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We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

Jat sahib - tbh kentucky and nandos is now halal - we get our meat from tesco or asda - they do halal meat. Our local member of parliament confirmed that 70% meat now is halal in the UK - its no big deal anymore. Only a big deal to those that are narrow minded

But the problem is ,these narrow minded influence the common mind more speedy then the sane ones...

the whole problem in the world is example for us...
Im against any ritual sacrifice of animals if there is any suffering involved.

Bolt gun takes out the base of the brain and renders the animal unconscious instantly while leaving the body functions working so the throat can be slit to drain the blood.

With the halal killing of a large animal like a cow, the animal is first tied down and the throat slit. It can take up to 5 mins for a cow to go unconscious after its throat is cut while it trashes on the floor. The size and strength of a cow also make it difficult of cut the throat once. Footage from Indonesian abattoir's show it takes an average 10 cuts to dispatch an animal. I think halal may be ok for small animals like chickens but for anything larger its not good.

And they say....."Halal" is more humane. :unsure:

People can be so blinded by faith.......they loose their reasoning capability!
So we are narrow minded for not eating halal meat...
Yet you will not eat non halal meat? Oh the irony.

Is halal meat blessed or something beforehand? If it's just the method of killing then I personally have no problem with that.
Is halal meat blessed or something beforehand? If it's just the method of killing then I personally have no problem with that.

Bro what are you stupid? It's the method in which we slaughter animals so they don't feel pain. In the age when there were no other means and still even today it the most efficient way to slaughter the animal without it feeling pain.
Bro what are you stupid? It's the method in which we slaughter animals so they don't feel pain. In the age when there were no other means and still even today it the most efficient way to slaughter the animal without it feeling pain.
It's an Islamic method, so it's not completely stupid to assume it might be blessed or something. Kosher food, I believe, is.
Besides I just wiki'd it. Apparently if halal meat is not available then it is okay to eat non halal food.
Doesn't matter to me, I will happily eat either one.
This Halal / non-Halal thing is out-of-proportion & thing of ignorant masses who never care to read the original scriptures themselves...

Firstly, requirement of Halal is that throat be slit & blood allowed to drain... In addition name of God Almighty(ALLAH) be taken on that animal...

Now slaughter houses of BOTH Muslims & non-Muslims use exactly same slaughtering machines & both slit throat & let blood to drain.. Then WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE??? >>> Name of GOD The Creator said or not,,, HOW DO MUSLIMS SLAUGHTER HOUSES DO THAT... by playing a RECORDED VOICE REPEATEDLY SAYING THE NAME OF ALLAH (which of course lack sincerity coz it's a tape-recorder saying it NOT the slaughtering person himself!!!!!)

It is established that even non-Muslim slaughter houses let the blood drain,,, u can watch slaughter house videos & also that a recorded voice is used , as a person I know worked at slaughter house.

Now overwhelming concept among Muslims is that STUNNING kills the animal & it's heart stops BEFORE throat is slit & thus blood does NOT drain properly.... This is WRONG,, Again watch slaughter videos,,, stunning DOES NOT kill animal,,, it just stuns it "ٹن"

Now question remains if all is same except taking name of God Almighty, & that too is being taken without sincerity, by a voice-recorder then what do we do...??????

We can take the name of ALLAH ourselves & eat the meat slaughtered by letting the blood drain.... Read following Hadees(Sayings of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w))...


So we CAN eat the meat slaughtered by letting the blood flow,,, just take the name of God Almighty before you eat...
So we are narrow minded for not eating halal meat...
Yet you will not eat non halal meat? Oh the irony.

Is halal meat blessed or something beforehand? If it's just the method of killing then I personally have no problem with that.
no its the demonising of halal meat that is narrow minded.....
muslims never say that its cryel to kill an animal in non halal way....we dont eat non halal purely fir religious reasons which is our right..
on the other hand the narriw minded squad blame muslims of cruelity becquse we eat halal....
and there is the difference.
C'mon. How would you know? Have you had the same done to you?

refer to post 114 and you may understand.
no its the demonising of halal meat that is narrow minded.....
muslims never say that its cryel to kill an animal in non halal way....we dont eat non halal purely fir religious reasons which is our right..
on the other hand the narriw minded squad blame muslims of cruelity becquse we eat halal....
and there is the difference.
Well you CAN say that it is cruel to kill an animal in a non-halal way, it is your right yes. The Mp's have exercised their right to say that they think halal is cruel.
Is it not the restaurants choice whether they serve halal meat or not?
This Halal / non-Halal thing is out-of-proportion & thing of ignorant masses who never care to read the original scriptures themselves...

Firstly, requirement of Halal is that throat be slit & blood allowed to drain... In addition name of God Almighty(ALLAH) be taken on that animal...

Now slaughter houses of BOTH Muslims & non-Muslims use exactly same slaughtering machines & both slit throat & let blood to drain.. Then WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE??? >>> Name of GOD The Creator said or not,,, HOW DO MUSLIMS SLAUGHTER HOUSES DO THAT... by playing a RECORDED VOICE REPEATEDLY SAYING THE NAME OF ALLAH (which of course lack sincerity coz it's a tape-recorder saying it NOT the slaughtering person himself!!!!!)

It is established that even non-Muslim slaughter houses let the blood drain,,, u can watch slaughter house videos & also that a recorded voice is used , as a person I know worked at slaughter house.

Now overwhelming concept among Muslims is that STUNNING kills the animal & it's heart stops BEFORE throat is slit & thus blood does NOT drain properly.... This is WRONG,, Again watch slaughter videos,,, stunning DOES NOT kill animal,,, it just stuns it "ٹن"

Now question remains if all is same except taking name of God Almighty, & that too is being taken without sincerity, by a voice-recorder then what do we do...??????

We can take the name of ALLAH ourselves & eat the meat slaughtered by letting the blood drain.... Read following Hadees(Sayings of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w))...


So we CAN eat the meat slaughtered by letting the blood flow,,, just take the name of God Almighty before you eat...

ever heard the saying "neem hakeem khatra e jaan...neem mullah khatra e iiman"
Well you CAN say that it is cruel to kill an animal in a non-halal way, it is your right yes. The Mp's have exercised their right to say that they think halal is cruel.
Is it not the restaurants choice whether they serve halal meat or not?

exaactly...the MPs have sayed their opinion...but at tge same time IMPOSED it on tge restaurants by barring them.from stocking halal meat..
Imposing one's opinion on others forcibly is not democracy.

I am calling this an opinion because the argument that stunning the animal is less painful that cutting the throat has never been proved scientifically...its peoples own perception by look of it.
halal meat is much more hygienic and fresh, due to the halal process

it's also most humane way to slaughter the animal....if they dont want halal meat, then fine let them have whatever meat that they want

Im happy to say that Muslims in UK have gained a good market share ---halal meat is huge in London alone. So it doesnt matter the actions of a few feather-headed MPs in Londonistan. Countless goras not just in London but even more now in cities like New York are enjoying halal meat and halal-prepared meals

in ethnic restaurants, at street corners for quick meal, etc.
So we are narrow minded for not eating halal meat...
Yet you will not eat non halal meat? Oh the irony.

Is halal meat blessed or something beforehand? If it's just the method of killing then I personally have no problem with that.

If you will not eat Halal, will you eat Kosher ?
halal meat is much more hygienic and fresh, due to the halal process

it's also most humane way to slaughter the animal....if they dont want halal meat, then fine let them have whatever meat that they want

Im happy to say that Muslims in UK have gained a good market share ---halal meat is huge in London alone. So it doesnt matter the actions of a few feather-headed MPs in Londonistan. Countless goras not just in London but even more now in cities like New York are enjoying halal meat and halal-prepared meals

in ethnic restaurants, at street corners for quick meal, etc.
There is no difference in taste. Meat is meat regardless of whether the animal was stunned first.
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