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We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

Well Sur where are you getting at...?

Islam (with authentic sources like verses and hadiths) talks about halal meat. The butcheries you visited may not be meeting standards, not our fault or is it? The butcher who prepared the meat must be questioned. Actually you cannot call that meat halal either, though he must have slaughtered the goat. He didn't meet the requirements for halal meat.

Second, I am no expert in this stun and slaughter debate, but in accordance to my previous post, I can say that stunning is painful to the animal. And the reason animals are stun? To make it less painful for them! When the base of this theory is broken, what's the point of carrying the stunning part now? I have visited an ISO certified poultry farm in KSA. Entaj chicken is a leading company and they produce over 1.8 Million chicken a day. I have seen how they work. It's nothing like you say, and I can present the video of automatic production line, except for the place where the chicken are slaughtered. It's done by men and they do keep repeating the kalma.

Anyways, we are not following any 'Mullah-based' Islam. If it is Mullah Based, that's shirk.
We are following the Islam that was sent by Allah through Mohammed (SAWS) and we are obeying the verses of holy Quran and the Sahih Haidths. Sad to say, I advice you to go through the Quran with translation atleast once and ready the Sahih Hadiths. I am sure you will find the difference between what you think to believe and what is the actual protocol.

Just an advice. Believe me, I have done that.
Stunning an animal to knock it out before slaughtering it is different from slaughtering a 'sick or injured' animal - in the former case the 'stunning/injury' is a deliberate act done moments before the animal is slaughtered.

In the case of the instructions in the Quran, forbidding consumption of a 'sick or injured animal' is in a different context, to ensure that the animal slaughtered will not transmit disease or sickness (which might be possible in case of a sick or injured animal).

I don't see how stunning before slaughter falls in the category of 'sick or injured'.

There's another verse that forbids consumption of animals killed with a violent blow or through strangulation. Wouldn't stunning then violate that concept directly if not indirectly?

I'm not sure how you can rationalize to one conclusion that a sick/injured animal is not to be slaughtered out of fear of the spread of his disease, rather than the Animal having the right to be fed well and in good health by the owner, and his right not be slaughtered in injury or sickness. You know Animals have rights in Islam. Secondly an injury doesn't exactly translate to a spread of disease or infection.

Btw the rules of slaughtering have never been a subject of debate or controversy in Muslim countries. Even in Israel this has never been a point of contention for Arabs.
hypocricy at its best, this thing least bit makes sense, the westerners only want to make their wn style of things even though it defies rationalism
halal meat is for humans..pigs should not eat fellow pigs!

Yahood o Nasara will never be happy with you until you adapt their life style!
What if the people cooking meat or handling it also feel the same and refuse to serve them? Now we need to hire a full muslim staff.

These muslim MP's are as crooked as the Christian one. They stole from the till and after they got caught they claim to be muslims?

I dont know what you are on about....your comment doesnt make much sense..
Unless somebody wants to show pure hate against muslims..they dont havecany logical reason to refuse handling halal meat..
..can you come up with any reason why somebody will not want to touch halal meat?

And FYI... halak meat shops and restaurants are usually run by an all muslim staff...it has been always like that...so that wont be an issue if john ans claire refuse to touch halal meat...
but there should be a logical reson for this....i cant think of any....can you?
We are discussing double standards at its best. The world should be rational while Pakistani can be irrational as a birth right.

pakistan doesnt have double standard, we dont claim to be the secular state
I dont know what you are on about....your comment doesnt make much sense..
Unless somebody wants to show pure hate against muslims..they dont havecany logical reason to refuse handling halal meat..
..can you come up with any reason why somebody will not want to touch halal meat?

And FYI... halak meat shops and restaurants are usually run by an all muslim staff...it has been always like that...so that wont be an issue if john ans claire refuse to touch halal meat...
but there should be a logical reson for this....i cant think of any....can you?

Conversely why would muslims MP's who cheat and fiddle their accounts and hence are not good muslims by behavior bother about halal meat?

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

pakistan doesnt have double standard, we dont claim to be the secular state

tell that to Jinnah and not me.
Here's a fatwa from a traditional authentic Sunni source, concludes that muslims should avoid stunned animals altogether because of the doubt and uncertainty of animal dying before being slaughtered.

As the act of stunning renders the animal doubtful, one must avoid consuming the meat of animals that are stunned. It is known that the Jews abstain from consuming stunned animals, thus a Muslim should be more precautious in what he eats. However, if it is determined in a particular animal that it did not die prior to being slaughtered, then it would be Halal. This of course, is very difficult to determine whilst buying from meat shops, thus one should avoid it totally.

And Allah knows best

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari, UK
Stunning Animals Before Slaughtering Them

Anyways...I want some halal Seekh Kebobs and Chicken biryani :smitten:
Well Sur where are you getting at...?....
OK let me roll back to my original point... All i am saying is this... nothing more.

Abu dawood Book 27, Number 3744: Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:... It was then declared lawful to eat something on which the name of Allah was mentioned, and it was made lawful to eat the flesh of an animal slaughtered by the people of the Book
To elaborate;; In typical western environment , difference b/w halal & haram is ONLY of Takbir ... & Prophet permitted us that we can recite ALLAH's name ourselves & eat from ppl-of-the-book's food...

Just for sharing purpose --- Abu Dawood : Book 15, Number 2818:

Narrated Adi ibn Hatim:

I said: Apostle of Allah, tell me when one of us catches game and has no knife; may he slaughter with a flint and a splinter of stick. He said: Cause the blood to flow with whatever you like and mention Allah's name.

Book 16, Number 2845:

Narrated Adi ibn Hatim:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Eat what ever is caught for you by a dog or a hawk you have trained and set off when you have mentioned Allah's name. I said: (Does this apply) if it killed (the animal)? He said: When it kills it without eating any of it, for it caught it only for you.
We are discussing double standards at its best. The world should be rational while Pakistani can be irrational as a birth right.

why do you always insist on going off topic. anyway who gives a flying fxxx what they eat
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