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What can Pakistan learn from Bangladesh?

Bangladesh is in a much better financial situation than Pakistan. More than 40 billion dollars in reserves vs 18 billion dollars in Pakistan. Moreover, Bangladesh has 30 billion dollars in exports vs Pakistan's meager 20 billion dollars.

Around 40 billion dollar export! Just for your info!

What are Bangladeshis smoking now a days .... match Bangladesh economy in ten years?

dollar devaluation doesn’t mean all of a sudden we have less industrial capacity, less technology, less strategic value , less infrastructure , less resources ........

yes dollar devaluation made Pakistani GDP look less but GDP is a poor measure of any country’s true economic Position.
So in two years Bangladesh went ahead of Pakistan???? Only Hasina and her administration can achieve such fictitious achievement.
Look at PPP ranking as a more accurate reflection of a country. Even that has many inherent weakness but again people will believe what their leaders tell them.

Recent report mate that Bangladesh will be too 25 economy by 2034 and one of the four trillion dollar economy among Muslim countries beside Indonesia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately Pakistan won’t be in even too 40 economies despite having around 30% more population.

Published on 12:00 AM, January 05, 2020
Bangladesh economy to be 25th largest in 15 years
Predicts British think-tank


‘We are now enjoying the benefits of independence. Otherwise, Bangladesh would have remained a backward country,’ he said.

Having a better economy does not mean you are not a backward country. Good for you that your economy is progressing but lets be clear that you haven't faced the challenges Pakistan has faced over the years and despite those challenges we are going strong. But yes, credit where it's due.
Having a better economy does not mean you are not a backward country. Good for you that your economy is progressing but lets be clear that you haven't faced the challenges Pakistan has faced over the years and despite those challenges we are going strong. But yes, credit where it's due.
Pakistani is a security state and as long it remains such, there can never be any economic prosperity here. India, Bangladesh have moved on.
Pakistani is a security state and as long it remains such, there can never be any economic prosperity here. India, Bangladesh have moved on.

As long as we have Afghans and Indians on either side, we will always have our focus on issues bigger than economic prosperity... plus we have amazing politicians who have looted the entire country and have been set free so that's a bonus really.
Around 40 billion dollar export! Just for your info!
Sorry I misquoted. Bangladesh has more than 30 billion dollars in reserves while more than 40 billion dollars in exports.

As long as we have Afghans and Indians on either side, we will always have our focus on issues bigger than economic prosperity... plus we have amazing politicians who have looted the entire country and have been set free so that's a bonus really.
U cannot blame the neighbors for your own failed foreign policies.
Bangladesh is in a much better financial situation than Pakistan. More than 40 billion dollars in reserves vs 18 billion dollars in Pakistan. Moreover, Bangladesh has 30 billion dollars in exports vs Pakistan's meager 20 billion dollars.

First of all let’s get our numbers correct .... Pakistan exported over $24 billion and Bangladesh exported $40 billion (98 percent clothing/ textile related products).
Cheap and efficient labour makes it a good destination for this low skilled sector.

Bangladesh faces no strategic threats , sanctions and discrimination and has not fought a 17 year war. We have !
our losses are tremendous and our resources lost to the war are in hundreds of billions.

If Bangladeshis exaggerates their achievements then Pakistan under states theirs. Our 33 percent economy is undocumented !

I have to give credit where it’s due and Bangladeshis have achieved in human development .....

what pisses me off is Modi style policies and claims:

they have 18 planes ..... 13 serviceable and they claim they will compete with Emirates.....

We have dropped almost seven ranks due to the dollar depreciation so all of a sudden Bangladesh is an economic miracle? No it’s not.

making cloths will not make them economic giant......

we have a lot to catch up to but it’s by no means gloom and doom

Around 40 billion dollar export! Just for your info!

Recent report mate that Bangladesh will be too 25 economy by 2034 and one of the four trillion dollar economy among Muslim countries beside Indonesia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately Pakistan won’t be in even too 40 economies despite having around 30% more population.

Published on 12:00 AM, January 05, 2020
Bangladesh economy to be 25th largest in 15 years
Predicts British think-tank



no one predicted Indian economy collapse last year.... not IMF not The world bank.... it’s a joke to predict something in 15 years times..... I saw Iraq disappeared , Syria disappeared, Iran fading away and at one time their standard of living and wealth was amazing.....
No one can predict what will happen tomorrow let alone 15 years from now
Forget about others as each country is different.
Look what Norway did with it's oil compared to say Nigeria or Venezuela.
The UK was a coloniser and acknowledged that they were in BD to loot.
When is Pakistan going to admit to looting it's own countrymen?

So yeah, you cannot name a single country that became a super power based on jute

You mentioned oil to change the topic, but I will say, oil is the most important resource in our modern world. Jute has never been, and will never be "the most important resource"

So let's logic this out.
The British are all good and fine since they said "yeah we looted you" ?
This is what they did you you people.... MULTIPLE TIMES

Yet you have zero hatred for them.

Instead you are crying about 24 years of pakistan.

And we didn't loot anything.
We were trying to do our best we could with the crappy hand we were dealt.

Could we have done things better? Sure, but be were not a colonial power, we were/are a multi ethnic nation.
First of all let’s get our numbers correct .... Pakistan exported over $24 billion and Bangladesh exported $40 billion (98 percent clothing/ textile related products).
Cheap and efficient labour makes it a good destination for this low skilled sector.

Bangladesh faces no strategic threats , sanctions and discrimination and has not fought a 17 year war. We have !
our losses are tremendous and our resources lost to the war are in hundreds of billions.

If Bangladeshis exaggerates their achievements then Pakistan under states theirs. Our 33 percent economy is undocumented !

I have to give credit where it’s due and Bangladeshis have achieved in human development .....

what pisses me off is Modi style policies and claims:

they have 18 planes ..... 13 serviceable and they claim they will compete with Emirates.....

We have dropped almost seven ranks due to the dollar depreciation so all of a sudden Bangladesh is an economic miracle? No it’s not.

making cloths will not make them economic giant......

we have a lot to catch up to but it’s by no means gloom and doom

no one predicted Indian economy collapse last year.... not IMF not The world bank.... it’s a joke to predict something in 15 years times..... I saw Iraq disappeared , Syria disappeared, Iran fading away and at one time their standard of living and wealth was amazing.....
No one can predict what will happen tomorrow let alone 15 years from now

You are right anything can happen in future. But current also plays a big role to determine where things are heading.

On that basis Pakistan is not in right track.
What God awful English. The sentences make no sense, it's like a 13 year old ESL student wrote it.

I was taking to our bengali friends here and mentioned how bengalis are obsessed with us..... Well just more proof, and that from the government itself.

You will never see such childish comments from the Pakistani government.
You are right anything can happen in future. But current also plays a big role to determine where things are heading.

On that basis Pakistan is not in right track.

In the current basis Pakistan is ON the best course possible. Macro economic adjustments and lowering imports , raising exports, increasing tax base, diversify exports is all that is required to see “miracles” in the next three to four years .
We have to look for value added products .... we exported 5 billion dollars of IT services and software.... our IT sector is growing at ali most 36 percent a year.... imagine if we pick up the speed and start getting fair share of this market....
You are right anything can happen in future. But current also plays a big role to determine where things are heading.

On that basis Pakistan is not in right track.

Actually Pakistan is on right track, future is Dog eat Dog world if you follow the present. Economic prosperity is possible once you are able to defend your interests otherwise today's so called economic prosperity can be taken away from you by your "greedy" and "hateful" neighbor.
making cloths will not make them economic giant......
Of course not. But it will give them enough earnings to stay afloat financially and have room for other economic reforms that would lead to them becoming an economic giant eventually. Pakistan is still struggling on the first part for decades: achieve financial independence and stability!

no one predicted Indian economy collapse last year.... not IMF not The world bank.... it’s a joke to predict something in 15 years times..... I saw Iraq disappeared , Syria disappeared, Iran fading away and at one time their standard of living and wealth was amazing.....
No one can predict what will happen tomorrow let alone 15 years from now
What economic collapse? India is still growing economically at a much faster pace than Pakistan. And that without any foreign aid.

Actually Pakistan is on right track, future is Dog eat Dog world if you follow the present. Economic prosperity is possible once you are able to defend your interests otherwise today's so called economic prosperity can be taken away from you by your "greedy" and "hateful" neighbor.
I respectfully disagree. Real world doesn't work that way. Iraq tried to invade Kuwait on these premises. And look what happened to them. Kuwait is still a jewel of the desert. While Iraq has become a shit hole.
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