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What Can Trigger an Indo-Pak War? Will it remain LimitedWar?

I think you are right; he is sane enough to counteract whatever deranged acts are committed elsewhere.

Uh, i meant in the sense he's a coward but sure, cowardice can also be equated with sanity.

Bravery is the opposite of sanity. The sane choice is never brave, it wouldn't be brave if it was sane.

So yeah, he's sanest leader Pakistan ever had.
better if you re-read mine instead. thanks

oops! dumb old me had put one line in the wrong place, fixed now. please re-read, thanks

A proxy war b/w NATO and China.
Thats one way to describe it. Even though we would war, China/NATO or no China/NATO.

Kashmir will only be resolved with WAR.
US of A will determine the time once it is certain that bharat won't **ck it up like it did the last time

yup, sure! with the exception of entirety of NATO countries injuns will have no backers. next one is a war between NATO and China by proxy.

It is not the USA but the USA phone boy sitting in Islamabad is the main issue. You need leadership which can ignore American phone calls.
US of A will determine the time once it is certain that bharat won't **ck it up like it did the last time


They can decide, a time and place of their choosing, IA we will insure that they fcuk it up in the most spectacular manner.
They can decide, a time and place of their choosing, IA we will insure that they fcuk it up in the most spectacular manner.
They had the same idea the last they gave those idiots the green signal.

It wouldn't be different this time either.
Pakistan has no allies, we may get some weapons, for free or on deffered terms, but we have no allies, in India Pakistan war.

Same story for India.
We have allies, 27th Feb proved it, but more than allies, we need the Almighty's blessings.
They had the same idea the last they gave those idiots the green signal.

It wouldn't be different this time either.
this time they will be re-motivated, retrained and re-equipped unlike the last time when Uncle Sam got took in by modis's bragging
We have allies, 27th Feb proved it, but more than allies, we need the Almighty's blessings.

The original person asked if someone will join in the war. As in boots-on-ground.

We dont have any allies who will do that. China cant, as then it will have to face NATO/US.
Turkey cant even if they wanted to. They are not ottoman empire anymore. Besides, they too would have to face Europe in that case.

this time they will be re-motivated, retrained and re-equipped unlike the last time when Uncle Sam got took in by modis's bragging

re-motivated, retrained, re-equipped.

going on for a long long time.

never have worked for them. bravery cant be trained in.

We still are living on a River, Jhelum river to be exact. I sometimes think that my family has been living there since Alexander went and attacked porus.

Do NOT give out your personal information. You would know, intelligence agencies watch this forum.

Delete this information. Its not a matter of bravery. You do not have to prove your patriotism to anyone on this forum. No soldier gives away his personal info.

Let me know when you have removed this info, so I can delete it from above too.
this time they will be re-motivated, retrained and re-equipped unlike the last time when Uncle Sam got took in by modis's bragging
As long as the caste system is alive and kicking, it will insure that no amount of training can turn the injun's into a fighting force.


The original person asked if someone will join in the war. As in boots-on-ground.

We dont have any allies who will do that. China cant, as then it will have to face NATO/US.
Turkey cant even if they wanted to. They are not ottoman empire anymore. Besides, they too would have to face Europe in that case.
We dont need boots on the ground, we need other things, things that should not be discussed on an open forum
Can someone help me put on the priorities/gravitas when this poster writes in
- Default font
- Normal font but higher size
- Bold but in black
- Bold, in black but higher in size
- Default Font but colored
- Default font but colored and higher in size
- Bold, high size and colored

And then add "underline" to permutation and combination. :tsk:

Astonishing to see how much time poster spend on finding the adjectives and coloring them in bold.

Wondering whether he really want to post some message or seek some applause for being creative with words. Looks like poster is in awe of himself.

PS: Sorry for being off topic but its really sore to eyes to read his posts.
I have seen people often criticizing Those who actually are good posters and talk truth with rationality and deep understanding.

You criticizing @Mangus Ortus Novem is nothing less of such example.

Its funny how you are pointing out the underlines and bolds and colors, While completely ignoring the objectives behind those font styles, Their implications and how every word weighs with respect to other, Where to focus.

If you can print such writing which (obviously your type CAN’T), produce such example...
It is not upto the Indians to decide when the next Indio-Pak war starts. We PAKISTANIS will decide when and how that will take place. Banias are always scared of wars regardless of their occasional sabre rattling.

Dear and honorable Sir,

This is a representation from an Old Fool to the Old School; please do not be unkind to the aged and infirm of mind, but read it through.

Nobody, for one moment, doubts Pakistan's outstanding abilities to start wars.

That was never in doubt, not for one moment. The whole world has stood transfixed with admiration as Pakistan has started wars five times, four times against the scared banias next door, cowering in their pee-drenched dhotis, once against the might of the Soviet Empire. It stood wondering and spell-bound, as it won a famous victory.

But that was never the point.

The point was to finish what had been started. The point was to finish wars.

When you do learn that, you will be the Switzerland of the east, in military terms. People will think once, twice, twenty times before trying your valour. Your soldiers will win renown abroad, wherever they fight.

Until then, Finland, Albania, Greece - all were gallant nations, all fought readily against daunting odds, all won the applause of the whole world for their panache and courage.
Dear and honorable Sir,

This is a representation from an Old Fool to the Old School; please do not be unkind to the aged and infirm of mind, but read it through.

Nobody, for one moment, doubts Pakistan's outstanding abilities to start wars.

That was never in doubt, not for one moment. The whole world has stood transfixed with admiration as Pakistan has started wars five times, four times against the scared banias next door, cowering in their pee-drenched dhotis, once against the might of the Soviet Empire. It stood wondering and spell-bound, as it won a famous victory.

But that was never the point.

The point was to finish what had been started. The point was to finish wars.

When you do learn that, you will be the Switzerland of the east, in military terms. People will think once, twice, twenty times before trying your valour. Your soldiers will win renown abroad, wherever they fight.

Until then, Finland, Albania, Greece - all were gallant nations, all fought readily against daunting odds, all won the applause of the whole world for their panache and courage.

Nice post.

But I did not get the connect between Finland and Pakistan.
Nice post.

But I did not get the connect between Finland and Pakistan.

Remind this Old Fool quickly: how many wars has it won against Russia? Or Skander Beg against the Ottomans? Or Greece against the Turks?
Remind this Old Fool quickly: how many wars has it won against Russia? Or Skander Beg against the Ottomans? Or Greece against the Turks?

Both fin-ished Russia.

Got it. Thanks.

Though as far as I can see, the Finns, short of Fulda Gap at the height of the Cold War, are not still fighting.
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