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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

It's about buying time.

You buy with what you have.

After that's exhausted, you do have to come out

This lockdown issue is being overplayed. Just take India and the socio economic consequences of lockdown, apart from the divisiveness on religious and other grounds arising there from. I'm more inclined to say that herd immunity should apply to the working and poorer classes as a measure of sympathy for them
This lockdown issue is being overplayed. Just take India and the socio economic consequences of lockdown, apart from the divisiveness on religious and other grounds arising there from. I'm more inclined to say that herd mentality should apply to the working and poorer classes as a measure of sympathy for them

Running a country is never about sympathy.

Ar least not short term sympathy.

Modi has done a stellar job.

India has done a stellar job.

We are nearing the peak in a few weeks from now. Im definitely scared.
If you abhor sanghis and don't let us participate, it will only be Joe Shearer types and at best Padamchen types bashing Modi and 50% of the Indian population views. It won't be a real estimate of the actual opinion of indian people. Pakistani posters can do a better job at that and of course the great Afrazul Mandal.
The goal is not to lock out Sanghis at all. The BJP and Sangh are a reality in today's India and there would be no point to having discussions on India's domestic politics where the right-wing of Indian politics was shut out.

Honestly, I wish we had more participation from PMLN/PPP supporters on this forum, but while Indian politics (even when you vehemently disagree) appear to me (on this forum at least) to be over issues & ideology, Pakistani political discussions are still mired in petty name-calling over 'the Army selected so an so' and ' the election was rigged' and 'this party is corrupt' - so discussions (whether here or twitter) tend to devolve into a abusive shouting matches pretty quickly.
The goal is not to lock out Sanghis at all. The BJP and Sangh are a reality in today's India and there would be no point to having discussions on India's domestic politics where the right-wing of Indian politics was shut out.

Honestly, I wish we had more participation from PMLN/PPP supporters on this forum, but while Indian politics (even when you vehemently disagree) appear to me (on this forum at least) to be over issues & ideology, Pakistani political discussions are still mired in petty name-calling over 'the Army selected so an so' and ' the election was rigged' and 'this party is corrupt' - so discussions (whether here or twitter) tend to devolve into a abusive shouting matches pretty quickly.

Fair enough. Indian politics is also not some great ideology thing while that's also there, there is a lot of real politik which people don't know or discuss here and we have Puritans like old uncles lecturing us about our illiteracy.
Nonetheless, you shouldn't encourage fanaticism of any kind but do promote multiple views.
Sanghis and BJP IT cells already infest all our national news-sites and comment sections. Is it a little too much to ask a little respite and have our own space.

PMLN supporters are a dying breed no? I hardly see their presence on social media either. PTI seems to have taken the Punjab mantle from PMLN or I guess the supporters are in hibernation until the next election. Hardly a peep really. Good riddance either way. All PPP needs is for Zardari to say tata to this world. Bilawal is not viable at all as party leader. The phaggy connotations are too strong for him to be taken seriously.
I am sorry. Comment boards?? I don't read them at all. There are Pakistanis on indian Facebook pages also. You have a very wrong idea about Sanghis. Most educated, sophisticated, upper class hindus are Sanghis today. They don't go and sit in RSS Shakas but they believe in the ideology. Therr are equal amount of congress or anti bjp trolls online but of course you may not see them on pakistan newssites. I am a fund manager in a top mutual fund myself.
Well done Indians, Well done!!!

The world is moving into SuperIntelligence and TransHumanismTech... and the good Indians cann't decide after 73yrs whether Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are equal citizens or not....


Sirjee silent fan of yours here. Your analysis is top notch jis ko samaj lag jaye.
Fair enough. Indian politics is also not some great ideology thing while that's also there, there is a lot of real politik which people don't know or discuss here and we have Puritans like old uncles lecturing us about our illiteracy.
Nonetheless, you shouldn't encourage fanaticism of any kind but do promote multiple views.

Old uncles who know zilch of politics are usually the most opinionated and fanatically intolerant if opposing views.
I've been telling him.exactly the same thing.

Every Indian will come with a different perspective.

You cannot put one in charge.

P.S. Why would Padamchen be "at best"?
Sanghis and nationalist Pakistanis on the same forum are a toxic mix - you can see the results on twitter, for example. The question is, can Sanghi posters recognize that on a Pakistani forum they'll have to just ignore certain topics & moderate their engagement with Pakistani posters?

Letting things devolve to the level of twitter exchanges between the two sides is not an option.
I am sorry. Comment boards?? I don't read them at all. There are Pakistanis on indian Facebook pages also. You have a very wrong idea about Sanghis. Most educated, sophisticated, upper class hindus are Sanghis today. They don't go and sit in RSS Shakas but they believe in the ideology. Therr are equal amount of congress or anti bjp trolls online but of course you may not see them on pakistan newssites. I am a fund manager in a top mutual fund myself.

My frame of reference is Dawn, Express and Quora. Besides Reddit of course. If you wanna see Sanghi infestation check out Aljazeera and TRT Worlds recent piece on Islamophobia in India on YT. Comments spammed to the max by Indians.
Old uncles who know zilch of politics are usually the most opinionated and fanatically intolerant if opposing views.

I shut up many congressi chachas and Taus in familt gatherings. It is not that I have a problem that they don't like the BJP but they are all like, you don't know we know..I am like you don't know at all, cut the crap and go out and talk to people.
I am sorry. Comment boards?? I don't read them at all. There are Pakistanis on indian Facebook pages also. You have a very wrong idea about Sanghis. Most educated, sophisticated, upper class hindus are Sanghis today. They don't go and sit in RSS Shakas but they believe in the ideology. Therr are equal amount of congress or anti bjp trolls online but of course you may not see them on pakistan newssites. I am a fund manager in a top mutual fund myself.

Class war.
My frame of reference is Dawn, Express and Quora. Besides Reddit of course. If you wanna see Sanghi infestation check out Aljazeera and TRT Worlds recent piece on Islamophobia in India on YT. Comments spammed to the max by Indians.

Yes the phenomenon is there but it won't come here. Al Jazeera so provoke randomly though and Mehdi Hassan types fake a Cockney accent and want us to believe he has nothing to do with Aligarh and Muzzafarnagar.
Educated millenial Sanghis is exactly what is disconcerting. There are uneducated hateful Nazis from the uneducated strata in every country. No shortage of them here in Pakistan. But when you have educated college graduates espousing Nazi rhetoric is when you know things are bad.
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