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Wearing Hijab Not An Essential Religious Practice, Says Karnataka High Court

LOL, what is the black dress she is wearing ? A for-one-day graduation gown ? And will she remove that dress and that COVID mask once COVID becomes a yearly minor flu when masks need no longer be worn ? Come on, should we really do this hair-splitting ?
Why do you want to take their freedom to choose their clothing?

How can a Court take away their religious rights?

Indian Muslims cannot fight this battle alone. They need support of all Muslims.
Hey they are Indian. and topic is in Indian section. Looks like you have no arguments, going to the mod.


Indian doesn't mean you have the authority to choose what a Muslim girl will wear or not. You (India) is not the torch bearer of Islam or can speak with authority. If it is Indian then it shouldn't be interfering with Islam and Muslim's clothing. It is Indian Section but on Pakistan Defence Forum.
New Delhi:
A hijab is not an essential religious practice, the Karnataka High Court said today in a huge setback to students who had challenged a ban on wearing the hijab in class. Five petitions had challenged the ban in court.

Ahead of the order, the state government banned large gatherings for a week in state capital Bengaluru "to maintain public peace and order". Mangalore too banned large gatherings from March 15 to 19. Schools and colleges are closed in Udupi today.

The Karnataka High Court had temporarily banned religious clothes, including Hijab and saffron scarves, last month as the controversy snowballed into protests and a face-off between different sections of students.

Karnataka High Court decision to uphold hjab ban is deeply disappointing": Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti.

@Sharma Ji @jamahir @Maira La @Rollno21 @Joe Shearer @N.Siddiqui @Naofumi

The High court banned them from wearing the hijab when it decided to hear the case, the expected judgement was already clear.
A stay order usually respects the existing conditions, which in this case meant the hijab should have been allowed to continue till a final judgement was given, but the High court banned them from wearing it. These are not courts, but an instrument of oppression.

To begin with, it is highly ridiculous that a secular court, in a secular system, under a secular constitution regularly passes judgements on religious matters. This is pure hypocrisy.

Then, most judges are not Muslim.
How can non-Muslims be allowed to interpret Islam laws, traditions and practices?
Simply absurd.

Most of the judgements have a clear pattern, anything to do with Islam is not allowed, anything to do with Hinduism is all acceptable.

According to Indian courts,
The Supreme Court declared that a mosque is not an essential part of Islam in 1994, during the glorious days of so-called secular rule.

The Supreme Court saw fit to pass a judgment on triple talaq, and allows Muslim men to be sent to prison for divorcing their wife. It is the only law in the world where a man can be sent to prison for divorcing his wife, he is a criminal for life. Oppression.

And, now, the High court has declared that Hijab is not an Islamic practice, what a bunch of clowns. This is part of the process of criminalising Islam and Islamic practices, nothing more.

In India, Justice is dead for Muslims.
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So Indian Muslims - students especially - need to rise up not to demand real human rights like free housing, free healthcare, free education etc but to demand what is not really an Islamic garment but a Jewish one ?
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Adding to that an Egyptian Muslim woman parliamentarian and academic, Amna Nosseir, has researched on this and has called for ban on the burqa :

When I was in school and two years of college no girl wore a burqa.

Thank you Jf Thunder for tagging me. I agree with you because I too find myself in one of a few times agreeing with a ruling of the Indian court system.

Vapnope, the Indian courts system consulted Abdullah Yusuf Ali's English translation of the Quran and found no mention of the burqa that these misinformed and misguided girls and their so-called community elders are demanding. :)

When many Indian Muslims are confused, misinformed and misguided the kafir Indian courts did well this time in letting these particular Muslims what is in Islam and what not. :)

I regularly read your comments on this issue.
I find you are confused, which surprises me because on most topics you seem to have balanced and thought provoking views. But on this topic, I find your thinking is muddled.
Please ban this member, as Hindu he has no right to say thing like this

@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster
I’m curious as to why. Isn’t the basic premise valid? In the wake of a judgement sanctioning it’s use — I can imagine there would be added/renewed pressure on girls from conservative households to wear the hijab.

Typically you find young people yearning to fit in rather than be isolated from their peer groups. School uniforms, dress codes help achieve that.

Even in this forum - there isn’t a consensus whether a hijab is mandatory or not. But that aside, practice in most countries suggest wearing the attire is entirely optional.

Once these kids become capable of adult living, they can always choose to wear it. But in schools, I don’t think it’s wrong to encourage mixing with your peers through a universal dress code. It will get them out of their comfort zones and hopefully help instil some sense of self actualisation outside their households/community.
Hijab is a modern practice promoted by fascist Muslims backed by Western powers to divide people and stop Third World countries from being modern, as Mustafa Kemal tried to do in Turkey.
Please notice that all religious movements promoting the hijab are unable to modernise a country. On the contrary, they are an obstacle to modern education, scientific progress, democracy and a more equal society.
Turkey has evolved to be a very modern country thanks to the Kemalist tradition, although the current president is profiting from past decisions to promote his own wealth and destroy such tradition. He will soon be another Putin, taking his country to oblivion.
Once the opposition is destroyed, they have free hands to get crazy every time the economy is not growing as planned.
The hijab or any other item of clothing is not important.
What is important is the right to choose to either wear or not to wear an item of clothing whether that is the hijab or whether that is a pair of jeans.
We need to stop twisting arguments and facts to suit our own particular agendas and learn instead to apply principles regardless of own personal preference.
Please ban this member, as Hindu he has no right to say thing like this

@waz @The Eagle @WebMaster

Often Pakistan alone takes on India, often because other Muslim countries don't really know or understand India

You have to understand India was under Muslim empire's for the best part of a thousand years and it mentally hit the hindus, that's why partition happened

Now Indian Muslims 200 million of them are stuck trying to fight back against Hindu extremism

Spread the word amongst Indonesians, all Muslims across the world need to wake up against their enemies
Hijab is mandatory for woman in Islam. However, It’s the woman’s choice to follow the mandatory practice or not follow it and they’ll answer to Allah.
Hijab is an important part of Islam.

Who tf are Hindus to teach us our deen?


“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments1 except what normally appears.2 Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments3 except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those ˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so that you may be successful.”
- An-Nur (24:31)

“O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized ˹as virtuous˺ and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
- Al Ahzab (33:59)


“Narrated `Aishah:
May Allah bestow His Mercy on the early emigrant women. When Allah revealed: "... and to draw their veils all over their Juyubihinna (i.e., their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms)..." (V.24:31) they tore their Murat (woolen dresses or waist-binding clothes or aprons etc.) and covered their heads and faces with those torn Muruts.”

- Sahih al-Bukhari 4758
your views?
for the first time, I find a court judgment in women affairs quite valid
seems the judges know more about Islam then Muslims !

"Master Kenobi Jf Thunder, you disappoint me. Yoda holds I held you in such high esteem. Surely you can do better." - Count Dooku Lord LeGenD
Dangerous precedent.

What will this court order next? Burning the widows or poisoning people to see if they are lying or not.

Leave it for India to make a mockery of human liberties and freedom.
I’m curious as to why. Isn’t the basic premise valid? In the wake of a judgement sanctioning it’s use — I can imagine there would be added/renewed pressure on girls from conservative households to wear the hijab.

Typically you find young people yearning to fit in rather than be isolated from their peer groups. School uniforms, dress codes help achieve that.

Even in this forum - there isn’t a consensus whether a hijab is mandatory or not. But that aside, practice in most countries suggest wearing the attire is entirely optional.

Once these kids become capable of adult living, they can always choose to wear it. But in schools, I don’t think it’s wrong to encourage mixing with your peers through a universal dress code. It will get them out of their comfort zones and hopefully help instil some sense of self actualisation outside their households/community.
It doesn't matter whether hijab is strictly mandatory in Islam or not.
The point is that many, if not most, Muslim girls are brought up to wear a scarf or cover their hair and head in some way. It becomes a part of who they are and they would feel partially unclothed by not covering their hair. Girls not brought up this way are fine walking around with uncovered heads.
It's about culture as much as it is about religion and no court has a right to deny them the right to wear a hijab just as no court has a right to make them wear a hijab if they don't want to wear one.
what is not really an Islamic garment but a Jewish one ?

All five pillars of Islam have root in Judaism because Islam is not new religion but kind of final version of Abrahamic religions. Just for your information in case you weren't aware.
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