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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

Is that all the creativity you got?

i would like to invite you to make a thread as how you see civil war proceeding in India.

you are talking about a country whose citizens rarely have ventured out of their ancestral villages even in most dire of famine drought and political upheaval.

How do you think India was formed?

West to south.
Some Western backpackers have used this abbreviation for INDIA = I'll Never Do It Again.

At times, I feel they are correct.

Thank you but no thank you. All those dudes in Parvati Valley and Goa Refuse to listen to you though.
Some Western backpackers have used this abbreviation for INDIA = I'll Never Do It Again.

At times, I feel they are correct.

How about you personally, will you?

TBH...anybody who goes backpacking in India must be a special kind of crazy. The damn weather differences in the different areas are intolerable and the humidity in the sea areas are horrifying.
I'm trying to replace and auditioned for all of Sridevi's roles. Please bear with me

social distancing has ruined the dance.

Italians went crazy when there was no pizza, imagine your susraal on dance withdrawal symptoms.
Don't mean to intrude, but do you know the meaning of this?

"Greetings" I believe

social distancing has ruined the dance.

Italians went crazy when there was no pizza, imagine your susraal on dance withdrawal symptoms.

Social distancing is for the commoners my dear Hamid. Then again, why am I trying to explain that you sigh
Yes, but the divides in India aren't just religious, they're also ethno-linguistic & caste based.

Regions that might otherwise be more 'tolerant' of Muslims within their particular ethno-linguistic group may not respond positively towards large numbers of migrants from other ethno-linguistic groups that impact the local demographic balance.

Never said it's easy. Never said it won't take time. But when Jews from all ethnicities were able to revive a dead language and unite under such heavy opposition, the Muslims of India can too. Idealistic so to speak but if they put their minds to it, their children or grandchildren will have a better future free of constant humiliation. Right now they are nothing short of cockroaches scattered all over India, waiting for a mob of Hindus to attack them.
I'm not very sure about how this thread got to this point, even after cursorily skimming through some earlier pages of comment. If I take the points made by @AgoStiC MuSliM here, there are a few brief points to be made.
  1. First, ideologically, I have great difficulty remaining calm about the Sangh Parivar and all its manifestations. Tolerating these is simply not possible.
  2. That, however, does not mean that someone who makes a point is game to be hunted down. It is different if the point is made with all the excessive passion that seems to pass for assertiveness; but a post that states a point of view different from I believe, however repugnant that point of view might be, will not, SHOULD not receive an unkind response from me. There are times when I have failed; there are individuals who excite the basest feelings, but those are admittedly deviations from the civilised norm, and not things to be proud about.
  3. The opposite is easier to handle. For the last couple of days, since whenever it was that the strengthened teams of moderators have stepped up, the speed of response has been unbelievable. There is no need any longer either to resort to a sordid word battle with the perpetrators, or to stay away from the forum to get one's feelings under control.
  4. It is generous of @AgNoStiC MuSliM to offer to keep an eye on potentially uproarious threads, and we should take advantage of it, and reduce the amount of bellicosity that gets found very often, too often, between two sides with radically different views of a matter.
  5. I take it that the present incident that forms the basis of this thread is not being taken too seriously by members. It need not be; allowing any imbeciles rambling brain fart to excite us is simply too juvenile to be supported. What happened was disgraceful; the clerk needs to be made to pay for his foolishness and insensitivity. Apart from that, it does not influence the course of events in India; things are serious, people are consequently worried, there is no sign of improvement (= destruction of the BJP), and it looks like we need a long time for the repair process to move out of inertia and sloth.
Ideally, I'd love to see an Indian domestic politics sub-section with someone like yourself moderating it.

In my (perhaps delusional) thinking, such an arrangement might even be acceptable to most Pakistanis because it would revolve around ONLY domestic Indian politics and therefore be less of a lightening rod attracting the jingoistic back and forth between Indians and Pakistanis we usually see, and serve as a means for getting better insight into domestic Indian politics, which I certainly find increasingly interesting and not along the black and white lines I've typically viewed it as.

P.S: For the rest of you, I'm still going through the posts, catching up and moderating - so please don't freak out.
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