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What happened to Kaveri engine?

some things don't require professionalism but just common sense dude and the same thing 'common sense' clearly says that you are burning in fire of jealousy.
To fight a troll you should be a troll!
To fight a troll you should be a troll!
the guy is considering himself as something exactly in a way all indians consider india as a super power but in real we know what they really are.
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the guy is considering himself just like all indians consider india as a super power but in real we know what they really are.
In real the are the world largest poor population!
the guy is considering himself as something exactly in a way all indians consider india as a super power but in real we know what they really are.

This is exactly what debates with pakistanis devolve into.
After having lost the debate you lot usually spew off-topic nonsense and personal remarks to compensate for the fact that you lost the debate.
Either stick to the topic or have the gall to actually learn what you are actually arguing about.
This is exactly what debates with pakistanis devolve into.
After having lost the debate you lot usually spew off-topic nonsense and personal remarks to compensate for the fact that you lost the debate.
Either stick to the topic or have the gall to actually learn what you are actually arguing about.
when you will continue with your nuisance so there won't be much of a choice left for us to divert of-topic like this.
You don't have any refrence to base your claim about Babur missile yet you are still not accepting it.
i read a news long time ago and it said that indians are willing to accept israeli help in this matter and both agreed.there was no news after that.looks like they are working on it.may be several problems in this design.
Problem isn't with design. India designs first class VCE aero engines.
Problem is with hot corrosion and thermal creep coz we aren't that advanced with metallurgy.
Need, single crystal nickel based superalloys.
when you will continue with your nuisance so there won't be much of a choice left for us to divert of-topic like this.
You don't have any refrence to base your claim about Babur missile yet you are still not accepting it.

You do have a choice, state universally accepted facts and debate without resorting to logical fallacies, It's really that simple.
If your pov is correct then you won't have to go off-topic.

You have to realise, I too thought Babur was completely R&Ded by pakistan and took the initial reports at face value, all my doubts however come from you pakistanis after reading everything you lot have said, and not on what Indians said.
But but Kaveri is 'indigenous', why are the French involved? Consultancy again? I thought the Indians were the smartest in the world. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Chinese aren't supposed to taunt someone for foreign consultancy at least. India is self reliant in designing & suffers with metallurgical problems. Has China its own design of VCE engine?

Be it heavy ToTs or IPR purchases from Soviets or technological assistance from US itself.
February 15, 1996. A Chinese Long March 3B carrying a $200 million Loral satellite explodes 22 seconds after lilftoff.

March 14, 1996. President Clinton shifts control over regulating the export of communications satellites from the State Dept. which was primarily concerned with national security aspects of such exports, to the Commerce Dept., which is concerned with the economic benefits.

May 10, 1996. The Loral-led review commission investigating the February rocket explosion completes and passes on to Chinese officials its report, which according to the April 13, 1998 New York Times, discusses “sensitive aspects of the rocket’s guidance and control systems, which is an area of weakness in China’s missile programs.” The New York Times says that a Pentagon report concludes that, as a result of this technology transfer, “United States national security has been harmed”.

May 23, 1996. President Clinton calls for renewal of MFN for China, saying that renewal would not be “a referendum on all China’s policies,” but “a vote for America’s interests.”

June 8, 1996. China conducts an underground nuclear test.

July 21, 1996. Johnny Chung, according to the New York Times, brings Liu Chao-ying to two DNC fundraisers, including a $25,000 per couple dinner. Liu Chao-ying is a Lieutenant Colonel in the People’s Liberation Army and an executive at China Aerospace, which owns the Great Wall Industry Corp. that makes Long March rockets. Her father is the top commander of Chinese military forces. The New York Times says that Chung has told the Justice Dept. that Liu gave him the better part of $100,000 he contributed to the DNC in the latter part of 1996, and that the source of the money was the PLA.

July 29, 1996. China declares a moratorium on nuclear testing after conducting another nuclear test.

August 8, 1996. According to AP, Clinton meets again with Long Beach officials to advocate turning over the naval base to COSCO.

September 24, 1996. At the UN, President Clinton joins with the foreign ministers of China, France, Russia and Great Britain in signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty forbidding all testing of nuclear weapons.

November 5, 1996. President Clinton wins reelection. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the single largest Democratic donor during the election cycle was Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz, who gave $632,000 in ‘soft money’ to the Democratic Party between 1995 and 1996. The State Dept. issues regulations shifting responsibility for satellite launching licenses to the Commerce Dept.

January 1997. The Panamanian government awards the contract to operate the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the Panama Canal to a Hong Kong company, Hutchison Whampoa. China takes control of Hong Kong six months later. The United States, which is set to relinquish control of the canal next year, does not protest.

March 25, 1997. While in Beijing for a meeting with Premier Li Peng and President Jiang Zemin, Vice President Gore attends signing ceremonies for Boeing’s $685 million sale of five jetliners to China’s state-owned Civil Aviation Administration as well as a $1.3 billion joint venture between General Motors and China’s state-owned Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.

May 1997. According to the April 13, 1998 New York Times, a classified Pentagon report reveals that Hughes and Loral scientists “had turned over expertise that significantly improved the reliability of China’s nuclear missiles” following the February 1996 rocket explosion. Hughes and Loral deny the New York Times report when it is published in 1998.

May 19, 1997. President Clinton announces that he will authorize MFN renewal for China.

October 1997. Chinese President Jiang Zemin makes a state visit to the United States. During the trip, he stops at a Hughes site to discuss satellites.

January 15, 1998. After China promises that it will no longer aid Iran’s nuclear program, President Clinton certifies that China is a reliable partner for nuclear technology exchange.

February 19, 1998. Despite opposition from the Justice Dept, President Clinton signs a waiver approving the launch of a Loral satellite from a Chinese rocket and reportedly authorizing the transfer of the same type of technology that the Pentagon said had “harmed” US security and that the Justice Dept. was investigation Loral and Hughes for their illegally transferring in 1996.
Same America's same Bill Clinton was acerbic and vitriolic after our nuke tests in 1998 and put us under heavy sanctions.
Similar list with Soviets is even longer & needs a dedicated thread.

As for you, Chinese & Pakistanis as per PDF agenda keep downplaying foreign assistance & technical espionage to China and mock whatever India achieves as propaganda.
Access to foreign stuff India gets is minimal against China got and new player has to invest time & money. India took a decade in first ballistic missile & came up with an ICBM in less than 3 years.
This is nothing but jealousy.Our missile technology is admired by super powers like:US,China,Russia.
Factually incorrect or provide source. Any official statement or intellectual article.
US, Russia, China, France, India, Japan, UK & Germany individually produce at least 90+ out of all 94 missiles.

No other country is able to produce more than 50, even Pakistan only at 39.
Pakistan can't make seekers, proper solid rocket motors, RVs, spin stabilized boosters. It doesn't have much of interceptors, AAM, ARMs and even BMs are inspired from early M-series missiles & WeiShi rockets. You don't even have most kinds of missiles.

Only good think one may admire about is you still have a reasonable strategic force despite your low R&D and defense budgets.

Lot of Pakistanis keep bragging and claiming their missile tech to be ahead of India & Iran without any source, logic, explanation be it on basis, capability, CEP, or technology. Random bloggers just declare Pakistani missiles to be the "best" in world.
talk about your agni missile series as well that how you get it from US,France,Russia,Gernamy.
Agni is based on knowhow gained from Project Valiant and SLV-3 which was initially assisted by former Soviet Union.
Germany, USSR, USA & France had their own systems while UK, PRC, Japan & India had their assistances at some points and later poured billions to develop their own programs. Countries like Iran, DPRK or Pakistan which can't invest replicate their stages & import equipments like seekers and turbofans they are unable to manufacture.
You do have a choice, state universally accepted facts and debate without resorting to logical fallacies, It's really that simple.
If your pov is correct then you won't have to go off-topic.

You have to realise, I too thought Babur was completely R&Ded by pakistan and took the initial reports at face value, all my doubts however come from you pakistanis after reading everything you lot have said, and not on what Indians said.
I think you should have a view of just the 1st page of the thread and you will find many info which you aren't aware of.
1st fact is that navigations like DSMAC and TERCOM combined is not even found in chinese missiles but it is in Babur.
NESCOM and its subsidiary margalla electronics are responsible for the electronic of Babur i.e: INS etc
But for the engine part I will say that maybe Pakistan has got it from China.
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I think you should have a view of just the 1st page of the thread and you will find many info which you aren't aware of.
1st fact is that navigations like DSMAC and TERCOM combined is not even found in chinese missiles but it is in Babur.
NESCOM and its subsidiary margalla electronics are responsible for the electronic of Babur i.e: INS etc
But for the engine part I will say that maybe Pakistan has got it from China.

I suggest you read the whole thread and not just the first page, doing so is succumbing to confirmation bias.

As for electronics like the INS, as per MTCR, pakistan does not make such high tech avionics for missiles.
And likewise, I have never seen any confirmatory news from pakistani sources of NESCOM ever making some of these advanced miniaturized components for Babur.

We do know that pakistan co-produces avionics for the JF-17 with China, what is the workshare of this co-production and how much pakistan actually makes we don't know.

Technically, some radar altimeters for Inertial navigation systems that go on planes also go on missiles provided they are compact and light enough, but we don't really know the specs of the one in JF-17 and there's been no confirmation by PAC for the same.
Chinese aren't supposed to taunt someone for foreign consultancy at least. India is self reliant in designing & suffers with metallurgical problems. Has China its own design of VCE engine?
'Designed'. I have never seen an Indian engine, all were stuck in the perennial 'R&D' stage.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Do you even know how many turbojets, pistons and turbofan engines of different sizes we have designed and made? VCE engine? So tell me about this VCE engine? Let me guess, YOU DESIGNED IT and then nothing happened right?:lol:

Hey I am laughing at Indians because Indians have this holier than thou attitude where everything they do i s'indigenous', but even after so much 'consultancy' and spoonfeeding and supposedly milking sorry I mean TOT, where is India?You are still importing much of your weaponry because you talk more than you do and most of the R&D you do is crap. It's not even cut and paste, it's sticker and screwdriver tech. =)
'Designed'. I have never seen an Indian engine, all were stuck in the perennial 'R&D' stage.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Do you even know how many turbojets, pistons and turbofan engines of different sizes we have designed and made? VCE engine? So tell me about this VCE engine? Let me guess, YOU DESIGNED IT and then nothing happened right?:lol:

Hey I am laughing at Indians because Indians have this holier than thou attitude where everything they do i s'indigenous', but even after so much 'consultancy' and spoonfeeding and supposedly milking sorry I mean TOT, where is India?You are still importing much of your weaponry because you talk more than you do and most of the R&D you do is crap. It's not even cut and paste, it's sticker and screwdriver tech. =)
Do you have an actual argument or are you just going to give your ill informed judgements and pathetic trolling all over the thread as usual?

Coz from this diverting response, I've realized that your knowledge about technology and history is nil.
I suggest you read the whole thread and not just the first page, doing so is succumbing to confirmation bias.

As for electronics like the INS, as per MTCR, pakistan does not make such high tech avionics for missiles.
And likewise, I have never seen any confirmatory news from pakistani sources of NESCOM ever making some of these advanced miniaturized components for Babur.

We do know that pakistan co-produces avionics for the JF-17 with China, what is the workshare of this co-production and how much pakistan actually makes we don't know.

Technically, some radar altimeters for Inertial navigation systems that go on planes also go on missiles provided they are compact and light enough, but we don't really know the specs of the one in JF-17 and there's been no confirmation by PAC for the same.
who is MTCR to declare anything regarding Pakistan's missile program bro when we aren't even member of that organization.You have got nothing to proof about our missile being not indigenous accept some discussions and I read the whole thread and there isn't any potent point which speaks about your thinking so relax bro,drink some water to vanish that fire of jealousy and if you got potent points than you are welcome to post them over here.

'Designed'. I have never seen an Indian engine, all were stuck in the perennial 'R&D' stage.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Do you even know how many turbojets, pistons and turbofan engines of different sizes we have designed and made? VCE engine? So tell me about this VCE engine? Let me guess, YOU DESIGNED IT and then nothing happened right?:lol:

Hey I am laughing at Indians because Indians have this holier than thou attitude where everything they do i s'indigenous', but even after so much 'consultancy' and spoonfeeding and supposedly milking sorry I mean TOT, where is India?You are still importing much of your weaponry because you talk more than you do and most of the R&D you do is crap. It's not even cut and paste, it's sticker and screwdriver tech. =)
dude you destroyed them.Exactly these would be myne words too regarding them.
who is MTCR to declare anything regarding Pakistan's missile program bro when we aren't even member of that organization.
The list's from time when even India wasn't even member. It documents industrial capabilities of countries.

And its just a futile argument to say that "we are hiding something". I can also say that we have intergalactic star ships.

If Pakistani strategic forces were capable, 2016 stand off would have changed into a war for sure.
You have got nothing to proof about our missile being not indigenous accept some discussions
R&D budget is enough to reflect it. Rest might be from building blocks because countries get MRBMs, usually after SLVs.

Ultimate, indicator is IPR. India files 50k+ every year, Pak<1k.
dude you destroyed them.Exactly these would be myne words too regarding them.
Trolls love trolls indeed. Just like you, he can't argue with figure and facts. He can only talk & troll and declare every analyst a talker.:tup:

More pathetic are Pakistani cheerleaders who thank his posts. Specially that false flagger.
If Pakistani strategic forces were capable, 2016 stand off would have changed into a war for sure.
We are not crazy people hungry for taking lives of innocent people and if there would have been any violation of LOC by your infiltrators then it would have been turned into a war.
Surgical strike is a proud of one country and should be presented with pride telling to the world that 'we have strong force to enter into a nuclear country and perform an operation' not hide it like liars,poltroons and you have already succumbed in front of the world due to lack of evidence of so-called "'sir gi ka' strike" and if you want more insult than all you have to do is to ask for it.

R&D budget is enough to reflect it. Rest might be from building blocks because countries get MRBMs, usually after SLVs.
that's our special thing that with limited budget we are the worst nightmare for you and another example could be: north korea against US that with even lower budget they were worst nightmare for US.

Trolls love trolls indeed. Just like you, he can't argue with figure and facts. He can only talk & troll and declare every analyst a talker.:tup:

More pathetic are Pakistani cheerleaders who thank his posts. Specially that false flagger.
Why are you blaming us? you are urging us to troll you due to your nuisance dude.What are these facts that you wanna here? He wrote all the facts but you don't got what it takes to accept the truth.Isn't that right that all your R&D is crap i.e:nirbhay as its being cancelled, tejas: yet not inducted and received FOC after this much time, arjun tank or most likely ar-junk: failing during trials and etc.
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