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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

Hmmm I think I will. Idk it's the idea of dismembering Bharat Mata that particularly excites me. Dealing a final blow to this disgusting animal worshipping Australoid cult of people. For what it's worth I find your ilk quite graceful and enthralling; Persepolis, Xerxes, Zarathustra and all that jazz. But submissive Vedic curry smelling cults induce a special kind of disgust in me hence the desire to see them subjugated.

How generations of failures deal with themselves?? You must be having a very tough time
Hmmm I think I will. Idk it's the idea of dismembering Bharat Mata that particularly excites me. Dealing a final blow to this disgusting animal worshipping Australoid cult of people. For what it's worth I find your ilk quite graceful and enthralling; Persepolis, Xerxes, Zarathustra and all that jazz. But submissive Vedic curry smelling cults induce a special kind of disgust in me hence the desire to see them subjugated.

How generations of failures deal with themselves?? You must be having a very tough time

Not really boo. The natural order of things will soon be restored. India is an artificial entity held together by weak forces. The cracks will start showing through as they already have. We just need to sit back and enjoy
Not really boo. The natural order of things will soon be restored. India is an artificial entity held together by weak forces. The cracks will start showing through as they already have. We just need to sit back and enjoy

Teach the dialogue to your children and grandchildren also. They ll also have to repeat this line while sitting back.

Reported for what ??? :undecided:

Some Thinking Tanker here will give that poster 2 or 3 positive ratings and the poster is showing Mod potential from now. After all Pakistan did "dismember" your Bharat Mata / existed for thousands of years as the Indus civilisation / are descendants from the Arabs and Persians and some other people (choose the correct answer..it's multiple choice) and has subjugated the cow worshipping inferior Hindus including the Marathas for a thousand years :D

You really need to skim up on your history doc. I don't live in your region but reading up on PDF has made me confused and wise ;)
Reported for what ??? :undecided:

Some Thinking Tanker here will give that poster 2 or 3 positive ratings and the poster is showing Mod potential from now. After all Pakistan did "dismember" your Bharat Mata / existed for thousands of years as the Indus civilisation / are descendants from the Arabs and Persians and some other people (choose the correct answer..it's multiple choice) and has subjugated the cow worshipping inferior Hindus including the Marathas for a thousand years :D

You really need to skim up on your history doc. I don't live in your region but reading up on PDF has made me confused and wise ;)

It's not personal.

Abusing religion is against the rules.

We should help the mods.

If it was personal he's been nice to my people. But then gone on and broken the rules ...
Teach the dialogue to your children and grandchildren also. They ll also have to repeat this line while sitting back.

Well..technically speaking ...the poster is correct. Going by Pakistani logic, East and West Pakistan were created after dismembering India. Hence they were part of original cracked India in 1971 when they were split. Kinda hard to follow I understand. Just stick to the plot and you'll get there :D
Well..technically speaking ...the poster is correct. Going by Pakistani logic, East and West Pakistan were created after dismembering India. Hence they were part of original cracked India in 1971 when they were split. Kinda hard to follow I understand. Just stick to the plot and you'll get there :D
Stop trolling please.

You disagree with a poster, go ahead and argue his points, refute his claims etc.

Don't apply your generalizations to all Pakistanis.

You really have to get in his psyche. Only then will you make sense of his comments. He too has understood the rising tide of Hindutva hatred. And to save his own skin he's currying favor with the Sanghis by being pro BJP. His tedious writing is a chore to read anyway.

And Bharat Mata is bound to get divided once again it's just a matter of time. Remember some of Europe's countries didn't exist as recent as World War 2. So it's a natural course of events. He can report all he wants.
Please stop discussing other posters (their motivations, identity etc) and absolutely refrain from derogatory generalizations or abusive comments about an entire faith.

I've said this repeatedly - do not confuse Hindu/Hinduism with Hindutva/RSS/BJP/Sanghis
Stop trolling please.

You disagree with a poster, go ahead and argue his points, refute his claims etc.

Don't apply your generalizations to all Pakistanis.

With respect, I am not trolling. I am purely pointing out what are generally, despite being conflicted, views posted by Pakistani (or proclaimed Pakistani) members of PDF. I have been a member for a sufficient period to recall the views penned on this forum
Stop trolling please.

You disagree with a poster, go ahead and argue his points, refute his claims etc.

Don't apply your generalizations to all Pakistanis.

Please stop discussing other posters (their motivations, identity etc) and absolutely refrain from derogatory generalizations or abusive comments about an entire faith.

I've said this repeatedly - do not confuse Hindu/Hinduism with Hindutva/RSS/BJP/Sanghis

Duly noted. Hence deleted.
With respect, I am not trolling. I am purely pointing out what are generally, despite being conflicted, views posted by Pakistani (or proclaimed Pakistani) members of PDF. I have been a member for a sufficient period to recall the views penned on this forum
And so what?

Does the entire population of the UK, US or India have a monolithic approach towards politics, faith, history or perceptions of self/identity?
You really have to get in his psyche. Only then will you make sense of his comments. He too has understood the rising tide of Hindutva hatred. And to save his own skin he's currying favor with the Sanghis by being pro BJP. His tedious writing is a chore to read anyway.

And Bharat Mata is bound to get divided once again it's just a matter of time. Remember some of Europe's countries didn't exist as recent as World War 2. So it's a natural course of events. He can report all he wants.


Ask @AgNoStiC MuSliM

I was an apex sanghi.

Hindus are a pale distant second ...

And I'm a Shiv Sainik, very closely connected to senior families.

And a lot of my friends are very hardcore Hindus.

NOT sanghis. Those are retards, and mob snimals. Im talking royalty. The kind who ruled the subcontinent.

Tu naya nahin hai Cliftonite. Acting kam kar ...

Ask @AgNoStiC MuSliM

I was an apex sanghi.

Hindus are a pale distant second ...

And I'm a Shiv Sainik, very closely connected to senior families.

And a lot of my friends are very hardcore Hindus.

NOT sanghis. Those are retards, and mob snimals. Im talking royalty. The kind who ruled the subcontinent.

Tu naya nahin hai Cliftonite. Acting kam kar ...

Not to deny your services to Thackerites but scourging the interwebs, it doesn't take much to realize these sanghis only consider Hindus their own. Their veneer of a forged alliance with even their Dharmic brothers, the Sikhs and Buddhists shatters if a Sikh or Buddhist starts exceeding his bounds- ask any Khalsa Sikh that. Bon chance for your endeavors though.
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