Most people in all the western countries are either peasants or factory labours, isn't it?

But, after saying all these, I must say a new national anthem should have been written when a new country was established. It is only because of the history of war of independence. The present national anthem does not say all those things. However, I must say that only because Tagore was a Hindu, therefore, we should not acceppt his writing as a national song is not a good reason to reject it.
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I would say Kazi Nazrul Islam was more Bangali and Rabidranath was more Hindu. But, it is not true that that the latter was a racist and Muslim hater. Is it because he had opposed establishing an University in Dhaka? Is this the reason you have concluded that he wanted us to be only peasants? I think, your analysis is too simplification of certain events.

Dhaka was not completely Muslim dominated in the early 20th Century as it is now, there were certainly 30% to 40% (assumed) of Hindus in today's entire Bangladesh in those days. So, not establishing an University in Dhaka was not also in the interest of these Hindus. The opposition was probably due to the then mind-set of Kolkata high level Hindus. They probably wanted the peasant east Bengal to be fully dependent upon that city. They did not want another power (=education) center in Dhaka. It was mean no doubt, but it was not specifically against the Muslims.

Please note that Hindu Bangalis were educated at that time. There were only a few Muslims who even passed through the Primary schools, let alone University. So, how it is that an opposition to Dhaka University was equal to keeping the Muslims peasants?

By the way, we must respect Rabindranath Thakur for at least one more thing, which people are not aware of or are not interested in. He was the first man in the entire Bengal who tried to develop agriculture by applying scientific methods, and it was in his estate in Shilaidaha of Kushtia. He, I can say, was trying to be a peasant.
Moreover, to make it a success he sent his son, Rathindranath, to the USA to become an expert in agriculture, or you can say to make him a peasant, although he was not a Muslim. What is wrong with agriculture or farming? Most people in all the western countries are either peasants or factory labours, isn't it?

But, after saying all these, I must say a new national anthem should have been written when a new country was established. It is only because of the history of war of independence. The present national anthem does not say all those things. However, I must say that only because Tagore was a Hindu, therefore, we should not acceppt his writing as a national song is not a good reason to reject it.

Rabindranath first started micro credit in kustia. No peasant paid him back, so his mortaged estate was later taken over by bank and auctioned off. Eventually he had to leave east bengal. :D
Did anyone in here say, Indian dominance in bangladesh? Well, to those who think it is, then You must also know one thing, that if we had any intentions to dominate you then we would have made you a part of ours after 1971 as We had a good relationship with the benga'sl liberation force or mukti bahini and secondly if we had to dominate you, we wouldnt have been building the worlds longest border around you , thirdly Many bangladeshis enter our teritory and it make the duty of BSF to arrest them or shoot them down... And what ever BSF did is after a clear warning, and why is there no flag meeting or diplomatic talks about this issue?

So, India cannot risk its security what so ever.....
leave them man. they just dont want to see the truth or are brainwashed to be so.:lazy:
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