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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

That is hardly a yardstick.

If the sole criteria for discrimination was migration, then I assume blacks were never discriminated in the US and South Africa.

Discrimination is a wide word. Political, religious, economic, sexual discrimination and the list goes on. Simply put where will an Ahmedi feel safer? In India or in Pakistan? Likewise where will an upper class Pakistani Hindu feel more privileged and safer? In India or Pakistan? In India there are no laws which I am aware of which restricts the economic activity of Muslims or any other minorities. Likewise, there are no laws passed which discriminate against Muslim or any other minority Indians.
Hey Uncle Joe !

Unfortunately to some people, it is difficult and somewhat impossible for them to accept that majority of Muslims in India are simply not willing to pick up arms to fight Pakistan's cause. In Gujarat for example, many of the Muslims face the same resentment (together with the Hindus and other infidels) of non Gujjus migrating to their State, irrespective of religion of the migrants

Pakistan has no intention for Muslims in India to pick a fight against the Indian State. Any destabilization of India would result in refugees on Pakistan's border and this is the last thing Pakistan wants. Pakistan has already absorbed almost 2 million Muslim refugees from India after 1990 in addition to 4 million Afghans, we simply have no space for anyone here.

Kashmir off course is another matter.
Thanks for expanding on my earlier submissions. The brunt of communal violence is always felt by the poor. It is nothing more than gangsterism disguised as communalism. In India at least

We are all saying the same thing for varying periods of time.

It's a class war.
Pakistan has no intention for Muslims in India to pick a fight against the Indian State. Any destabilization of India would result in refugees on Pakistan's border and this is the last thing Pakistan wants. Pakistan has already absorbed almost 2 million Muslim refugees from India after 1990 in addition to 4 million Afghans, we simply have no space for anyone here.

Kashmir off course is another matter.

I don't believe that Kashmir is the subject matter of any serious discussion here.

The response was in the context of the posts in this thread. In the event that there is any start of the disintegration of India, I strongly believe that Pakistan will be the last choice for Indians of any sort and that much is said with respect to Pakistan. The view of Pakistan to most Indians from my personal experience simply does not favour such an eventuality
Well..technically speaking ...the poster is correct. Going by Pakistani logic, East and West Pakistan were created after dismembering India. Hence they were part of original cracked India in 1971 when they were split. Kinda hard to follow I understand. Just stick to the plot and you'll get there :D

Congratulations on dismembering. I do see the kind of love and respect you get from Afghanistan, Iranan,
Well..technically speaking ...the poster is correct. Going by Pakistani logic, East and West Pakistan were created after dismembering India. Hence they were part of original cracked India in 1971 when they were split. Kinda hard to follow I understand. Just stick to the plot and you'll get there :D

We do know the kind of love and respect you get from Afghanistan,Iran and GCC and Bangladesh gets from South East Asia. So much for dismembering. It is not like they let you eat at their table. LOL.
I don't believe that Kashmir is the subject matter of any serious discussion here.

The response was in the context of the posts in this thread. In the event that there is any start of the disintegration of India, I strongly believe that Pakistan will be the last choice for Indians of any sort and that much is said with respect to Pakistan. The view of Pakistan to most Indians from my personal experience simply does not favour such an eventuality
That's the view during peacetime. Who knows how the masses of refugees will behave in the wake of such calamitous conflict? You forgot 1947?

Congratulations on dismembering. I do see the kind of love and respect you get from Afghanistan, Iranan,

We do know the kind of love and respect you get from Afghanistan,Iran and GCC and Bangladesh gets from South East Asia. So much for dismembering. It is not like they let you eat at their table. LOL.

easy there Bavarian. easy
Discrimination is a wide word. Political, religious, economic, sexual discrimination and the list goes on. Simply put where will an Ahmedi feel safer? In India or in Pakistan? Likewise where will an upper class Pakistani Hindu feel more privileged and safer? In India or Pakistan? In India there are no laws which I am aware of which restricts the economic activity of Muslims or any other minorities. Likewise, there are no laws passed which discriminate against Muslim or any other minority Indians.

Laws don't mean shit when you are enacting pogroms. For all it's discriminatory laws, Pakistan has never enacted pogroms of Christians where 75 year old nuns were gangraped (2008 Orissa riots) or where 8000 Sikhs were killed in a week. We have never burned missionaries alive unlike our neighbors (Graham Staines). If anything, more Muslims have been subjected to violence than non Muslims in Pakistan. Far more Sunnis killed in bomb blasts.
Pakistan has no intention for Muslims in India to pick a fight against the Indian State. Any destabilization of India would result in refugees on Pakistan's border and this is the last thing Pakistan wants. Pakistan has already absorbed almost 2 million Muslim refugees from India after 1990 in addition to 4 million Afghans, we simply have no space for anyone here.

Kashmir off course is another matter.

Which is why we have all been saying.

A civil war in India will not remain within paper borders.

This is not sabre rattling.

This is the reality of our geography and civilizational peoplehood.

If Iranian peoples flee to the subcontinent across deserts , seas and mountains, what are the barriers going to be to 1.6 billion people on plains?

You do not have enough artillery or machine guns to stem the glow of humanity when and if this happens.

Not even tactical nukes.

Especially not.
Congratulations on dismembering. I do see the kind of love and respect you get from Afghanistan, Iranan,

We do know the kind of love and respect you get from Afghanistan,Iran and GCC and Bangladesh gets from South East Asia. So much for dismembering. It is not like they let you eat at their table. LOL.

Vegav bacchu. Please read my posts properly before responding to them alrite?
Laws don't mean shit when you are enacting pogroms. For all it's discriminatory laws, Pakistan has never enacted pogroms of Christians where 75 year old nuns were gangraped (2008 Orissa riots) or where 8000 Sikhs were killed in a week. We have never burned missionaries alive unlike our neighbors (Graham Staines). If anything, more Muslims have been subjected to violence than non Muslims in Pakistan. Far more Sunnis killed in bomb blasts.

Yeah all pogroms finished by 1947, very effective.

Vegav bacchu. Please read my posts properly before responding to them alrite?

Parh liya dadu, tabhi jawab likh raha hoon
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