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What happened to Kaveri engine?

We are not crazy people hungry for taking lives of innocent people
Narrative of your country disagrees with you. We wouldn't have seen Taliban coming into existence otherwise.

Anyways, confrontation had to escalate as Pakistani doctrine asserted a war in response of any expedition. It didn't is enough to reflect its credibility.

If Pakistan was capable, 2-3 more Kargils would have been there already.
and if there would have been any violation of LOC by your infiltrators then it would have been turned into a war.
If Pakistan was able to expedite in Kashmir, it would have escalated instead of denying of Indian strike.

Case closed.
Surgical strike is a proud of one country and should be presented with pride telling to the world
Only for you, for India its just addition of unpredictability to the doctrine as India already enjoys military advantage because of its size.
that's our special thing that with limited budget we are the worst nightmare for you and another example could be: north korea against US that with even lower budget they were worst nightmare for US.
What's your age?

Why are you blaming us? you are urging us to troll you due to your nuisance dude.What are these facts that you wanna here? He wrote all the facts but you don't got what it takes to accept the truth.Isn't that right that all your R&D is crap i.e:nirbhay as its being cancelled, tejas: yet not inducted and received FOC after this much time, arjun tank or most likely ar-junk: failing during trials and etc.
There's a difference between mindless judgement and fact based analysis because Indian spectrum of weapons is far broader than Pakistani one.

See my comment what he quoted is more than enough.
Narrative of your country disagrees with you. We wouldn't have seen Taliban coming into existence otherwise.

Anyways, confrontation had to escalate as Pakistani doctrine asserted a war in response of any expedition. It didn't is enough to reflect its credibility.

If Pakistan was capable, 2-3 more Kargils would have been there already.
You are a fine one to talk LOL when you are funding them in Afghanistan and crying when US is about to exit from there.The real taliban's fight is only against US to force them to leave their country.

we are not capable just because of money as our economy can't survive the effects of war but military wise we are more than capable.
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we are not capable just because of money as our economy can't survive the effects of war but military wise we are more than capable.
You are not very good at staying on one topic or continue any discussion. You just troll on basis of what's in pop media. Aren't you?
If Pakistan was able to expedite in Kashmir, it would have escalated instead of denying of Indian strike.

Case closed.
You can't even dream of doing an strike over here.
case closed.
You can't even dream of doing an strike over here.
case closed.
I'm pretty sure that you are yet to read about military doctrines of your own country.

Otherwise, you'd know why I wrote that thing and wouldn't have given this stupid response.
I'm pretty sure that you are yet to read about military doctrines of your own country.

Otherwise, you'd know why I wrote that thing and wouldn't have given this stupid response.
the one who is dreaming over here is you along with your country.All you have to do is to give evidence of the strike and that's all but your government is just blabbering and trying to fool you.
the one who is dreaming over here is you along with your country.All you have to do is to give evidence of the strike and that's all but your government is just blabbering and trying to fool you.
The point here is that even if Indian government blabbered, Pakistan was supposed to carry out a counter offensive operation in response as per its doctrine what it didn't.

As for @Hn Patriot, here's the post where he's bitten. Chinese usually get triggered when someone mentions loral. Post had content for you too.
For you, I can go ahead and open all spectrums of Space, aerospace, R&D, naval tech, laser tech, quantum computing, Tokamaks, different types of Reactors, semiconductors and superconductors, superalloys and composites and their IPRs as result of our sh*t R&D if you want.
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There's a difference between mindless judgement and fact based analysis because Indian spectrum of weapons is far broader than Pakistani one.

See my comment what he quoted is more than enough.
ok so your judgement is the judgement of a genius and based on so called facts.right?
Bro I should be asking that question from you that what is your age.Basically you are deluded by your pathological liar society and it's result of that you are talking so pathetically.
ok so your judgement is the judgement of a genius and based on so called facts.right?
Bro I should be asking that question from you that what is your age.Basically you are deluded by your pathological liar society and it's result of that you are talking so pathetically.
Show up or shut up. Contradict me with argument or you can stop here.

I'm a 30 years old professional pressure equipment engineer.
My deluded society has grown economically much faster than your enlightened society (founded on ideologies) in last 3 decades and files 45k+ new inventions every year. 6 of them are mine too.
Show up or shut up. Contradict me with argument or you can stop here.

I'm a 30 years old professional pressure equipment engineer.
My deluded society has grown economically much faster than your enlightened society (founded on ideologies) in last 3 decades and files 45k+ new inventions every year. 6 of them are mine too.
Already giving up? there is a lot of bitter truth ahead.Already given dozens but you are too proud to accept it.
well I'm an student then currently studying CS.
Yeah I can see that growth because of patriotic leaders which we lacked but now is different time and we got different leader than earlier ones to which are quite patriotic and the reason for modi to spread commotion but not any action.this is the news just for the january:
and UAE,Malaysia,Germany are also keen to invest in this isolated country.
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The list's from time when even India wasn't even member. It documents industrial capabilities of countries.

And its just a futile argument to say that "we are hiding something". I can also say that we have intergalactic star ships.

If Pakistani strategic forces were capable, 2016 stand off would have changed into a war for sure.

R&D budget is enough to reflect it. Rest might be from building blocks because countries get MRBMs, usually after SLVs.

Ultimate, indicator is IPR. India files 50k+ every year, Pak<1k.

Trolls love trolls indeed. Just like you, he can't argue with figure and facts. He can only talk & troll and declare every analyst a talker.:tup:

More pathetic are Pakistani cheerleaders who thank his posts. Specially that false flagger.
Here comes another fan of the patents. Who in their right mind would publish secret defense technologies, oh wait I guess we have a winner in this category too.

Narrative of your country disagrees with you. We wouldn't have seen Taliban coming into existence otherwise.

Anyways, confrontation had to escalate as Pakistani doctrine asserted a war in response of any expedition. It didn't is enough to reflect its credibility.

If Pakistan was capable, 2-3 more Kargils would have been there already.

If Pakistan was able to expedite in Kashmir, it would have escalated instead of denying of Indian strike.

Case closed.
You have to have an action to expect a reaction from our side. Indians are only good at bragging, blowing trumpets and showing false bravado, I guess due to lack any real-life stories of valor you people start concocting mythical ones. Over a billion+ milksops, 70+ years and cannot take back what they claim to be the rightful owners of.
who is MTCR to declare anything regarding Pakistan's missile program bro when we aren't even member of that organization.

Who is MTCR?

MTCR is an inter-governmental organization to prevent missile and UAV proliferation.
There's a reason why both Pakistan and China are not in the MTCR.

MTCR's research is more comprehensive and real than what a few people on an internet forum can drum up.
MTCR would(because of the information passed on by its 35 member states and also by their own research) know if a non-member or member state is either making or importing components for missiles.

Since pakistan hides its failures and refuses to reveal the origins of its missiles, MTCR is the next best source to figure out if pakistan actually makes the subsystem for the said missiles.

Even export control organizations of various countries refer to the MTCR.
Some time ago pakistani entities were banned by USA's Exports Administration Regulations (EAR), which also borrows from the MTCR.

You have got nothing to proof about our missile being not indigenous

What you are doing right there is called shifting the burden of proof.
The onus is on you to prove that pakistan makes those subsystems not on me to disprove that pakistan doesn't.

and I read the whole thread and there isn't any potent point which speaks about your thinking so relax bro,drink some water to vanish that fire of jealousy and if you got potent points than you are welcome to post them over here.

If you have read the whole thread then you already know there is not a single pakistani source to prove that pakistan actually does make any of the subsystems for Babur you think it makes, and likewise you have provided not one single source for the same.

As I said, if USA couldn't make zero failure cruise missiles in a few years with their billion dollar budgets, infrastructure and advanced technical knowhow, then pakistan can't either. It's foolish to think otherwise.

If pakistan was so good at making weapon systems cheap and in so little a time and with zero failures, then this would be carried over to most if not all weapon systems pak uses and not just cruise missiles, but we don't see that.
What we do see is pakistan buying almost exclusively from other countries.
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Do you have an actual argument or are you just going to give your ill informed judgements and pathetic trolling all over the thread as usual?

Coz from this diverting response, I've realized that your knowledge about technology and history is nil.
I am still waiting for this supposedly advanced VCE engine? Or is it in CAD form?:rofl::rofl::rofl:. You talk as if India has got some advanced R&D program but the reality is the GOI is employing a bunch of obese babus doing 'research' for decades.:D
Already giving up? there is a lot of bitter truth ahead.
:crazy: What's bitter for me if UAE invests Pakistan.
Already given dozens but
Proofs? Or individual sources?
Indian forces have different requirements and that keep changing every year pushing project ahead usually.
Arjun for composite material or Indian engine, LCA or Landing gear or EW suits, (partial delays due to 98s economic sanctions), Nirbhay has just been getting MANIK in place of NPO Saturn and newly developed seekers.

UUVs, interceptors, SAMs, LVs & there are hundreds. When Pakistan had seekers and turbofans last time?
you are too proud to accept it.
well I'm an student then currently studying CS.
You are too young to debate with me. You started to Google things, news and joined Pakistani troll gang on local forum. Not much above the standard of a YouTube keyboard warrior.
You have way hell too much trolled me :hitwall: since start with this kiddish boasting & comments.
Yeah I can see that growth because of patriotic leaders which we lacked but now is different time and we got different leader than earlier ones to which are quite patriotic and the reason for modi to spread commotion but not any action.this is the news just for the january:
and UAE,Malaysia,Germany are also keen to invest in this isolated country.
Again, the 13 years old nationalist. What their keenness to invest in renewable energy has to do with India (Nevertheless India itself is second largest prouducer of renewable energy)?
Isolation is a relative term but again, our debate was regrading technological prowess in missiles.
I can quantify as well as explain my points, you guys just are quoting random links to somehow deem Indian sector to be incompetent against Pakistani R&D (doesn't exist).

Not wanna offend, but here you are acting like you are at war with me on this keyboard.:D
Here comes another fan of the patents. Who in their right mind would publish secret defense technologies, oh wait I guess we have a winner in this category too.
The quote regarding patent was essentially the response to claim of somehow saying that national or racial incompetency is there in technological development.

As for defence, I won't even waste my time again explaining semiconductors or composites because I've already quoted MTCR for that.
Nor, I'm going to ask about "secret intergalactic techs" you've been hiding from us coz reactions during stand off portrayed capabilities very well.

Specially for missiles, you've to file NOTAMs and NAVAREAs otherwise accident will cause war.

And if you think India's finalized and published defence projects are "secret", you know nothing.

Without wasting time, I know that JF17 has Pakistani mission software. What else was developed from Pakistan (not trivial things like landing gear)?
If you wanna say its secret, don't even quote me. Enough
You have to have an action to expect a reaction from our side. Indians are only good at bragging, blowing trumpets and showing false bravado, I guess due to lack any real-life stories of valor you people start concocting mythical ones.
Declare that and pull outta every trouble.
Territorial changes and relative position in international arena reflects it very well.
Over a billion+ milksops, 70+ years and cannot take back what they claim to be the rightful owners of.
Kick out all third parties and make sure its only two.
I am still waiting for this supposedly advanced VCE engine? Or is it in CAD form?:rofl::rofl::rofl:. You talk as if India has got some advanced R&D program but the reality is the GOI is employing a bunch of obese babus doing 'research' for decades.:D
I'm waiting for any technical response.
As you are too stupid to explain difference between the metallurgical and designing problems and why rooting out hot corrosion and thermal creep is critical,

I'd like to confirm if you can explain what a VCE is or even state the full form of VCE.:D
Otherwise, I don't think you even need to respond if you can't debate technically.
I'd like to confirm if you can explain what a VCE is or even state the full form of VCE.:D
Otherwise, I don't think you even need to respond if you can't debate technically.
That's why I am asking, I am not as 'technically competent' as you. :rofl::rofl::rofl:. So what is this Indian VCE? At what stage is it? :D
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