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We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

Your defence of it religious practice is valid, I dont think anybody will deny that. Your claim of blood carrying disease hence needs to be drained in halal method is not scientific though.
I think either halal should be completely banned(if govt has sound basis for that, like the dutch have done) or allow it everywhere.
What is special about parliament.

I am not a scientist so i dont have a clue where science is on this issue but just cause its not there yet dont mean it wont get there in the future.As far as dutch are concerned that's a completely different issue its called bigotry and i have no time to talk about bigots.
So non halal meat is more likely to be carrying diseases? Any studies to prove that?
I thought Muslims were forbidden from consuming blood therefore, they drain the blood?

Actually we as humans should not consume waste materials and blood contains it all....you name it.
Draining the blood will not get rid of salmonella.

you are right it wont that's why you are suppose to cook it to make sure its healthy for human consumption.

Proper identification of the Salmonella bacteria as the causative agent is crucial in the definitive diagnosis of Salmonellosis. Laboratory tests are needed as a diagnostic tool to detect the presence of Salmonella in the stools or blood of an infected person.
The argument that stunning an animal is less painful...has never been proved scientifucally...so even dutch givernment had no real reason for banning it. They only acted to show their hate towards muslims.

In 1978, a study incorporating EEG (electroencephalograph) with electrodes surgically implanted on the skull of 17 sheep and 15 calves, and conducted by Wilhelm Schulze et al. at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany concluded that "the slaughter in the form of a ritual cut is, if carried out properly, painless in sheep and calves according to EEG recordings and the missing defensive actions" (of the animals) and that "For sheep, there were in part severe reactions both in bloodletting cut and the pain stimuli" when captive bolt stunning (CBS) was used.[13][17] This study is cited by the German Constitutional Court in its permitting of dhabiha slaughtering
The strict prohibition of blood in the Bible (Leviticus 7:26-27; 17:10-14) is the basis for the laws governing the preparation of the meat of animals and birds for food. The usual practice is first to soak the meat in cold water for half an hour and then to salt it thoroughly and leave it covered in salt on a draining-board so that as much as possible of the blood is drained off. An alternative method is to roast the meat over a naked flame. In many commu*nities, nowadays, the butcher attends to this process, relieving his customers from having to do it themselves. The blood of fishes is permit*ted so there is no process of "salting" for fish.

(jews)Kashering (Removing the blood) & removing the veins and skin (‘Porschen’ or ‘Nikkur’):

After the animal is slaughtered, the Kosher Supervisor and his team treiber the carcass by removing certain forbidden fats and veins. After the meat has been treibered, it is soaked in a bath in room temperature water for a half hour. To draw out the blood, the soaked meat is then placed on special salting tables where it is salted with coarse salt on both sides for one hour.
I am not a scientist so i dont have a clue where science is on this issue but just cause its not there yet dont mean it wont get there in the future.As far as dutch are concerned that's a completely different issue its called bigotry and i have no time to talk about bigots.
Tomorrow we may find chicken is unsuitable for health( we dont know what we will learn tomorrow) does that mean we should stop eating chicken now?
Bigotry or not, law should be same for all. If I see halal food everywhere so should MPs, what is special about them.
If they want they should ban it everywhere, or else allow everywhere.
Why should they have special privileges.
Blood contains nutrients as well as waste material, same with our tissues.

i wont like milk mixed with meneur....so is the logic of blood containing neutrients AND body waste.... :)
but yeah valid argument.
Btw..if you choose ready salted crisp and dont like cheese flavor crisp...who am i to force you to HAVE cheese flavor crisps..
although both are crisps made of patato....
Get it?
In 1978, a study incorporating EEG (electroencephalograph) with electrodes surgically implanted on the skull of 17 sheep and 15 calves, and conducted by Wilhelm Schulze et al. at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany concluded that "the slaughter in the form of a ritual cut is, if carried out properly, painless in sheep and calves according to EEG recordings and the missing defensive actions" (of the animals) and that "For sheep, there were in part severe reactions both in bloodletting cut and the pain stimuli" when captive bolt stunning (CBS) was used.[13][17] This study is cited by the German Constitutional Court in its permitting of dhabiha slaughtering

Can you show me a link to an independent site where I can read the findings.
It's not like you drink it and you cook the meat anyway. Unless you're French.

lol....this and frog legs.....
and if some day you come to pakistan...i will give you a dish of fried goat testicles and spare parts....heart+lungs+toungue.
Not everybody likes it...but those who eat it love it.

That page uses neutral language to state it is referenced by islamic sites:
Between 1974 and 1978 Schulze and his colleagues carried out a study at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover University in Germany. The study: ‘Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional (captive bolt pistol stunning) and Ritual (knife) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves’[4] is reported on islamic websites[5][6] to have concluded that "the Islamic way of slaughtering is the most humane method of slaughter and that captive bolt stunning, practiced in the West, causes severe pain to the animal".

The halal page has exact para which you stated above, but naughtily you did not copy the next line which says the method is dated( 1978?)

Our respectable Muslims enjoyed fast food without Halal issue so in my point of view it should be optional in countries like UK as in other EU countries.
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