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What can Pakistan learn from Bangladesh?

Guys, ignore this stupid comment from the Minister. Idiot is just kissing Hasina’s backside.

Pakistan faces different issues and has different culture to BD and so cannot exactly follow BD’s economic model of low defence expenditure and mass employment of women in garments.

There are of course some things that Pakistan can learn from BD and Imran Khan is welcome to send a delegation anytime to BD he wishes.
Bangladesh has made wonder in leadership of Hasina. I wish progress of BD continue. BD has a potential to be a roll model of Muslim countries with Indonesia. I see Bengali culture behind it. BD has not tried to import middle east culture to ruin its own vibrant beautiful culture. I hope that BD continuous to get good leadership and progress.
Do you know what will happen tomorrow let alone 15 years

Pakistan obsession is rampant in india and being followed by Bangladesh
I do not think there is anything wrong when people in Bd discuss Pakistan. When a girl gets matured her parents and well-wishers talk of her marriage. I think people of not only Pakistan but also Bd and India are talking about Pakistan because they have faith in your good PM who is honest and hardworking and is trying his best to focus on the further development of the country.

So, it is a good sign that we like to talk about Pakistan. I wish IK visits BD as soon as possible.
These shitholes will not last a week as a state if faced with asymmetric warfare by India, let alone , combined efforts by cia/raw/mossad/NATO that Pakistan has faced since 9/11.

There is no comparison, Pakistan is a hard soverign state, while BD is soft country under the total influence of India through its proxies like hasina and her gang.
We, Paks, wish all the very best to the good people of BD!

May you live long and prosper!

However, such petty articles/silly ...and yes, malicious statements by the BD politicoz don't help in the reconciliation process...

In election time ... politicoz go overboard...all nice and dandy...but after that everybody should focus on delivery...

Nobody should underestimate either Pakistan or PakSpirit...

We faced 10 years of utter EconomicTerrorism from two regimes... combined with War of Terror imposed on Pakistan... we lost 80+k PakLives and $220+Bln (The Economist) to PakEconomy...

We have to stop moneylaundering and severely curb imports... and continue with deep structural reforms...however painful they might be.

The current GoP has taken some very unpopular steps and fruits are coming forward...but Pak shall continue with reforms and restructure PakEconomy to be more competitive.

Deindustrialisation of the past decade is being reversed... SEZs are coming online...

Documentation of BlackEconomy is another challenge... and for now we are taking a gradual approach...but we will continue down this road nontheless!

Both as PakState and in PoliticalDiscourse we have conciously benchmarked ourselves with China... and compared to the Chinese we are at least 30 years behind...

As we have unofficially adopted the ChineseModel of Development... we shall see results coming in accordingly...

Just a helpful reminder to our BD friends... with only doubling our agro output we can add 60% to our GDP...and this is not some nanotech... work on this has already begun... we are moving towards Agro-industrial framework... this is one of our key areas of focus to eradicate poverty in Pakistan.

Furthermore, it is imperative to understand that invocing culture of Pakistan where both imports and exports are shown differently to stash the money abroad @ps3linux @Sine Nomine we export more in IT ValueAdded than these are shown... since the money gets parked outside...

Moving away from import driven GDP growth... is a painful transition...but luckily we are out of the woods...

Pakistan is in the process of establishing Textile Export City... to encourage the Chinese and other investors... with our past record and a supportive GoP this will have massive impact on Dollar/Yuan earning...

With doubling our per hectare yield we can double the meat and milk production... and there is $3Trillion+ Halal meat market...

Then there is slow progess on petrochemicals as well... With Gawadar OilCity coming online within a decade... the impact on our import bill will be positively severe...

The point I intend to make here... is that we are happy for BD.. all the very best of luck... but kindly, don't become Ganguz...
I fear soon we will be hearing that BD is going to a superpower by 2030... that would be sad development.

Pakistan has to work like there is no tomorrow for next 30 years ... NOT to impress anyone...but just to provide jobs to 60+% of Paks... Pakistan is a very Young!!!

Just an example of what Paks are all about... have a look at JF Thunder... how we went about it...and where it is now... and this is ONLY Growing... AZM is already Conceptualised... and far more is being done...

Pakistan is Pakistan. We are Better than nobody. And NOBODY is better than us!

And NO.. Pakistan is not becoming a superpower any time soon... if at all... and Frankly, if someone says so...must be bannished from public life...

For next 30 years... Pakistan is working harder than ever before...and there is sign on the door: Dont Disturb!

Pakistan has not even the Right to Call itself anything even when there is One Pak living under the poverty line...

That is the reason we are talking Peace, Peace and Peace....

One does wish that BD stops uttering nonconstructive statements... and realise that it is surrounded by a FacistHindutvaCountry!!!

You might end up needing Pakistan's Help down the line...

Arrogance must have solid underpinning to have an effect!!!

Regarless, all the very best to the good people of BD!!!


@PakSword @SIPRA @StormBreaker @Reddington @doorstar @jaibi @The Eagle @Dubious @masterchief_mirza @Flight of falcon @DESERT FIGHTER @Rafi @Rafeh

Excellent post.
Isn't this same chutia who a month ago said the bangladesh is planning to build statue of that traitor mujeeb in Bangladesh embassy in Islamabad
...and Bangladesh following Indian model in chest thumping, bragging and boasting.

BD'eshis should leave it to Indians, they are the world leaders in fake chest humping, falsehood and bragging, don't think BD stand a chance here with India.

And BTW nobody likes a braggart.

Stay humble and sage/wise, down-to-earth and prudent.

Arrogance comes with Ignorance, no wonder our eastern neighbor has plenty of this abominable material, no need to challenge and exceed them.
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Guys, ignore this stupid comment from the Minister. Idiot is just kissing Hasina’s backside.

Pakistan faces different issues and has different culture to BD and so cannot exactly follow BD’s economic model of low defence expenditure and mass employment of women in garments.

There are of course some things that Pakistan can learn from BD and Imran Khan is welcome to send a delegation anytime to BD he wishes.

You make a good point. Huge chunk of Pakistan consider women little better then cattle. With hardly any involvement in development, it was only matter of time before development index decline. Afghanistan is good model for Pakistan to follow for human development and we are doing that.

These shitholes will not last a week as a state if faced with asymmetric warfare by India, let alone , combined efforts by cia/raw/mossad/NATO that Pakistan has faced since 9/11.

There is no comparison, Pakistan is a hard soverign state, while BD is soft country under the total influence of India through its proxies like hasina and her gang.

Poor excuse. For one Pakistan is sending militants to India since 1989. For India they have it much harder as they need to fund baloch and TTP terrorists through 3rd country Afghanistan or Iran. While we can just send our own through LOC. They also faced insurgencies.
...and Bangladesh following Indian model in chest thumping, bragging and boasting.

BD'eshis should leave it to Indians, they are the world leaders in fake chest humping, falsehood and bragging, don't think BD stand a chance here with India.

And BTW nobody likes a braggart.

Stay humble and sage/wise, down-to-earth and prudent.

Arrogance comes with Ignorance, no wonder our western neighbor has plenty of this abominable material, no need to challenge and exceed them.

What I noticed is BD have done much better for women. Now look at Pakistan, apart from in few big cities. In rest of country your 50% of population is worse of then cattle.
What I noticed is BD have done much better for women. Now look at Pakistan, apart from in few big cities. In rest of country your 50% of population is worse of then cattle.

On the contrary BD women have worked their way to the betterment of the country w.r.t RMG exports, 70% or more workers in RMG sector are women in BD.

In Pakistan rural areas women work as hard as men, in fact more in many cases. In cities and small town the working women percentile is growing. BTW Pakistan has more women parliamentarians than India and BD.

In Pakistan, according to HDR (2008), the female economic activity
rate for women aged 15 years or above is 32.7 per cent.

In India, according to the most recent statistics, the female economic
activity rate is 34 per cent.

In Pakistan the female economic activity must be higher now(2008) fig quoted above.
These shitholes will not last a week as a state if faced with asymmetric warfare by India, let alone , combined efforts by cia/raw/mossad/NATO that Pakistan has faced since 9/11.

There is no comparison, Pakistan is a hard soverign state, while BD is soft country under the total influence of India through its proxies like hasina and her gang.

As much as I hate these kinds of threads about Bangladeshi ministers rambling about Pakistan to please Sheikh Hasina, I feel obliged to correct you.

Bangladeh did face asymmetric war with India in the form of Chittagong insurgents and other insurgents for decades. Soon after Sheikh Mujib's assassination, India tried to gain control of Bangladeshi leadership through the Shanti Bahini insurgents in Chittagong Hill tracts. India trained these terrorists and funded them. For a country that was devastated by a war just recently, this was a massive set back. It put a massive pressure on the govt. Of Gen Zia and Gen Ershad. However, Alhamdulillah we have persisted and prevailed in the end. Chittagong Hill Tracts is still under our control.

This is just one example of Indian mischief.

So stop thinking that you are the only one who has faced nasty tactics of India.

On the topic again- I absolutely don't think there is any benefit to posting these kinds of threads. Bangladeshi ministers probably have a quota about demeaning Pakistan to reach their performance goals and to please the PM. This is irrelevant and insignificant news.

Average Bangladeshi couldn't care less which country follows us or not. They only think about a good life for themselves.

These types of threads does not bring fruitful discussion nor does it portray Bangladesh in a positive color. Perhaps a bit of judgement should be applied before posting these type of news here? @Black_cats
On the contrary BD women have worked their way to the betterment of the country w.r.t RMG exports, 70% or more workers in RMG sector are women in BD.

In Pakistan rural areas women work as hard as men, in fact more in many cases. In cities and small town the working women percentile is growing. BTW Pakistan has more women parliamentarians than India and BD.

In Pakistan, according to HDR (2008), the female economic activity
rate for women aged 15 years or above is 32.7 per cent.

In India, according to the most recent statistics, the female economic
activity rate is 34 per cent.

In Pakistan the female economic activity must be higher now(2008) fig quoted above.

BD women are working in factories and earning foreign exchange. Same Pakistani women is just working hard to prepare food and clean house. I already said not counting few big cities exemple but majority of population.
BD women are working in factories and earning foreign exchange. Same Pakistani women is just working hard to prepare food and clean house. I already said not counting few big cities exemple but majority of population.
BD also send women as maids to gulf countries . kon BC hai jisko aysy dollar chayee pakistan main ?:rolleyes:
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