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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

Have you even read what I've written? I'm saying that if there was intolerance, there would have been migrations of Indian Muslims to Pakistan just like how Pakistani Hindus are migrating to India.

That is hardly a yardstick.

If the sole criteria for discrimination was migration, then I assume blacks were never discriminated in the US and South Africa.
No. The only Muslim majority state was Jammu & Kashmir with Muslims accounting for 67% of the population, mostly concentrated in the Kashmir Valley and some districts of Jammu.

Other than that, they make up a majority in only 9 districts. 6 in Assam and 1 each in Kerala, WB and Bihar.

Well then they need to make up majority in conjoined spaces. Maybe migrate to Kashmir and Himachal or whatever. 200 million is no small amount, that's almost the total population of Pakistan. And I'm pretty sure the number is higher than 200m.
I can only assume that you are very young, and very ignorant of conditions on the ground. The riots in Muzaffarnagar happened while I was there, teaching in Badshahi Bagh. The upper class Muslims were left alone; the Jats were left alone. At lower economic levels, the Muslims were in a majority in Saharanpur, and in a minority elsewhere. They faced the brunt of the violence.

Thanks for expanding on my earlier submissions. The brunt of communal violence is always felt by the poor. It is nothing more than gangsterism disguised as communalism. In India at least
Hey Uncle Joe !

Unfortunately to some people, it is difficult and somewhat impossible for them to accept that majority of Muslims in India are simply not willing to pick up arms to fight Pakistan's cause. In Gujarat for example, many of the Muslims face the same resentment (together with the Hindus and other infidels) of non Gujjus migrating to their State, irrespective of religion of the migrants


This is the crux of the matter.

Why do they think Telangana was born? Both the Telangana Hindus - Reddys, Khammas, Velama, Mala, Lambada, the lot - and the Telangana Muslims hated the way the carpet-baggers had moved in and taken over THEIR state.
We don't have any problem in saying that the natural refuge for Pakistani Hindus is India because we know the intolerance by law itself.

No, Pakistan is not natural refuge for Indian Muslims but only for those who don't consider themselves Indians. Sounds fair enough.

No. Even then it's not. We are not a welfare state where you can dump your seditionists. Marathi stop with your stupid retorts.
That is hardly a yardstick.

If the sole criteria for discrimination was migration, then I assume blacks were never discriminated in the US and South Africa.
I don't even feel like replying to you as I've read your posts and know the kind of person you are. But I'll answer anyway.

I know it's not the only yardstick but it certainly is one kind of an indicator. I know you will come back and talk about Indian migration to US, ME, etc but try to differentiate between economic migration and persecuted migration.
You can't just pick up and leave.

People generally move for better economic opportunities or they are forced to move in other cases.

Basically, easier said than done

Sitting in front of a keyboard, shaping the destiny of districts, states, communities within a country, the country itself, continents - it can get heady.
I can only assume that you are very young, and very ignorant of conditions on the ground. The riots in Muzaffarnagar happened while I was there, teaching in Badshahi Bagh. The upper class Muslims were left alone; the Jats were left alone. At lower economic levels, the Muslims were in a majority in Saharanpur, and in a minority elsewhere. They faced the brunt of the violence.

Not really. I have distant relatives in that area who are well off and politically connected. Their properties were still burnt, and their houses looted.
They have frozen the accounts of Tableeghi Jama'at. Most Probably going to do something against them just like they did that to Zakir Naik

Wow. I didn't realize that it had gone so far, brother.

So I understand @xeuss statements more clearly about jamahir.

If Tabligh becomes targeted, many Muslims will be affected.
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You can't just pick up and leave.

People generally move for better economic opportunities or they are forced to move in other cases.

Basically, easier said than done

Besides the small matter of people herding them where they want to into manageable "areas" with overwhelming counterweights.
I'm not talking about dumping anyone. I'm talking about migrations of free will.
Haha eat a little less Misal Pav, maybe it's getting to your logical reasonings skills. Even if they want to migrate ,which not everybody can, do you think Pakistan is just willing to let anybody in? We have a budgeoning 210 million population ourselves to look after.
I don't even feel like replying to you as I've read your posts and know the kind of person you are. But I'll answer anyway.

I know it's not the only yardstick but it certainly is one kind of an indicator. I know you will come back and talk about Indian migration to US, ME, etc but try to differentiate between economic migration and persecuted migration.

Shouldn't have replied to big, bad me then
Haha eat a little less Misal Pav, maybe it's getting to your logical reasonings skills. Even if they want to migrate ,which not everybody can, do you think Pakistan is just willing to let anybody in? We have a budgeoning 210 million population ourselves to look after.
Then Pakistan should stop talking about Muslim persecution. Atleast India talks about persecution of Hindus in Pakistan and takes in the Hindus of Pakistan.

You are just double-faced.
The official figures say 200 million but I've heard many a differing account, often from Sanghis themselves. And something tells me the number is much higher otherwise BJP wouldn't be panicking as if the Muslim apocalypse is on them.

That's an approximation, and Muslim growth rates are actually declining. As the community gets increasingly secure and prosperous (I am leaving this interregnum from 2014 out of the picture), they are uplifting themselves, working around obstacles that have been placed in their way and moving forward.

The BJP's panic is the Pakistan Army's constant screamed alarmed hoarse calls to the barricades; they do it for professional survival.
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