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What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

Yeah, I think you should try and validate some of your nonsense from time to time. and thanks, its good to be back.

Oh yeah? so what makes you so different from an Indian Muslim? or a Bengali Muslim? Tell me about Bangladeshi music, language, art, architecture, traditions, so on and so forth.

See, this is where you baffle me. Are you really this ignorant? its almost impossible, you're on the internet and you spend a lot of time here, so you must have undoubtedly read at least a little something about ancient India. Yet you choose to blatantly ignore history and spend your time spewing garbage. Interesting. Do you do it because you feel insecure about your identity? do you feel threatened by India's growing clout?

But of course my aryan friend, its obvious. I have spent much time reading about Bangladesh's glorious and fascinating history. Clearly, Bangladeshis, Afghans and Iranians are ethnically the same.

These guys are definitely from the same stock...definitely. The Afghans and Iranians made sure to bring their wives along while they were busy invading a country. Just like the Americans brought their wives along with them during world war 2. I'm so silly :rofl:

Observe the dude on the far right next to the guy in the black shirt.

This guy looks like his twin brother. The nose, hair, eyes, everything's practically the SAME. I guess I was wrong about you guys.


Say very clearly your points, and better you do not post jargons in the form of photographs. What do you want to prove?
Say very clearly your points, and better you do not post jargons in the form of photographs. What do you want to prove?

I stand to be corrected but methinks that his point is that you should look at the Bangladeshis and the Iranians and see the difference. I dont understand the reason for adding the two tubby Sardajhis there. :D
Did anyone in here say, Indian dominance in bangladesh? Well, to those who think it is, then You must also know one thing, that if we had any intentions to dominate you then we would have made you a part of ours after 1971 as We had a good relationship with the benga'sl liberation force or mukti bahini and secondly if we had to dominate you, we wouldnt have been building the worlds longest border around you , thirdly Many bangladeshis enter our teritory and it make the duty of BSF to arrest them or shoot them down... And what ever BSF did is after a clear warning, and why is there no flag meeting or diplomatic talks about this issue?

So, India cannot risk its security what so ever.....

Bangladesh is far more safer than India at least 10 times. So worry about your internal strife instead of throwing muds at your neighbour.
I stand to be corrected but methinks that his point is that you should look at the Bangladeshis and the Iranians and see the difference. I dont understand the reason for adding the two tubby Sardajhis there. :D

The point should be, there are people in Bangladesh who do look like Iranian and some who do look like natives. The picture does tell me that.

I stand to be corrected but methinks that his point is that you should look at the Bangladeshis and the Iranians and see the difference. I dont understand the reason for adding the two tubby Sardajhis there. :D

I understand your point that the Muslims of Bengal are not handsome and are dark-skinned in comparison to the Persians, Arabians or even Punjabis and north Indians. You are right upto certain extent. Because not all the people of the nationalities I have mentioned are equally handsome, and not all the Muslims of Bengal are as ugly as you have tried to imply fingerpointing one face in the photograph.

There are many different types of faces among Muslim Bangalis, you will not see a single proto type in them. They have different shades of complexions, facial features etc. It is only because people from different stocks have migrated to Bengal during the Muslim rule of 600 years, and many local Hindus and Budhists also accepted Islam. So, we have become a mixed race people.

About complexion, people in Bengal are generally dark-skinned. Check the shade of skin of a not so well off Brahmin in Bengal who has to work under the sun like others. He will become certainly dark-skinned. If this continues for a few generations, his descendents will become permanently dark (not black).

Bangali Muslims are basically peasants, it is very natural that they would lose any fair complexion in the HUMID weather of Bengal. Even the Bangali Brahmins are not generally as fair as their counterparts in the North India. Therefore, your assumption is not correct that no other nationalities immigrated to Bengal.

I request you to read post #65 of the thread titled 'Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760' to get a glimse of historical facts about immigration. By the way, have you ever thought why President Obama should be regarded as a BLACK negro when his mother is a WHITE American?
I wonder what complexion, size & shape has to do with Bd 'overcoming Indian dominance' ?
I wonder what complexion, size & shape has to do with Bd 'overcoming Indian dominance' ?
Yes, this thread is drifting towards something else. So, please everybody stick to the topic. I myself will stick.
Please note that the Hindu Bangalis have always been more fundamentalists than their counterparts in any other Provinces of India. Muslim population in west Bengal is 28%, but the State govt's Muslim employees are less than 2%. These Bangali Hindu fundamentalists call us by JABAN, MOCHOLMAN etc. They had very successfully created a landless peasant class out of the once powerful Muslim population of Bengal during the Hindu/British rule of 190 years.

Their self-centered attitude was one of the main reasons that the Muslims had formed Muslim League in Dhaka and went after forming a separate country called Pakistan. The present day Pakistani people were not that oppressed by their Hindu counterparts during the British period. But, Bengal and Bihar were different. So, Pakistan movement was superficial in the present-day Pakistan, but not in Bengal and Bihar.

It is no wonder that the present day west Bengal is suffering the fate of a neglected Province of India has roots during the British Raj. Even when all other Hindus of other Indian Provinces went against the British in 1857, it was our Hindu neighbours whose brain and pen helped British in that war. Of course Punjab Sikhs were another group to support the British with their might.

Hindu Bangali roles have been compiled in a book titled in 'Kolkat-kendrik Budhijibi' by M.R. Akhter Mukul. Rabindranath Thakur once said that people who make other people suffer, they themselves will have to suffer the similar fate at the hands of those who are oppressed. He was talking about the oppression of Musalmans of Bengal by their Hindu neighbour. He died before his prophecy came true in 1947.

By all accounts, Bangali Hindus are most fundamentalist and most oppressive in the whole sub-continent.

Also you may recollect that one time in history, Hindus used to spit on Muslims if a fellow Muslim cross their property. Not so long ago.

I appreciate your post. Excellent analysis. :tup:
Do not worry, BD is building hundreds of small missile boats in the Khulna Shipyard. This shipyard is operated by our navy. The missiles are being supplied from Pakistan and about 50% of finish product will be induced in the Pakistan Navy. Our naval commandos are trained by South Korean navy.

Moreover, BD crews are now taking training to operate submarines. We are now at the final stage to purchase 4 submarines. With these and additions of new frigates BD navy will be second only after your India. So, do not dream that your naval blockade will be a simple push over.

These are C-802 misslies from China, has 98% success rates..
100 of that misslie boat are even enough for uncle sam to be over whelmed. :)
I stand to be corrected but methinks that his point is that you should look at the Bangladeshis and the Iranians and see the difference. I dont understand the reason for adding the two tubby Sardajhis there. :D

The point is simply that before anyone can think about 'countering' anything, they have to have a sense of identity. Its ridiculous how certain members claim to have foreign ancestry based on religion. Religion has absolutely NOTHING to do with your genes.

There are plenty of Bangladeshis in New Jersey and guess what? They still look like they're Bangladeshis. All this garbage about 'working in the sun' or 'humidity' reeks of an inferiority complex.

Their worldview warped beyond comprehension, if I'm half christian and the English introduced Christianity to the sub continent, does that mean I'm white? and if not why? and how is this different from how Islam spread to the sub continent.

I just found the picture of the sardarji's funny :D And lo and behold the conversation drifted onto complexion, north and south and this other nonsense mostly because of some serious underlying insecurities.
The point is simply that before anyone can think about 'countering' anything, they have to have a sense of identity. Its ridiculous how certain members claim to have foreign ancestry based on religion. Religion has absolutely NOTHING to do with your genes.

There are plenty of Bangladeshis in New Jersey and guess what? They still look like they're Bangladeshis. All this garbage about 'working in the sun' or 'humidity' reeks of an inferiority complex.

Their worldview warped beyond comprehension, if I'm half christian and the English introduced Christianity to the sub continent, does that mean I'm white? and if not why? and how is this different from how Islam spread to the sub continent.

I just found the picture of the sardarji's funny :D And lo and behold the conversation drifted onto complexion, north and south and this other nonsense mostly because of some serious underlying insecurities.

I still did not get your point. Your inferiority or superiority has nothing to do here either. We are talking about some historical facts. Bengali muslim is a mixed race and that is the fact.
I still did not get your point. Your inferiority or superiority has nothing to do here either. We are talking about some historical facts. Bengali muslim is a mixed race and that is the fact.

OK then, tell me how your race differs from Bengali Hindus, and Indians in general. Specifically what makes a Bengali muslim different from the rest of India.
OK then, tell me how your race differs from Bengali Hindus, and Indians in general. Specifically what makes a Bengali muslim different from the rest of India.

:D Well its a hybrid species. You know high yielding variety... :lol:
So exactly who in that picture looks Iranian?

Now, Have you ever been to Iran? Did you ever seen any Iranian farmer working in wheat field or any Iranian tribes riding donkeys in 110 degree farenhites? I been in rural Iran and I can assure you that I can find at least 3 people in that group picture which could be resembled with some rural Iranians.
Dont compare some Bengali day laborer with a Iranian posh models. I seen Iranian models too. :azn:
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