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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

If you are going to proclaim a ghazwa e hind and call us kaffirs and isolators and have deep hatred for everything we are and sacred to us and glorify people who tried to crush us with all their might, we are going to love you. Nobody in the world gets to teach hindus about Islam. We know the good,bad,ugly of Islam and muslims. I say it with a very cool head.

You're talking like such a typical Third Reich freak. If the Muslik world wanted to wipe you out, they'd have donee it long ago. Imagine Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran attack you simultaneously. You'd be wiped out. Stop obsessing over the Muslim threat.
Hindutva is inherently Abrahamic.

I've been saying since I woke up in late 2015.

It definitely is but we dont have a choice but to seek solutions to fight sonia gandhi and mulayam singh yadav and pawar dada
Germany is an artificial country which exists since 1870 and with Germanic tribes. We have no connection whatsoever to Germany or Nazi movement. One can always make parallels to compare anything in history. If at all anything our enemies are the impotent imbecile selfish liberal hindus who lack everything needed to be social and political leaders.

Germany's enemies were also the communists and the intellectuals who were weakening the German nation. Are you listening to yourself or is the irony totally lost on you pajeet?
Class also but there is a freeloader class in India cutting across religion and caste. Babu and crony baniya and middle.men. they hate modi the most.

Aren't Baniyas aka Patels most of your financiers? They have big conventions in the US to support BJP, and nearly every Gujurati Patel I met in the US was a big Modi supporter and conservative Hindu. The 'paper plate and paper spoons to guests' kind.
Oh what's that? Another moderate Indian with PTSD.

Seriously, Indians need group therapy.

Indians at their base are a nation beset with collective shame and inferiority complex at having been ridden rough and kept away wet for a 1000 years by foreign invaders. It's manifesting in this way now.
You're talking like such a typical Third Reich freak. If the Muslik world wanted to wipe you out, they'd have donee it long ago. Imagine Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran attack you simultaneously. You'd be wiped out. Stop obsessing over the Muslim threat.

Don't give empty threats jenaab. Egypt and Indonesia? LOL. They are failed countries. They can't even attack Bali. I have no interest in talking to euro centric people who live mentally in Europe and yeah you are like our people in South Bombay. Physically here and mentally elsewhere. None of the countries you mentioned can do anything to India.
Aren't Baniyas aka Patels most of your financiers? They have big conventions in the US to support BJP, and nearly every Gujurati Patel I met in the US was a big Modi supporter and conservative Hindu. The 'paper plate and paper spoons to guests' kind.

I used the word baniya to mean businessmen and the word crony baniya to mean the kinds of nepotistic businessmen who use connected to earn brokerage and not actually take risk and generate employment.
We need to decide what are our red cards, and they need to be elucidated clearly for all members.

For me as a Pakistani Muslim, I believe strongly that Islamophobia in all its forms should be treated very harshly on this forum, then deriding of our founding fathers like Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal, and finally, the honor and life of our Kashmiri brethren.

No one should be able to insult Kashmiris in any capacity on this forum. I feel very strongly about this.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM Did you read this post of mine? What are your thoughts?
A fascist nation invents an imaginary enemy who poses an imaginary threat to them. It sets an ideal standards of purity like one religion or one race that everybody must achieve. It identifies enemies from within who are responsible for weakening the nation. One needs to read the plunge of Germany into Nazism and compare it with India now. The similarities are just too much.
Aren't Baniyas aka Patels most of your financiers? They have big conventions in the US to support BJP, and nearly every Gujurati Patel I met in the US was a big Modi supporter and conservative Hindu. The 'paper plate and paper spoons to guests' kind.
Baniyas and Patel's are different castes by the way.

A fascist nation invents an imaginary enemy who poses an imaginary threat to them. It sets an ideal standards of purity like one religion or one race that everybody must achieve. It identifies enemies from within who are responsible for weakening the nation. One needs to read the plunge of Germany into Nazism and compare it with India now. The similarities are just too much.

Our enemies are fattu hindus and they are our own and we know them. Our enemies are caste leaders who take their people for a toss and they are also our own. Hindutva is an internal matter of hindus. Trust me no muslim or Christian will be harmed in the process.
Don't give empty threats jenaab. Egypt and Indonesia? LOL. They are failed countries. They can't even attack Bali. I have no interest in talking to euro centric people who live mentally in Europe and yeah you are like our people in South Bombay. Physically here and mentally elsewhere. None of the countries you mentioned can do anything to India.

Notions of infallibility are also very common amongst Nazi nation. Remember Germany thought it could occupy all of continental Europe as it's rightful owner. Thought no power could destroy it. What happened?
It definitely is but we dont have a choice but to seek solutions to fight sonia gandhi and mulayam singh yadav and pawar dada

Pawar saheb really did a number on you guys.

I was dancing in the aisles of the Spice Jet Delhi Pune flight that had just landed and guys put on their mobiles.

Made up for the heartburn of last year in toto.

Some sanghi uncles were decidedly unhappy.
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