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West Bengal won't depend on Bangladesh for Hilsha fish anymore.


Jul 30, 2015
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This is also good news for Bangladesh. We get leftovers after meeting West Bengal's demand for Bangladeshi Hilsha fish. Now we will have sufficient Hilsha fish and prices will go down significantly. :yahoo:

সুখবর! ইলিশ নিয়ে আর চিন্তা নেই, জানালেন মমতা

"ভবিষ্যতে বাংলাদেশ থেকে পদ্মার ইলিশ আমদানি করার প্রয়োজন পড়বে না। এবার ইলিশ উৎপাদনে রাজ্য নিজেই স্বাবলম্বী হবে। শুধু তাই না, বিদেশেও উৎপাদিত ইলিশ সরবরাহ করা হবে"।
মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়।
রাজ্যের ইলিশবিলাসীদের জন্য সুখবর! পদ্মার ইলিশের জন্য আক্ষেপ করে সময় নষ্ট নয়। মঙ্গলবার মুখ্যমন্ত্রী বিধানসভায় আশ্বস্ত করলেন, ইলিশ উৎপাদনে রাজ্য শুধু সাবলম্বী হবে না, বিশ্বের অন্যত্র ইলিশ সরবারহও করবে অচিরেই।

মমতা এদিন বলেন, “ভবিষ্যতে বাংলাদেশ থেকে পদ্মার ইলিশ আমদানি করার প্রয়োজন পড়বে না। এবার ইলিশ উৎপাদনে রাজ্য নিজেই স্বাবলম্বী হবে। শুধু তাই না, বিদেশেও উৎপাদিত ইলিশ সরবরাহ করা হবে”। এদিন বিধানসভায় দেগঙ্গার বিধায়ক রহিমা বিবির প্রশ্নের জবাব দিতে গিয়ে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী বলেন, “তিস্তার জল দিতে না পারায় বাংলাদেশ পদ্মার ইলিশ সরবরাহ করা বন্ধ করে দিয়েছে। মমতার আক্ষেপ, জল দেওয়ার ক্ষমতা নেই। কোথা থেকে জল দেব। এরপরই তিনি ইলিশ ও মাছের উৎপাদন নিয়ে উচ্ছ্বাস প্রকাশ করেন”।

আরও পড়ুন- ইলিশ কি চিনে নেবে ফেলে আসা পথ?

বিগত বছর দুয়েক পদ্মার ইলিশের স্বাদ থেকে বঞ্চিত রাজ্যের মানুষ। এবারও বাজারে আসেনি বাংলাদেশের রপালী শষ্য। তবে, মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর বরাভয়, ইলিশ নিয়ে আর চিন্তা নেই। মাছে-ভাতে থাকা বাঙালীকে এদিন ইলিশ ছাড়া অন্য মাছ নিয়েও আশ্বাস দিয়েছেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী। তাঁর দাবি, “ইলিশ থেকে রাজ্যের মানুষ বঞ্চিত হবে না। ইলিশ চাষ নিয়ে গবেষণা চলছে। আগামীদিনে রাজ্যের ইলিশ সারা পৃথিবীতে সরবরাহ করা হবে। রাজ্যে ইলিশ নিয়ে কোনও অভাব নেই…৭০০ পুকুরে রাজ্য মাছ চাষ করছে। একটা মাছ দু’কেজি ওজন করতে দু’বছর সময় লাগে। এখন মাছ অন্য রাজ্য থেকে আসে। এরপর আর মাছ বাইরে থেকে আমদানি করতে হবে না”।

ইলিশের কারবারি সন্দীপ বল জানান, বিগত দু’বছর ধরেই বাংলাদেশ থেকে ইলিশ আমদানি বন্ধ রয়েছে। মূলত পশ্চিমবঙ্গ এবং ওড়িশা থেকেই ইলিশ সরবরাহ করা হচ্ছে বাজারে। তাছাড়া কিছু বড় সাইজের ইলিশ আসছে বার্মা থেকেও। যদিও সেই ইলিশ মাছের তেমন স্বাদ নেই। তাঁর বক্তব্য, “ইলিশ নিয়ে রিসার্চ চলছে ঠিকই। কিন্তু, এখনও প্রয়োগ করার জায়গা আসেনি।” কাকদ্বীপের ইলিশ রিসার্চ সেন্টার নিয়ে নাম প্রকাশে অনিচ্ছুক এক আধিকারিকের বক্তব্য, “কাকদ্বীপে ইলিশ নিয়ে গবেষণা প্রক্রিয়া চলছে ঠিকই। তবে তা কতটা বাস্তবায়িত হবে তা বলা মুশকিল”।

Good news! There is no more worry about the hilsa, Mamata said

"West Bengal will no longer need to import Hilsha fish from Bangladesh's Padma river in future." Now the state itself will be self-reliant in the production of the hilsa, not only that, it will also be exported to other countries.


By: IE Bangla Web Desk Kolkata Updated: Jul 3, 2019, 8:08:20 AM


Good news for the elephants of the state! Time is not wasted due to the hilsa of Padma. Chief Minister assured on Tuesday that the state will not only be able to produce the hilsa, but it will soon be available in other parts of the world.

Mamta said, "In the future we will not need to import import Hilsha of Padma from Bangladesh. The state itself will be self reliant in production of the hilsa. Not only that, the produce produced in foreign countries will be provided. " The Chief Minister said, in response to the question of Digambar Board of Directors Rahima Bibi in the Vidhan Sabha, Bangladesh has stopped supply of hilsa in Padma due to not allowing Teesta water. Sorry, no power to drink. Where do we water? Then he expressed his excitement about the production of fish and fish. "

Read more - Hilsa knows how to leave?

The people of the deprived state of Padma have been deprived of taste for the last two years. Rapeseed Rice of Bangladesh did not come this year. However, with the Chief Minister, there is no more worry about the hilsa. The Chief Minister assured the fish and the fishermen, besides other fish without hilsa. His claim, "Hilsa will not be deprived of the people of the state. Research on hilsa cultivation is underway In the future, the state's hilsa will be supplied all over the world. There is no shortage of hilsa in the state ... 700 farmers are cultivating fish in the state. It takes two years for a fish to weigh two kilos. Now the fish comes from another state. Then the fish will not import from the outside. "

Sandeep said that Hilsa import from Bangladesh has been stopped for the last two years. Initially, Hilsa is being supplied from West Bengal and Orissa. Besides, some big hilsa is coming from Burma. Although there is no taste of the Hilsa fish from these regions. His statement is, "Research is going on right with Hilsa. However, there has not yet been any place to apply. "An official reluctant to disclose the name of the KHDWH Hilsha Research Center," The research process on Kakdavip is underway. But it is difficult to say how it will be implemented. "

Tbh i don't know how you Bengalis manage to eat this fish which is full of bones, rarely prepared in our home and we like it deep fried as that makes the bones brittle. Once had it in a restaurant and had to use two hands to work through the fish, by the time i was finished others were ready to leave.
It takes two years for a fish to weigh two kilos.
That would cost around 2000 INR or close to 2.5k BDT from my experience, i doubt the BD folks would shell out that much on a regular basis. Traders just send their prized catches to India whilst keeping the scraps for domestic consumption.
Tbh i don't know how you Bengalis manage to eat this fish which is full of bones, rarely prepared in our home and we like it deep fried as that makes the bones brittle. Once had it in a restaurant and had to use two hands to work through the fish, by the time i was finished others were ready to leave.

That would cost around 2000 INR or close to 2.5k BDT from my experience, i doubt the BD folks would shell out that much on a regular basis. Traders just send their prized catches to India whilst keeping the scraps for domestic consumption.

After beef Bangladeshis love Hilsha fish the most. It is very tasty. Chicken is not tasty anymore because of no availability of original deshi chicken. We get Pakistani cock Chicken which is hated by most but have to eat because of no alternative apart from disgusting broiler chicken.

Bones in fish are rich in calcium and other nutrients. You should not throw away the bones. Eat it carefully.
Tbh i don't know how you Bengalis manage to eat this fish which is full of bones, rarely prepared in our home and we like it deep fried as that makes the bones brittle. Once had it in a restaurant and had to use two hands to work through the fish, by the time i was finished others were ready to leave.

That would cost around 2000 INR or close to 2.5k BDT from my experience, i doubt the BD folks would shell out that much on a regular basis. Traders just send their prized catches to India whilst keeping the scraps for domestic consumption.

BD folks even fork out 5k or more for a large sized hilsha. Who said traders send the prized catches to India? Kolkata people don't have more money to spend than Bangladeshis to buy fish, they are also far tighter with money, known as misers in Bangladesh.
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BD folks fork out 5k even for a large sized hilsha. Who said traders send the prized catches to India? Kolkata people don't have better more money to spend than Bangladeshis to buy fish, they are also far tighter with money, know as misers in Bangladesh.

Please....you lot have managed to invest only 2 dollars per person outside your country. 50+ times less per capita than India. Any such thing shows a huge disparity.....smartphones for example....5 times less per capita than India:


We all know what your purchasing power is in the end (like what BD tourists say when they visit Kolkata with their mouths open never having seen a proper functioning city before)...and why BD thus put export ban on hilsa for long periods.

If you were truly liberal spenders with much more money, you simply would have let the wallet done the talking rather than ban the export.

Mamata Bannerji: No Teesta water, no Ganga Ilish. Make yourself happy with the Hilsha photographs.

I was in Kolkata last year for 3 months. I saw it in fish markets that it's a common scene Bengalis of West Bengal tell the sellers to give them 300 ilish, meaning 300 grams of ilish, basically a few pieces. In BD nobody buys few pieces of ilish, nobody even sells pieces of ilish. Either buy a whole fish or go away. These guys think they are some first world country with pocket full of cash to buy the best fish from BD whereas BD people just buy the left over crap. Jokers don't know how prized top quality hilsha or any other big fish in BD is and people are willing to fork out big amount of money for a good fish.

This kind of news is regular in BD almost everyday in the hilsha season. This is from 2014, 1.8kg fish sold for TK 5500 per kilo. So the total price of 1.8kg fish was TK 9900, that's more than 100 usd for a 1.8kg fish. Here in Aus top quality salmon is 24 dollars per kilo. They come here with 2000 rupees budget blabbering about them buying the best quality BD hilsha.

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BD folks fork out 5k even for a large sized hilsha. Who said traders send the prized catches to India? Kolkata people don't have better more money to spend than Bangladeshis to buy fish, they are also far tighter with money, know as misers in Bangladesh.
They have to pheel stronk, so just vomited their as usual nonsense. They're indian and that guy is even worse assamese... :enjoy:
After beef Bangladeshis love Hilsha fish the most. It is very tasty. Chicken is not tasty anymore because of no availability of original deshi chicken. We get Pakistani cock Chicken which is hated by most but have to eat because of no alternative apart from disgusting broiler chicken.

Bones in fish are rich in calcium and other nutrients. You should not throw away the bones. Eat it carefully.
Why cant you raise desi chicken like we do in Pakistan?
In Pakistan most people in rural areas raise their own chicken and sell them when the number crosses 10 or something
Why cant you raise desi chicken like we do in Pakistan?
In Pakistan most people in rural areas raise their own chicken and sell them when the number crosses 10 or something

Villagers do, but that is mostly consumed by themselves. Small number come to the market. And that guy is not correct, desi chicken is available in the market, it's just 3/4 times more expensive than boiler chicken. Also desi chicken productivity rate is low, they lay far less eggs than farmed layer chicken.
Why cant you raise desi chicken like we do in Pakistan?
In Pakistan most people in rural areas raise their own chicken and sell them when the number crosses 10 or something

You are responding to a false flagging indian troll...

BD have lots of chicken farms.... it would not be economical to get chickens from pakistan. This idiot is just trying to start a flame war.

Total nonsense....WB can not afford elish.... BD elish is mainly eaten in BD. Some goes to the west to supply the BD diaspora. Very few makes it to india.

This hindutva troll is probably a 300 grammer as someone mentioned. Can not afford elish, never seen elish in whatever rock he lives under in WB and spouting nonsense.
You are responding to a false flagging indian troll...

BD have lots of chicken farms.... it would not be economical to get chickens from pakistan. This idiot is just trying to start a flame war.

Total nonsense....WB can not afford elish.... BD elish is mainly eaten in BD. Some goes to the west to supply the BD diaspora. Very few makes it to india.

This hindutva troll is probably a 300 grammer as someone mentioned. Can not afford elish, never seen elish in whatever rock he lives under in WB and spouting nonsense.

I don't know of any Pakistani chicken being imported in to BD. It's just the variety of that chicken is called Pakistani cock, it's raised and sold in bd.
After beef Bangladeshis love Hilsha fish the most. It is very tasty. Chicken is not tasty anymore because of no availability of original deshi chicken. We get Pakistani cock Chicken which is hated by most but have to eat because of no alternative apart from disgusting broiler chicken.

Bones in fish are rich in calcium and other nutrients. You should not throw away the bones. Eat it carefully.
@Atlas, is it true what this @Riyad guy thinks about house chickens being imported from Pakistan? I have never heard of it. Can you check it?
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