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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

Class war.

Class also but there is a freeloader class in India cutting across religion and caste. Babu and crony baniya and middle.men. they hate modi the most.

Educated millenial Sanghis is exactly what is disconcerting. There are uneducated hateful Nazis from the uneducated strata in every country. No shortage of them here in Pakistan. But when you have educated college graduates espousing Nazi rhetoric is when you know things are bad.

Sorry we have nothing to do with Nazis at all. In fact we have nothing to do with muslims or Christian also. We are making a Hindu or dharmic ummah. We are 1 billion and like the Han Chinese we ll make our base. You can call it abrahamication of Hinduism in a way. But that's our choice because nobody gives is any free food. Our country and wealth has been plundered and we don't owe anyone anything.
Yes the phenomenon is there but it won't come here. Al Jazeera so provoke randomly though and Mehdi Hassan types fake a Cockney accent and want us to believe he has nothing to do with Aligarh and Muzzafarnagar.

Check out the comments on DW News or BBC about the Delhi riots. Clear cut Islamophobia. If this isn't Sanghi propaganda what is?
My frame of reference is Dawn, Express and Quora. Besides Reddit of course. If you wanna see Sanghi infestation check out Aljazeera and TRT Worlds recent piece on Islamophobia in India on YT. Comments spammed to the max by Indians.
I know what you're talking about - it would be interesting to see how our resident Indian posters would classify the Indians overwhelming the message/comments sections.

Someone pointed out the same thing on Imran Khan's twitter feed yesterday - a lot of Indians.
Sanghis and nationalist Pakistanis on the same forum are a toxic mix - you can see the results on twitter, for example. The question is, can Sanghi posters recognize that on a Pakistani forum they'll have to just ignore certain topics & moderate their engagement with Pakistani posters?

Letting things devolve to the level of twitter exchanges between the two sides is not an option.

We need to decide what are our red cards, and they need to be elucidated clearly for all members.

For me as a Pakistani Muslim, I believe strongly that Islamophobia in all its forms should be treated very harshly on this forum, then deriding of our founding fathers like Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal, and finally, the honor and life of our Kashmiri brethren.

No one should be able to insult Kashmiris in any capacity on this forum. I feel very strongly about this.
I am sorry. Comment boards?? I don't read them at all. There are Pakistanis on indian Facebook pages also. You have a very wrong idea about Sanghis. Most educated, sophisticated, upper class hindus are Sanghis today. They don't go and sit in RSS Shakas but they believe in the ideology. Therr are equal amount of congress or anti bjp trolls online but of course you may not see them on pakistan newssites. I am a fund manager in a top mutual fund myself.
Yep. Absolutely right.
Sanghis and nationalist Pakistanis on the same forum are a toxic mix - you can see the results on twitter, for example. The question is, can Sanghi posters recognize that on a Pakistani forum they'll have to just ignore certain topics & moderate their engagement with Pakistani posters?

Letting things devolve to the level of twitter exchanges between the two sides is not an option.

You were on WAB and other places during the wars (secularists vs sanghis) in the run-up to 2014 and beyond.

Pakistanis felt highly ignored.

There was blood, rivers, on the Indian Politics thread.

It's all a matter of perspective.

Beyond a point we even forget you are watching ....
I know what you're talking about - it would be interesting to see how our resident Indian posters would classify the Indians overwhelming the message/comments sections.

Someone pointed out the same thing on Imran Khan's twitter feed yesterday - a lot of Indians.

Even Erdogan and TRT, but Turks can hit back harder.
Check out the comments on DW News or BBC about the Delhi riots. Clear cut Islamophobia. If this isn't Sanghi propaganda what is?
You think the hindu muslim war is over or will be over and peace will happen just like that. You think if India gives away Kashmir to Pakistan, Pakistan will stop hating india and hindus or that Zaid Hamid will not want the green crsecent on the laal qila. You talk as if we have only bothered your lot and vice versa is not true.
Class also but there is a freeloader class in India cutting across religion and caste. Babu and crony baniya and middle.men. they hate modi the most.

Sorry we have nothing to do with Nazis at all. In fact we have nothing to do with muslims or Christian also. We are making a Hindu or dharmic ummah. We are 1 billion and like the Han Chinese we ll make our base. You can call it abrahamication of Hinduism in a way. But that's our choice because nobody gives is any free food. Our country and wealth has been plundered and we don't owe anyone anything.

Classic symptoms of a society descending into Nazism. Hitler's Germany went through the same sentiments. A desire to purge the wrongs of Versailles Treaty and past wars, weed out the Abrahamic Jews and revive their Nordic roots.

You think the hindu muslim war is over or will be over and peace will happen just like that. You think if India gives away Kashmir to Pakistan, Pakistan will stop hating india and hindus or that Zaid Hamid will not want the green crsecent on the laal qila. You talk as if we have only bothered your lot and vice versa is not true.

Incessant obsession with Islam is another sign of Nazism. Germany was at war with der Juden. Wanted to make Germany Judenfrei. The similarities are uncanny.
Check out the comments on DW News or BBC about the Delhi riots. Clear cut Islamophobia. If this isn't Sanghi propaganda what is?

If you are going to proclaim a ghazwa e hind and call us kaffirs and isolators and have deep hatred for everything we are and sacred to us and glorify people who tried to crush us with all their might, we are going to love you. Nobody in the world gets to teach hindus about Islam. We know the good,bad,ugly of Islam and muslims. I say it with a very cool head.
Class also but there is a freeloader class in India cutting across religion and caste. Babu and crony baniya and middle.men. they hate modi the most.

Sorry we have nothing to do with Nazis at all. In fact we have nothing to do with muslims or Christian also. We are making a Hindu or dharmic ummah. We are 1 billion and like the Han Chinese we ll make our base. You can call it abrahamication of Hinduism in a way. But that's our choice because nobody gives is any free food. Our country and wealth has been plundered and we don't owe anyone anything.
Good goooood. Let the hate flow through you.

Nazism is an analogy by the way. You're not literally Nazis. You can dream though I suppose.
You were on WAB and other places during the wars (secularists vs sanghis) in the run-up to 2014 and beyond.

Pakistanis felt highly ignored.

There was blood, rivers, on the Indian Politics thread.

It's all a matter of perspective.

Beyond a point we even forget you are watching ....
WAB was also very, very selective in who it allowed to post.

So much so that what was once a very interesting forum to post on has now died out.
Class also but there is a freeloader class in India cutting across religion and caste. Babu and crony baniya and middle.men. they hate modi the most.

Sorry we have nothing to do with Nazis at all. In fact we have nothing to do with muslims or Christian also. We are making a Hindu or dharmic ummah. We are 1 billion and like the Han Chinese we ll make our base. You can call it abrahamication of Hinduism in a way. But that's our choice because nobody gives is any free food. Our country and wealth has been plundered and we don't owe anyone anything.

Hindutva is inherently Abrahamic.

I've been saying since I woke up in late 2015.
If you are going to proclaim a ghazwa e hind and call us kaffirs and isolators and have deep hatred for everything we are and sacred to us and glorify people who tried to crush us with all their might, we are going to love you. Nobody in the world gets to teach hindus about Islam. We know the good,bad,ugly of Islam and muslims. I say it with a very cool head.
Oh what's that? Another moderate Indian with PTSD.

Seriously, Indians need group therapy.
Classic symptoms of a society descending into Nazism. Hitler's Germany went through the same sentiments. A desire to purge the wrongs of Versailles Treaty and past wars, weed out the Abrahamic Jews and revive their Nordic roots.

Incessant obsession with Islam is another sign of Nazism. Germany was at war with der Juden. Wanted to make Germany Judenfrei. The similarities are uncanny.

Germany is an artificial country which exists since 1870 and with Germanic tribes. We have no connection whatsoever to Germany or Nazi movement. One can always make parallels to compare anything in history. If at all anything our enemies are the impotent imbecile selfish liberal hindus who lack everything needed to be social and political leaders.
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