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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

It's completely true.
The level of Islamophobia in India is at an all time high.
Muslims are literally being blamed for everything.

When you close all doors, the community will open a few underground.

Can't blame them, they gotta do what they gotta do to survive.

There are many gentry muslims in South india vis a vis north india. It is not the same. If you are genuinely interested in Indian Muslim's and their well being, such agenda driven stuff won't help.
They whine the most when police belt their asses in lock up. Why whine about riots then and cry forever?

Yes, what is wrong with these people? They should just let Hindutva mobs burn their homes, loot their property, and rape their women. How dare they fight back?

It's completely true.
The level of Islamophobia in India is at an all time high.
Muslims are literally being blamed for everything.

When you close all doors, the community will open a few underground.

Can't blame them, they gotta do what they gotta do to survive.

Economically and socially marginalize a community, then complain how come they live separate lives in their ghettos.

Iran sends medical equipment to India.

Please ask the Indians to use them on Muslims too.

What is remarkable is that they all make it very clear that they want to avoid Muslims at all costs, and then complain that Muslims don't integrate

Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan in 1888:

The aims and objects of the Indian National Congress are based upon an ignorance of history and present-day politics; they do not take into consideration that India is inhabited by different nationalities: they presuppose that the Muslims, the Marathas, the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Banias, the Sudras, the Sikhs, the Bengalis, the Madrasis, and the Peshawaris can all be treated alike and all of them belong to the same nation. The Congress thinks that they profess the same religion, that they speak the same language, that their way of life and customs are the same... I consider the experiment which the Indian National Congress wants to make fraught with dangers and suffering for all the nationalities of India, especially for the Muslims.

Justice Abdur Rahim in the 1925 Muslim League address:

The Hindus and Muslims are not two religious sects like the Protestants and Catholics of England, but form two distinct communities of peoples, and so they regard themselves. Their respective attitude towards life, distinctive culture, civilization and social habits, their traditions and history, no less than their religion, divide them so completely that the fact that they have lived in the same country for nearly 1,000 years has contributed hardly anything to their fusion into a nation... Any of us Indian Muslims travelling for instance in Afghanistan, Persia, and Central Asia, among Chinese Muslims, Arabs, and Turks, would at once be made at home and would not find anything to which we are not accustomed. On the contrary in India, we find ourselves in all social matters total aliens when we cross the street and enter that part of the town where our Hindu fellow townsmen live.

Sir John Cumming is his book, Political India, 1932:

It is not only in the customs and usages which mark their external life that the two people differ; the sources of their moral and intellectual inspiration are different. The Muslim is inspired by the great literature of Arabia and Persia, his conduct is influenced by the precepts of Sadi or of the great saints of Islam. The Hindu venerates myriads of gods, demi-gods, and demons of whose very name the Muslim is ignorant, and his daily life is governed by an elaborate code of rules the very reason of which is as unintelligible to the Muslim as to the Christian. Even their newspapers, their novels, and current literature are mutually unintelligible. The Muslim reads his script from right to left, the Hindu books and newspapers are printed from left to right. But it is useless to enumerate the grounds of difference between Hindu and Muslim; the only thing that matters is that they do in fact feel and think of themselves as separate peoples. In all disquisitions on nationality, this is the only test which is found to cover all cases. If a certain body of persons think of themselves as one nation and are willing to endure tribulation and material losses in order to remain together, then they are one people; if they cannot pass this acid test, they are not. Judged by this standard the Muslims of India are a nation. Communal differences, as they are called, are really national jealousies. That is why Sir Muhammad Iqbal declared 'the problem of India is international, not national'.

Sir John Stachey in 1883 conference entitled "What is India?":

This is the first and most essential thing to learn about India—that there is not, and never was an India, or even any country of India, possessing, according to European ideas, any sort of unity, physical, political, social and religious; no Indian nation, no 'people of India,' of which we hear so much.... We have never destroyed in India a national government, no national sentiment has been wounded, no national pride has been humiliated; and this not through any design or merit of our own, but because no Indian nationalities have existed.

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Lahore 1940:

It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religions in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders, and it is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality, and this misconception of one Indian nation has troubles and will lead India to destruction if we fail to revise our notions in time. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, litteratuers. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state.
Quaid e Azam in 1944, in reply to Gandhi's derision of Pakistan:

We maintain and hold that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition or test of a nation. We are a nation of hundred million and what is more, we are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportions, legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and tradition, and aptitude and ambitions. In short, we have our own outlook on life and of life.
Mathura is the parliamentary constituency of BJP MP, Hema Malini. Yesterday's "dream girl". Of course, she approves of such discrimination against Muslims.

Her whole family is corrupt in so many ways as is Dharmendra. Sunny Deol is also a BJP MP. I have stopped watching any movies of this entire rotten family.

This is typical Indian thinking on display by you. Arts and humanities are "jhola variety?" Oh, really? May I remind you in all Western countries, they will not agree with your mindset. Most Indians will not be able to successfully graduate from a REAL Arts and humanities course in Western countries. Have you heard of Yale School of Divinity? Even Caltech, MIT, have successful humanities programs and their graduates are the CEOs of top corporations, and leading politicians.

Only in India, the Arts and Humanities programmes have been murdered because many Indians are too damn stupid to understand the significance of these courses.

Humanities course is perhaps what makes nations "human." Maybe that's not your favorite concept.

Don't judge other countries comprehensive education systems with your own Indian education standards. You will fail miserably.

I am sure you take pride in India's technical education, our IITs and stuff. I've got more news for you: India's students consistently rank at the BOTTOM Of Pisa Table. It is a standardized global test measuring the technical aptitude of schoolchildren. Indian students performance has been as dismal as our athletes performance at the Olympics. That too year after year till India's education ministry started complaining about "discrimination" and "bias" in PISA test modules.

India's education system is what turns a majority of Indians into such pathetic losers.

Bottomline: Our Indians neither have technical ability nor gain any humanity skills in their 16 years of schooling.
Humanities students anywhere in the world are nothing but Jholachaapps.

They care about abstract ideas with no practical applications in the real world like grievance studies. I have posted a thread which exposes these leftist humanities students in western universities. You are free to debate me on that thread


They don't even have to study. Otherwise why do students of JNU have so much free time to do Dharna Pradarshan day in and day out.

IIT Delhi and JNU are just a few kilometers apart but there is a vast difference in the mindset. Between tutorials, assignments, projects IITians don't have any free time while JNUiets just enjoy their chai-sutta and slogan shouting.

Nice essay. Weak argument.

They don't even have to study. Otherwise why do students of JNU have so much free time to do Dharna Pradarshan day in and day out.

The only purpose of education cannot be to produce cheap H-1B scabs for American IT companies in India. By its very definition, education should be comprehensive, and cover all fields.

Yes, the quality of humanities education is not that good in India. But it's mostly due to a lack of funding, and the neglect by UGC and other government authorities. They are filled with incompetent administrators. The neglect has become worse during the Narendra Modi regime. Being himself an illiterate peon, he sees no value in higher education.

BJP is hell-bent on shutting down reputed public universities, to be replaced by expensive private education (financed by their corporate donors such as Ambani, Adani etc.) which most of you Indians won't be able to afford.

Everything has its place: technical education as well as Humanities. But even India's state of technical education is abysmal. Otherwise, you would not have Indians at the bottom of PISA pyramid. The only reason middle-class Indians have the H-1B jobs is because they are cheap to hire, and make excellent slaves for corporations.

IIT Delhi and JNU are just a few kilometers apart but there is a vast difference in the mindset. Between tutorials, assignments, projects IITians don't have any free time while JNUiets just enjoy their chai-sutta and slogan shouting.

IIT has received a lot of funding, encouragement, and support from Government as well as US corporations looking for cheap workers to exploit. Of course, they will shine somewhat relative to neglected universities like JNU.

But I agree with your arguments. So many of you Indians are simply not deserving of a comprehensive education. Better cram up to get into your IITs.
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