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'Welcome Home, India's Daughter': Woman Forced To Marry Pak Man Returns

anyone can go against his or her religion that does not mean that their practice and actions are allowed by the religion.
there are rules and laws. for example if this couple of yours decide to separate and file for divorce which law would be followed?
Civil law. They must have got married under a civil marriage act.
You have such a disgusting mentality. Can i have your address plz??
it is not about mentality. it is about some rules and laws. for example inheritance expenditure rights of kids and wife and the husband. A Muslim woman marrying a Hindu or a Muslim man marrying a Hindu woman means accepting your idols as gods which is a Shirk . there is no place in islam for shirk.
it is not about mentality. it is about some rules and laws. for example inheritance expenditure rights of kids and wife and the husband. A Muslim woman marrying a Hindu or a Muslim man marrying a Hindu woman means accepting your idols as gods which is a Shirk . there is no place in islam for shirk.
Quoted for posterity.
Civil law. They must have got married under a civil marriage act.
in that case she or he if Muslim will lose rights under Muslim marriage act.
anyway such marriages are against Islam as per rules. still people can defy as a personal choice.
it is not about mentality. it is about some rules and laws. for example inheritance expenditure rights of kids and wife and the husband. A Muslim woman marrying a Hindu or a Muslim man marrying a Hindu woman means accepting your idols as gods which is a Shirk . there is no place in islam for shirk.
False . Many sects in india which do not follow idol worship like arya samaj.
Many punjabi hindus are arya samajis.
it is not about mentality. it is about some rules and laws. for example inheritance expenditure rights of kids and wife and the husband. A Muslim woman marrying a Hindu or a Muslim man marrying a Hindu woman means accepting your idols as gods which is a Shirk . there is no place in islam for shirk.

It's not so complex for me.
no dear the boy presented her text mesages in the court wherein she said to the boy that her brother will call him so he the boy should not mention his first marriage. she knew it already

These Indians won't understand the Islamic marriage and divorce law, which is the basis of Pakistani family law.

Even if she lied, no one could have stopped her from going to her own home and ask Khula. This is what court also stated, that no one can stop her from going back to her country/ family.

And I rate that guy better when it comes to morality. He just wanted to meet her in judges chamber. A liar can't face a truthful person anyway, so she denied. He is a true gentleman, who didn't file a defamation case against her. He could have easily stopped her from going back without paying some money ON DEFAMATION CHARGES. Marriage alone can't restrict a woman from going back to her parents house. He didn't file the case and he should be treated as a hero.

But since Pakistan is attached to this whole story, Indian will definitely celebrate this whole saga.. What a bunch of idiots we have as our neighbors.
no dear the boy presented her text mesages in the court wherein she said to the boy that her brother will call him so he the boy should not mention his first marriage. she knew it already

Well who knows the complete story probably he promised her that he will leave his wife and children for her later back tracked or backtracked from accepting her daughter, probably he started putting conditions on her, wear a burkha yadla yadla in short who knows what went between them but one thing is clear the girl doesn't want to live with than man any longer and good thing is that she is back.
Well who knows the complete story probably he promised her that he will leave his wife and children for her later back tracked or backtracked from accepting her daughter, probably he started putting conditions on her, wear a burkha yadla yadla in short who knows but one thing is clear the girl doesn't want to live with than man and good thing is that she is back.

Similar thoughts.

The sick child is involved.
These are our laws we broke india to have our own state, so we could have iur iwn governance and state and not give a toss about hindus, hinduism or your pagan idols

You must have felt extremely stupid then seeing us doing the same.

Without breaking away and losing the collective strength of a billion.
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