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What Can Trigger an Indo-Pak War? Will it remain LimitedWar?

Sir that is his personal opinion not an official word cause when the war started he was not on his post he had retired. That is not official knowledge. My question still remains from @Joe Shearer on evidence about starting the war. Wars always have documented event which lead to their start. So all 5 war mentioned should have events which point that Pakistan started them.
If you consider the clear and concise statements of Pakistani Air Chief as personal opinion and discard them, I am afraid that not much else is going to convince you, certainly not Indian evidence. If you are going to rely only on the 'official word' of Pakistani military, then your question was rhetorical because it can not be answered and this would be a futile exercise for any Indian member.
If you consider the clear and concise statements of Pakistani Air Chief as personal opinion and discard them, I am afraid that not much else is going to convince you, certainly not Indian evidence. If you are going to rely only on the 'official word' of Pakistani military, then your question was rhetorical because it can not be answered and this would be a futile exercise for any Indian member.

Sir evidence is evidence I get convinced or not has no value the readers decide that. I am here to engage in discussion and provide my point of view which is a normal practice. In the video you gave Our Air Chief said he had no prior knowledge of Pakistan attacking India during his time of duty and the war started few days after his retirement which means that his description of events is his personal opinion not evidence. People have personal opinion.
I am against causing corruption on Earth but Justice must prevail. If Hindus start killing muslims left and right and go on a genocide spree, Pakistan has to step in at that point.
The Indian Muslims have to step up at that point.
They have repeatedly asked us to not interfere because India is their country and they know how to look after their own interests and affairs.
Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai.
The continuation of Indian passive agressive behaviors against PAKISTANI interests will trigger the next big war. PAKISTAN will not play the same game. Our response will be very much active agressive and resolute. I have smelled Hussain Haqqani(s) in this forum , by the way.
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Dear Mr. Moderator Sir, Look into my negative ratings, and you will understand why I avoid conversations with members empowered to lash out where I can't retaliate.

On another thread, @IceCold has misreported something, probably due to ignorance; do you think I will intervene? I will not, because he is being corroborated by someone whom I would trust just as far as I can throw the Taj Mahal.

If I sound bitter, it's because I have been through this game before. There are both you and @LeGenD in this conversation; how long before the passive member hangs me by the neck, if the reply to the active member seems to lack reverence and humility?

My sincere respects, but I am not interested in entrapment of this sort. Have fun; you've earned it.

PS: And please convey to the court jester in attendance that I shall be at his service on the 4th of May 2025.
Joe Do you remember the time you asked me to read a certain book on what Pakistan was doing in India through East Pakistan, if i may ask politely to not label me openly but rather point out in the relevant threat about the misreporting and i may go back and study from different sources to counter or stand corrected.
Joe Do you remember the time you asked me to read a certain book on what Pakistan was doing in India through East Pakistan, if i may ask politely to not label me openly but rather point out in the relevant threat about the misreporting and i may go back and study from different sources to counter or stand corrected.

I certainly shall. I hope you read my reference carefully, by the way. Kahin pe nigaah hai, kahin pe nishana...

Please give me about half an hour; I have soup on the boil.
@Nilgiri and surprisingly @Joe Shearer and @MastanKhan
Please stick to topic. No need to derail the thread.

Can you please take the discussion about that "amazing" song/voice to the relevant thread:

Thank you.
Guys Guys!!

The title of the thread:
What Can Trigger an Indo-Pak War? Will it remain LimitedWar?
Right now it looks like the members of PDF can do that!

No personal attacks/insults please.
Can someone help me put on the priorities/gravitas when this poster writes in
- Default font
- Normal font but higher size
- Bold but in black
- Bold, in black but higher in size
- Default Font but colored
- Default font but colored and higher in size
- Bold, high size and colored

And then add "underline" to permutation and combination. :tsk:

Astonishing to see how much time poster spend on finding the adjectives and coloring them in bold.

Wondering whether he really want to post some message or seek some applause for being creative with words. Looks like poster is in awe of himself.

PS: Sorry for being off topic but its really sore to eyes to read his posts.
My advice would be to just copy paste in notepad and then try reading. I think there is a readers button in MS Edge or IE now that removes most of the formatting in a page.

On topic:
1) Modi having difficulty in re-election
2) Ongoing persecution of Muslims, if it takes a bloody turn, may cause radicalization in our country and the sleeping/tamed/pacified actors may just take matters in their hand and do something stupid.
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I have seen people often criticizing Those who actually are good posters and talk truth with rationality and deep understanding.

You criticizing @Mangus Ortus Novem is nothing less of such example.

Its funny how you are pointing out the underlines and bolds and colors, While completely ignoring the objectives behind those font styles, Their implications and how every word weighs with respect to other, Where to focus.

If you can print such writing which (obviously your type CAN’T), produce such example...

Off-course I cant, as in the world of professionalism I lives in, its considered as amateur. So its natural for me to be at unease, a rainbow post might work wonders for you though, so I wont question your liking.

Moreover objective, what it seems like, is tossing up buzz words, seek attention and get famous among your likes, which is evident.

My advice would be to just copy paste in notepad and then try reading. I think there is a readers button in MS Edge or IE now that removes most of the formatting in a page.

Nice suggestion, but let me give his posts a pass. There are many more good posters on this forum who are pleasure to read.
The EconomicPowerShift to the East has been ongoing for past two decades... ASEAN+China became and remain high productivity region...and there is much more room for further economic growth...unlike mature economies of the CombinedWest.

However, China has gain too much Technological Advancement and is becoming an IndpendentActor...trying to shape the Rules of the Game to its liking...equivalent to its econonomic/technology weight.

This would essentially mean the Reduction of Comprehensive Power of the CombinedWest.... hence the influence on global economic, financial and geopolitical landscape.... In short... after last 2+ Centuries of Total Power over the Rest the CombinedWest would then have to play by the NewRules.

NewRules = NewWorldOrder

Nobody gives up privilge or power freely... the Challenger needs to take it. That is the Nature of Power.

We have already seen the growing differentiations among states ... on which side they are. In this Struggle for Power there cann't be any neutralitiy... or to maintain it is up hill struggle for any state to do so.

The Chinese have work deligently over the past three decades
... having clear vision for what they want The Middle Kingdom to be.... having benchmarked China with the US...they could, with clarity, develop their Key Techonology and Scientific sectors.... which they did and are doing with great vigour and financial support...

A tiny Japan became an independent Actor in WW2
with its industrial base to churn out weapons of long distance war.... China is a GiantBeast compared to that.

And with BRI China started to create a Global GeoEconomic Power Architecture with The MiddleKingdom as its Centre. CPEC.

Another five years of peace/space would allow China to become almost Eaqual to the present TechnoFeudalHierachy of the CombinedWest.... without being under control of anyone.

A True Independent Actor!

The Chinese are now pushing for Global Industrial Standards ...which in itself is seminal event/happening ...because till now all Standards of the world were determined by the CombinedWest.

In a nutshell its about keeping the Dominance or the Present World Order with its Rules of the Game.

China is seen a Disruptor....by its size and capacity...growing capabilities in all fields...thus cutting, per default, the Comprehensive Power of the CombinedWest.

This is what the exisitng Order wishes/needs to stop if it wishes to keep the Architecutre of its own Design 'governing' the world.

In the context of Pakistan and India this is imperative to understand why this is possible area of Great Power Struggle.

Geostrategy as Political, Economical and Military Framework is the invention of the British in the modern context.... the World Island fame...

When the British left they left behind an Artificial Construct ...a massive state.... with clear geostrategic purpose.

The Purpose:

1- Keeping Pakistan Down so that not another Muslims Rule occur in the Subcontinent that could become a power on its own and an Independent Actor.

2- Keeping China out of Kashmir and Tibet, SouthTibet, Sikkim.... and South Asia at large.... the earliest ChinaContainment Strategy!!!

India was from the very start a Containtment Tool.

And its role in the present Struggle of Dominace has only grown. All the $Billions of aid or preferential trade or nudging the GCC to hire more good Indians...sending $50+ Bln to India every year so that it can spend the same on its defence.... all interlinked!

This is also the fundamental alignment of Sino-Pak Strategic Interests to keep India Containment in reverse.

Balakot was India's first attempt to break this Sino-Pak Containment... won the election for Modi... but the Containment didn't break... SwiftRetort ... Funtastik Tea... back to the drawing board.

KhooniVirus. CheapOil. Everything China's Fault... production going to move to ASEAN and India... Rhetoric. Rhetoric.

At this stage even if China accepts the existing StatusQuo of the Dominance of the CombinedWest... it will not be allowed to climb the TechnoFeudalHierachy... and without it... there cann't be any ChineseDream of modestly prosperous society of 1.4Bln Chinese.

For now it is high stakes pocker with the Global Game of Chicken... each side trying the other to Blink first... Not blinking means Conflict. Which is more likely. @MastanKhan

China must be prepared for all Nine Vectors of War unleashed upon it.... it has not won the Hybridwar in HongKong yet...taste of things to come...

Tibet is the Palm of China ... XinJiang is its soft underbelly.... CPEC.

The Great Powers normally avoid DirectConflicts in order to recieve mortal wounds... that is where the ProxyWars come in...

India enjoys now full support of the CombinedWest ...and has the potential to become a real challenger to China ..thus reducing the Chinese Comprehensive National Strength ... and cutting it off from SouthAsia. CPEC.

In other words... the Great Power Struggle is NOT in SouthChinaSea but is in AfroPak/AfroAsianOcean and in Kashmir/BG.

Blood Borders thesis is still active @HRK

In a scenario where India attacks GB/AJK and manages to take it...linking it with Kabulistan directly... China's Soft Underbelly, XinJiang, will be exposed like never before... and then Pressure from SouthChinaSea will become to accute for China to manage for long.... Containment of China completed!

In the scenario stated above... the CombinedWest will fully support India...and before such a scenario.... Pak can expect FATF or other types of sanctions as well...just make the playing field for the good Indians easier. MatchFixing!

Should such a scenario come to pass the Global Power Architecture will remain i.e StatusQuo will pervail for another 50years at least!

What could be China's options in such a scenario?

What can Pakistan do in such a scenario?

UAE on the Greylist.... KSA having own financial problems... where comes the support from then?

What will Persia do in such a scenario?

Cutting of Pakistan from China will liberate India from the Containment of SouthAsia ...with larger territory to boast.

CPEC. It is not just a road or some powerplants...

All the attacks on CPEC or laster interations of caring for Pakistan regarding loans... all part of the same overall Strategy.

CPEC is China's Arm and it can touch the AfroAsian/AfroPakOcean ....

India will attack Pakistan!!!

PMIK has once again warned the non-listening WorldCommunity of the possible IndianFalseFlags .... it will no difference....but better to have things on the record!


@Verve @Reddington @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @The Eagle @PakSword @BHarwana @Mentee

I know you have left...but I am tagging you nevertheless, my Dildaar PaaJee @SIPRA
PMIK has once again warned the non-listening WorldCommunity of the possible IndianFalseFlags .... it will no difference....but better to have things on the record!

I think that's after his meeting with DG ISI; i really hope this time around if it happen, Pakistan takes the gloves off. Otherwise may not get a chance again.
I think that's after his meeting with DG ISI; i really hope this time around if it happen, Pakistan takes the gloves off. Otherwise may not get a chance again.

Correct you are!

Theatre might be ours but forces behind this war have a Grander Agenda....

When India attacks, and attack it will, we must Fight as if it is Our Last Fight.... because, in a way this will be!

I am sure OurArmedForces are also estimating it as such....

Defeat means Death!
Correct you are!

Theatre might be ours but forces behind this war have a Grander Agenda....

When India attacks, and attack it will, we must Fight as if it is Our Last Fight.... because, in a way this will be!

I am sure OurArmedForces are also estimating it as such....

Defeat means Death!

I am also more interested to see that what role "our allies" has to play in it; conflict in GB is not only a problem for Pakistan but for China it's also a national security problem. I hope this time around India gets that two front war she's yearning for from too long.
I am also more interested to see that what role "our allies" has to play in it; conflict in GB is not only a problem for Pakistan but for China it's also a national security problem. I hope this time around India gets that two front war she's yearning for from too long.

Remember the Five Fingers?
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