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What can bring India and Pakistan closer

I smell another Indian pretending to be Pakistani.


Yeah, yeah. yeah. You are a great patriot. Shall I salute you?

I want you to dig up an article by The News' Farrukh Salim. In which he clearly outlines--in numbers, over the years--as to how dependent Pakistan is on Western economies and HOW LITTLE the Arab countries and China (flushed with cash in hundreds of billions--both entities) are contributing to Pakistan's financial situation. Go, and do some Google search on Dr. Salim.

Nothing against Chinese at all. They are in this all for their own benefits. But if Pakistan is as important to China as Israel is to USA then the actions on the ground would be different.

In short, people allied culturally win together. That has been the case since at least post WW II Europe and that is the case for all regions. And I have factored in Japan and S.Korea in this equation.

By the way, I don't need to bash India to prove my credentials. It is better left to the time-warped fossils to stew in their patriotism.

India and Pakistan are natural allies. We have Kashmir to settle. Musharraf was correct in stating this position and I say no more than that. I am not going to put all of Pakistan's eggs in the seemingly large (yet practically small) basket of China for any ideological reasons.
Solve the Kashmir issue, everything else will follow.

All India-Pakistan tensions have their roots in Kashmir. From the Mumbai attacks to Samjota Express.

Sir its better to open your eyes. Where was pakistan and where pakistan now at what level. The more u stick with our kashmir issue the more you loose. Anyway sir at the moment pakistan dont have much to loose because they lost already alot. It seems going against 1.1 billion indians not working for pakistan sir.
Yeah, yeah. yeah. You are a great patriot. Shall I salute you?

I want you to dig up an article by The News' Farrukh Salim. In which he clearly outlines--in numbers, over the years--as to how dependent Pakistan is on Western economies and HOW LITTLE the Arab countries and China (flushed with cash in hundreds of billions--both entities) are contributing to Pakistan's financial situation. Go, and do some Google search on Dr. Salim.

Nothing against Chinese at all. They are in this all for their own benefits. But if Pakistan is as important to China as Israel is to USA then the actions on the ground would be different.

In short, people allied culturally win together. That has been the case since at least post WW II Europe and that is the case for all regions. And I have factored in Japan and S.Korea in this equation.

By the way, I don't need to bash India to prove my credentials. It is better left to the time-warped fossils to stew in their patriotism.

India and Pakistan are natural allies. We have Kashmir to settle. Musharraf was correct in stating this position and I say no more than that. I am not going to put all of Pakistan's eggs in the seemingly large (yet practically small) basket of China for any ideological reasons.

Its not about whose more patriotic, NO Pakistani says that Pakistan should chose India over China. India is the only country we fought wars against. China has a dispute with India over South Tibet (arunachal pradesh) Pakistan has a dispute with India over Kashmir.

European countries have no disputes among each other and they have the same ideologies and beliefs. Just because Pakistan and India was once part of British India empire does not mean we have to stick to India. Countries west to Pakistan share the same ideologies and beliefs as Pakistan does and we have a better relationship with those countries than India. There's too much distrust with India.

As for China, they have done a lot for Pakistan. China and Pakistan share the same interest and China is also a neighbor of Pakistan. Take a look at these threads:









Chinese dig in as foreigners leave Pakistan | PK on web

Now take a look at India:
Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest
Its not about whose more patriotic,
European countries have no disputes among each other and they have the same ideologies and beliefs. Just because Pakistan and India was once part of British India empire does not mean we have to stick to India.

Nope. European countries don't have the 'same ideologies' unless you, in some simplisting terms, think that ultimately most believe in Jesus as their Savior. That is a far less Common Denominator than that between India and Pakistan. Europeans have fought the bloodiest recorded wars in the 20th century alone for entire human history and that should be an eye opener for anyone claiming the 'no disputes' bon-homies.

I am fairly aware of the India-Pakistan (or, more specifically, Hindu-Muslim rift) that spans hundreds of years. There have been conflicts during a great many years of Hindu-Muslim co-existence in the Sub-continent. But I also know that had it been the Chinese into the mix of the Sub-continent--as if thrown into the mix from the sky-- then the conflict would have been even greater.

Again, nothing to take away from China. I salute them for their progress and for their perseverence. And I genuinely wish them well. But--and this particular 'but' does not negate what I just say above--Pakistan is not helped enough by China to put all its eggs in China's basket. For all the copy/pasting you have done I can probably copy/paste a lot more what the 'evil West' has been doing in trade/commerce with Pakistan--so much more more than the Chinese enterprise in Pakistan would dwarf to a midget scale--I should really find Dr. Saleem's article. And this is not just me saying this: All those who are involved in the new strategic balance in and around Pakistan since 9/11 are aware of it.

Let's not drag Pakistan to a ruin because of some ideological reasons. Once Kashmir is settled, a Pakistani will be far more likely 'at home' in N. Delhi than in Beijing. And that is not a trivial point.
Certain members seem to be very offended by the Kashmir word even appearing. This seems to be a major leap backwards for Pak-India peace ever taking place. 3 wars and endless hostilities over Kashmir, but certain members have a hard time figuring out why the relations are so bad?

Kashmir is by far the biggest reason and its pathetic that this even has to be explained.

The main step forward would be to identify the problem. We already failed.
Plebiscite in all Parts of Kashmir(Azad & Maqboza) under some third party. e.g. Turks on Pakistani side and may be Russians on Indian side. Kashmir be divided into areas like NA, Valley, Ladkh and Jammu.
Nope. European countries don't have the 'same ideologies' unless you, in some simplisting terms, think that ultimately most believe in Jesus as their Savior. That is a far less Common Denominator than that between India and Pakistan. Europeans have fought the bloodiest recorded wars in the 20th century alone for entire human history and that should be an eye opener for anyone claiming the 'no disputes' bon-homies.

Half of each European country (except Turkey) are Christian the other half are athiests. Again same ideologies, same beliefs.

Pakistan is over-whelming Muslim majority, India is over-whelming Hindu majority. Religion always played an importan role in those two countries. Even today millions of people in India support RSS and Bjp, while Pakistan likes being a Muslim majority country.

I am fairly aware of the India-Pakistan (or, more specifically, Hindu-Muslim rift) that spans hundreds of years. There have been conflicts during a great many years of Hindu-Muslim co-existence in the Sub-continent. But I also know that had it been the Chinese into the mix of the Sub-continent--as if thrown into the mix from the sky-- then the conflict would have been even greater.

Are you kidding? Pakistan and China have absolutely no problems with each other. There's over 10,000 Chinese citizens in Pakistan.. no Pakistani has a problem with them. They are treated well in Pakistan. China and Pakistan are VERY friendly neighbors.

India and Pakistan relations are horrible. Even before partition there were fights between Muslims and Sikhs/Hindus... ask an Indian Punjabi how many Muslims are left in India's part of Punjab. Ferozpur was once a Muslim majority district, now its in India's part of Punjab hardly any Muslim is left there. Also all the wars Pakistan fought with India. All the Pakistani lives lost during partition and the wars with India will not be forgotten.

Again, nothing to take away from China. I salute them for their progress and for their perseverence. And I genuinely wish them well. But--and this particular 'but' does not negate what I just say above--Pakistan is not helped enough by China to put all its eggs in China's basket. For all the copy/pasting you have done I can probably copy/paste a lot more what the 'evil West' has been doing in trade/commerce with Pakistan--so much more more than the Chinese enterprise in Pakistan would dwarf to a midget scale--I should really find Dr. Saleem's article. And this is not just me saying this: All those who are involved in the new strategic balance in and around Pakistan since 9/11 are aware of it.

Chinese dig in as foreigners leave Pakistan

QUETTA, Pakistan – China, rather than have its workers in Pakistan join the exodus of foreigners who are quitting the strife-torn country because of security concerns, the dismal state of the economy or both, is increasing its involvement there and planning further projects.

The number of Chinese engineers working in Pakistan has surged to 10,000 this year from 3,000 in 2008, working on 120 projects in different sectors of the economy. China is also involved in a 750-kilometer railway linking the two countries, from Havellian to the 4,730-meter-high Khunjerab Pass in Gilgit-Baltistan, the area until recently known as the Northern Areas. Havellian is linked with the rest of the rail network in Pakistan, and the Chinese will lay track within its territory up to Khunjerab.

Analysts say that China is increasingly interesting in investing in Gilgit-Baltistan, shifting its focus from insurgency-hit Balochistan in Pakistan’s southwest, where China is already involved in large development projects including Gwadar port. A proposed Pakistan-China energy and trade corridor, involving gas and oil pipelines and a rail link, would start in Gwadar and enter China’s Xinjiang region after running through the Gilgit-Baltistan region.

Some 767 development projects are to be carried out in Gilgit-Baltistan this year, with a particular focus and the help of China on the power sector to harness the huge hydro-power potential of the region.

China’s determination to maintain its interest in Pakistan was underlined recently by Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Lou Zhaohui, who told the media in Islamabad, “A number of foreigners [have] left Pakistan, but we are committed to complete all the projects on which Chinese are working.”

China has expressed satisfaction over the security being provided to its nationals in Pakistan, where the Chinese embassy has a joint task force with the interior ministry and has a 24-hour hotline.

Beijing has already given US$1 billion in two tranches to boost Pakistan’s foreign reserves, which last week reached a two-year high at $14.31 billion. The reserves have also been strengthened by a $1.2 billion installment from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), part of a larger payment agreed last November.

“Pakistan is the only country in the world to which China has given such a huge amount on very low interest rate,” Zhaohui said.

The two countries have agreed to cooperate in modernizing and strengthening existing Pakistan Railways tracks and converting them to meet international standards. During a recent visit to China, Pakistan’s Railways Minister Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour agreed with his Chinese counterpart Liu Zhijun to establish a consortium for the work. China is to send its experts to assist in feasibility studies for the railways projects, which would be carried out on a build-own-operate basis.

China has also shown interest in early laying a track between the Pakistan border town of Torkham and Jalalabad in Afghanistan, as the Chinese want to use the Pakistan Railways network to transport their goods and equipment for the development of copper mines and various other projects in Afghanistan. Separately, Pakistan Railways has completed a feasibility study for a rail section between Chaman, in Balochistan, and Kandahar in Afghanistan that is part of a proposed link across Afghanistan to Turkmenistan.

In a further indication of the close involvement of China in Pakistan’s railway upgrading, the executive committe of Pakistan’s National Economic Council last week approved the import of 202 rail coaches from China at a cost of 15.9 billion Pakistan rupees ($191 million).

Chinese dig in as foreigners leave Pakistan | PK on web

Let's not drag Pakistan to a ruin because of some ideological reasons. Once Kashmir is settled, a Pakistani will be far more likely 'at home' in N. Delhi than in Beijing. And that is not a trivial point.

Thats if India cooperates with Pakistan in settling the Kashmir dispute.
And there are thousands of Pakistani citizens in China, hardly any Pakistani citizen goes to India. Oh yes I forgot about the Pakistanis who visited India..one was Khalid Mahmood, a Pakistani cricket fan who went to India to watch a cricket match...well his dead tortured body was returned to Pakistan from India and a Pakistani girl who got beaten up in a mall by some Indians because of her tattoo.

No thanks..I'll take China's side over India ANY DAY!
I should really find Dr. Saleem's article.

Please do, I would like to see how he pans this out

Plebiscite in all Parts of Kashmir(Azad & Maqboza) under some third party. e.g. Turks on Pakistani side and may be Russians on Indian side. Kashmir be divided into areas like NA, Valley, Ladkh and Jammu.

If you think people of J&K want another "partition" you are mistaken. Even the pro-freedom sepratists proclaim secular credentials, they want a united J&K.


I have read many Pakistanis say that they are ok with an independant J&K. But do you know that GoP is not! Since 1948 and even now, Pakistan has denied the Independace option in the UNSC. The problem is GoP does not clearly state its stand on the J&K issue clearly to its own people.

Fact is any Kashmiri leader who tries to be pro-freedom or pro-indian is killed by LeT and Hizb outfits who are nothing by TTP clones. I am just surprised that the same Pakistanis who shed all pretence of human rights to TTP militants (i.e. no fair trials, yes to extra-judicial killings) are ok with LeT and Hizb terrorists. Even though the Kashmiris (including the sepratists don't want them.

The JKLF was the only armed group that involved the native Kashmiris and was secular in outlook. They laid their arms and gave up violence and armed struggle, shouldn't GoP respect their wishes?

Yes, Kashmir is an issue, but we can't solve it until violence across the border stops. Until LeT and allied militants don't go to mumbai to "save" muslims by killing the same as well other women and children. (Yes 30% of the innocent people shot dead were muslims.)
Are these people muslim? Whats the difference between them and TTP?

The GoP has banned LeT apparently under pressure from internation community. But it should have done that under pressure from the Pakistani community. Because this is compeltely unislamic! There is no reason what so ever to even give moral support to these people and they should be tried in sharia courts for spreading fitnah and fasad. And given the punishment for Hadd!
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Yes, Kashmir is an issue, but we can't solve it until violence across the border stops

Do these words make the slightest sense to you?
The whole point is to stop all violence and that wont happen on its own.

If you think people of J&K want another "partition" you are mistaken. Even the pro-freedom sepratists proclaim secular credentials, they want a united J&K.

Its pointless to assume what Kashmiris think without holding any meaningful talks with them.

Governments of Pakistan and India should enter serious talks with Kashmiris about their future. The "Kashmir issue" as you lightly put it, will exist as long as Kashmiri people are unsatisfied. Like it or not, they will always find support in Pakistan by moderates and extremists alike. This cant be helped.
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Do these words make the slightest sense to you?
The whole point is to stop all violence and that wont happen on its own.
GoI is responsible for J&K police, para-military and IA. If they commit any human rights violation, they should be prosecuted (and they are). Ofcourse their record is not perfect, but human rights violations have gone down. If there is any abuse, the people have freedom to express their outrage and I (and any civil Indian) will support any demands to bring culprits of human rights violations to justice.

Now, what about vilations by the militant groups? These are not indigenouse based, the local leaders don't want it, the local people don't want it. There is a reason why the locals provide tip offs about infiltrations to the J&K police and IA.

Its pointless to assume what Kashmiris think holding any meaningful talks with them.

Governments of Pakistan and India should enter serious talks with Kashmiris about their future. The "Kashmir issue" as you lightly put it, will exist as long as Kashmiri people are unsatisfied. Like it or not, they will always find support in Pakistan by moderates and extremists alike. This cant be helped.

J&K belongs to the people of J&K, why should it be pointless to debate with the the pros and cons of various proposals. They are an important part of the settlement.
But supporting groups that kill Kashmiris is hardly supporting Kashmiri struggle IMO. You want to talk about best interests of people of J&K fine, but supporting LeT and Hizb groups is totally different and infact against the interests of the same people
I have read many Pakistanis say that they are ok with an independant J&K. But do you know that GoP is not! Since 1948 and even now, Pakistan has denied the Independace option in the UNSC.
You do realize that India's official position is that ALL of J&K is Indian territory, and not some 'status quo' position. India's official position rules out plebiscite period (in blatant violation of its commitment to the UNSC resolutions), whether to decide between India and Pakistan or independence, and also rules out joint admin.

Pakistan's official position is at least based on the UNSC resolutions that were approved and accepted by the global community as well as India and Pakistan.
GoI is responsible for J&K police, para-military and IA. If they commit any human rights violation, they should be prosecuted (and they are). Ofcourse their record is not perfect, but human rights violations have gone down. If there is any abuse, the people have freedom to express their outrage and I (and any civil Indian) will support any demands to bring culprits of human rights violations to justice.

Now, what about vilations by the militant groups? These are not indigenouse based, the local leaders don't want it, the local people don't want it. There is a reason why the locals provide tip offs about infiltrations to the J&K police and IA.
I condemn all violations. Nowhere did I commend extremists. The situation in Kashmir is chaotic and I dont believe either side has engineered this situation intentionally. This is the cause of 60 years of war, which is why Kashmiris have to be involved in serious talks asap to end this mess.

J&K belongs to the people of J&K, why should it be pointless to debate with the the pros and cons of various proposals. They are an important part of the settlement.
But supporting groups that kill Kashmiris is hardly supporting Kashmiri struggle IMO. You want to talk about best interests of people of J&K fine, but supporting LeT and Hizb groups is totally different and infact against the interests of the same people

It was a typo. I agree that Pak and Indian govts should hold talks with Kashmiris, as only their decisions should matter. And if you notice I said that Kashmiri people will find support in Pak, not the extremists.
Yeah, yeah. yeah. You are a great patriot. Shall I salute you?

I want you to dig up an article by The News' Farrukh Salim. In which he clearly outlines--in numbers, over the years--as to how dependent Pakistan is on Western economies and HOW LITTLE the Arab countries and China (flushed with cash in hundreds of billions--both entities) are contributing to Pakistan's financial situation. Go, and do some Google search on Dr. Salim.

Western countries have capitalist economies. If a Western based multinational invests in Pakistan its for their own profits. The governments of Western countries are not involved in these sorts of investments. China on the other hand uses its government muscle to flush investment into Pakistan. In this case its a state to state relationship which is why such friendly ties exist between our governments. I am not trying to downplay here the role of Western countries in our economy and the fact that a lot of aid is provided by them especially in social sectors:usflag: But we have to realize that China is our neighbor and best relations start here. Also, China has backed us diplomatically several times in tough situations, something we miss a lot from the West.

India and Pakistan are natural allies. We have Kashmir to settle. Musharraf was correct in stating this position and I say no more than that. I am not going to put all of Pakistan's eggs in the seemingly large (yet practically small) basket of China for any ideological reasons.

Yes I think we can be great allies when the bitterness dies down with the resolution of disputes and passage of time. However, we should never forget our history and remember who has helped us in our tumultuous periods, be it China, Iran, Saudi Arabia or US. This is demanded by the decorum of loyalty.
You do realize that India's official position is that ALL of J&K is Indian territory, and not some 'status quo' position. India's official position rules out plebiscite period (in blatant violation of its commitment to the UNSC resolutions), whether to decide between India and Pakistan or independence, and also rules out joint admin.

Pakistan's official position is at least based on the UNSC resolutions that were approved and accepted by the global community as well as India and Pakistan.

Yes I agree that that's the GoI official position, the merits of which are debatable). I think the GoI relates this IMO on two points:
(1) That the Maharaja of J&K signed the IoA to GoI. Legally significant, but morally not so much.

(2) That Sheikh Abdulla, leader of the National Conference, and the most populist leader in J&K at that time was in favor of this ascension with India. This is why Nehru was adamant that Abdulla be released from prison before accepting the IoA. It was Abdullah and his NC that was in charge of civilian administration after the the ascension and not the Maharaja.
Sheikh Abdulla was imprisoned for peaceful demonstration against the Dogra rulers and for fighting for the rights of the landless labourers. consequently J&K was one of the first states in India to pass land reforms in parliament. This led to another spurt of popularity to NC. It is quite plausible that under his influence, the people would have voted in GoI's favor had it been done right then.

Ofcourse there is the other viewpoint by rightwingers, that J&K is part of India and what the people want doesn't matter, but thats the right-wing point of view, not mainstream.

The main problem of unrest started with Indira Gandhi's dictatorial years in the late 70s and 80s. She imprisoned Abdulla (along with other politcal leaders) fearing any sort of politcal threat to her powers and party. She would declare President's rule in any state that had anti-Indira parties and this included Gujarat, Tamil Nadu along with J&K. The beginning of militancy and cross-border infiltration after the end of the Soviet-Afghan war in the 80s made matters worse for J&K, and human rights violation in the early 90s did'nt help. The late 70s policies of Indira and later Rajiv are partly responsbile for the situation in J&K today (and even the concept of vote-bank politics in India).

Now how do we get back on track for resolution?
First of all we have to create a peaceful atmosphere to debate and canvass different viewpoints. There has to be freedom of speech/press and full political rights in all parts of J&K including the Pakistani and Chinese parts. And this can't be done faithfully until AFSPA is repealed from J&K, which in turn can't be done until militancy and cross-border infiltrations go down close to zero.
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I condemn all violations. Nowhere did I commend extremists. The situation in Kashmir is chaotic and I dont believe either side has engineered this situation intentionally. This is the cause of 60 years of war, which is why Kashmiris have to be involved in serious talks asap to end this mess.
Not 60 years, but 20. Armed conflict only started in 1989. There was no armed conflict before. The trigger was probably the absolutely spineless manner in which Rubaiya Sayeed's kidnapping was handled by the central government. When V P Singh caved in to the militants's demand to release captured terrorists in exchange for the home minister's daughter, even the militants couldn't believe their luck and started large scale operations. You can refer to my previous post on the political situation in India in the late 70s and 80s.

And if you condemn LeT and Hizb groups that good, hopefully the powerful elements that actually support them will realise this as well.

I'm quite sure that if the average Pakistanis knew what these groups are doing in J&K and what the people there think about them, they would never support these as "freedom fighters".

It was a typo. I agree that Pak and Indian govts should hold talks with Kashmiris, as only their decisions should matter. And if you notice I said that Kashmiri people will find support in Pak, not the extremists.
No worries, lets hope that is the case then
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