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'Welcome Home, India's Daughter': Woman Forced To Marry Pak Man Returns

it is not about mentality. it is about some rules and laws. for example inheritance expenditure rights of kids and wife and the husband. A Muslim woman marrying a Hindu or a Muslim man marrying a Hindu woman means accepting your idols as gods which is a Shirk . there is no place in islam for shirk.
No body needs to accept anyone's Gods as theirs so I dont see a problem there. If the Hindu were to follow Islam or Vice versa yes then you have a point. Now you are telling me that by converting for the sake of marriage the converted party actually will follow Islam or suddenly start believing that Idols are a sin?
If laws are barbaric and medival, the should be changed. My context was in Indian context not a terrorist nation ones.

Your whole ideology from the caste system to your idols are abhorrent and beyond medieval are they not, yet you cling to them

Our laws are perfectly reasonable
Don't thank our Int. Ministry. According to Islamic marriage law, no one can stop a woman from getting a divorce, even without a reason. So court has just ordered what the law says. The man didn't file defamation case and we should all thank him.. Otherwise, she would have been convicted.

She wasn't required to act as a drama queen.

I am telling you, if that guy wanted to keep her in Buner, she wouldn't have gone to Islamabad to apply HIS visa.. She is a liar..
Look. I don't care if she lied.

I know she wanted to be back in India. There are better opportunities here for her child (I guess). Whatever the reason, she hoped to be back and she is back. That is all that counts.

Thanks. :)
Well who knows the complete story probably he promised her that he will leave his wife and children for her later back tracked or backtracked from accepting her daughter, probably he started putting conditions on her, wear a burkha yadla yadla in short who knows what went between them but one thing is clear the girl doesn't want to live with than man any longer and good thing is that she is back.

Possible.. But she didn't have to do all this drama.. Even without putting false accusations, she would have been allowed to return..
Tried 4 times but in vain. Try again please.

Freed azad kashmir, blocked you from central asia whilst opening a link to china, and have 150 nuclear warheads pointed at you

Destroying your akhand bharat is a work in progress
there is no place in islam for shirk.
Well, shirk and bidda'h are committed by even the pious mu'amins. So, why not? Here in Kerala, there are cases where Temple committees have Muslim members. Imagine that.
Your whole ideology from the caste system to your idols are abhorrent and beyond medieval are they not, yet you cling to them

Our laws are perfectly reasonable
Naah noone believes in them plus noone believes in religious based laws here in India but muslims. Idols are far better than unproven non existen invisible god. Its people's wish to follow whatever they want here in India but laws are only secular and constitutional based not religious based.
False . Many sects in india which do not follow idol worship like arya samaj.
Many punjabi hindus are arya samajis.
So will they submit theirself to One God that is Allah? if you worship anything else than Allah then you are a mushrik that is the concept.
No body needs to accept anyone's Gods as theirs so I dont see a problem there. If the Hindu were to follow Islam or Vice versa yes then you have a point. Now you are telling me that by converting for the sake of marriage the converted party actually will follow Islam or suddenly start believing that Idols are a sin?
Civilized societies reduce the relevance of dogma. That is how the world has moved to the Information Age.

If Azim Premji/Abdul Kalam/Bill Gates were too interested in religion, I don't think they would be where they are now. Sort of.

Personal spirituality is cool. Religion and laws based on divinity should ideally lose relevance. Else we will continue to see religious conflicts even in the next 1000 years.
Naah noone believes in them plus noone believes in religious based laws here in India but muslims. Idols are far better than unproven non existen invisible god. Its people's wish to follow whatever they want here in India but laws are only secular and constitutional based not religious based.
if that is so then why ban beef? why slaughter people over cows?
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