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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

Many BJP associated people walk free. Remember famous video of Chindmayan Swami?

Corruption is endemic in India whether BJP or Congress rules save that Congress became stupid when it came to disguising their loot and with their excessive looting. If one Swami (I don't know about that case) wasn't charged, and here I am presuming that he wasn't) it doesn't necessarily mean that all Hindus walk. It simply means that the well connected irrespective of religion or any other factor walks.
If you believe that then I have a little red fort in Delhi that I can sell you at a great price.

What is the actual population of Muslims in India? It surely is enough to form a majority in one or two states like the Sikhs and Buddhists do in Punjab and Sikkim. That is something to be looked into. Can't say much without the Sanghi rats here catching up on that and trying to prevent it.
I've been telling that to sanghis for 5 years.

Now they are sulking.

All over the net.

This is Maha Rashtra boss.

We are big and powerful and rich enough to be a nation if we were so inclined.
Maharashtra can't become an independent country nor should we dream of becoming one. We will just lose the benefits of being in a united Indian Union and we will easily be annexed by the larger Indian state. We will lose more than we gain.

And that's what Pakistan wants. They want to see divisions within the country and revenge for 1971. That's not going to happen.
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What is the actual population of Muslims in India? It surely is enough to form a majority in one or two states like the Sikhs and Buddhists do in Punjab and Sikkim. That is something to be looked into. Can't say much without the Sanghi rats here catching up on that and trying to prevent it.

They already started. My husband just bought a huge industrial land in Delhi. He intends becoming the new Mughal Shah once he gets all those pesky working class and poor Muslims to migrate to Delhi. They are so stuck on Mumbai it actually sucks
Which is why I say that may the BJP/Sangh continue strengthening in India. :D

We are trying extremely hard with the new moderators to crack down on personal attacks and posts debating the individual instead of the argument. It will take time to reign in bad habits, on all sides, that have seeped in over time due to insufficient moderators.
I understand that personal attacks can be extremely frustrating, but please try your best to refrain from responding. If you and other senior Indian posters like @padamchen & @Joe Shearer do start such threads, feel free to tag me and inform me and I'll keep an close eye. The goal is that we get to learn and read a different point of view.

I'm not very sure about how this thread got to this point, even after cursorily skimming through some earlier pages of comment. If I take the points made by @AgoStiC MuSliM here, there are a few brief points to be made.
  1. First, ideologically, I have great difficulty remaining calm about the Sangh Parivar and all its manifestations. Tolerating these is simply not possible.
  2. That, however, does not mean that someone who makes a point is game to be hunted down. It is different if the point is made with all the excessive passion that seems to pass for assertiveness; but a post that states a point of view different from I believe, however repugnant that point of view might be, will not, SHOULD not receive an unkind response from me. There are times when I have failed; there are individuals who excite the basest feelings, but those are admittedly deviations from the civilised norm, and not things to be proud about.
  3. The opposite is easier to handle. For the last couple of days, since whenever it was that the strengthened teams of moderators have stepped up, the speed of response has been unbelievable. There is no need any longer either to resort to a sordid word battle with the perpetrators, or to stay away from the forum to get one's feelings under control.
  4. It is generous of @AgNoStiC MuSliM to offer to keep an eye on potentially uproarious threads, and we should take advantage of it, and reduce the amount of bellicosity that gets found very often, too often, between two sides with radically different views of a matter.
  5. I take it that the present incident that forms the basis of this thread is not being taken too seriously by members. It need not be; allowing any imbeciles rambling brain fart to excite us is simply too juvenile to be supported. What happened was disgraceful; the clerk needs to be made to pay for his foolishness and insensitivity. Apart from that, it does not influence the course of events in India; things are serious, people are consequently worried, there is no sign of improvement (= destruction of the BJP), and it looks like we need a long time for the repair process to move out of inertia and sloth.
What is the actual population of Muslims in India? It surely is enough to form a majority in one or two states like the Sikhs and Buddhists do in Punjab and Sikkim. That is something to be looked into. Can't say much without the Sanghi rats here catching up on that and trying to prevent it.

No. The only Muslim majority state was Jammu & Kashmir with Muslims accounting for 67% of the population, mostly concentrated in the Kashmir Valley and some districts of Jammu.

Other than that, they make up a majority in only 9 districts. 6 in Assam and 1 each in Kerala, WB and Bihar.
They already started. My husband just bought a huge industrial land in Delhi. He intends becoming the new Mughal Shah once he gets all those pesky working class and poor Muslims to migrate to Delhi. They are so stuck on Mumbai it actually sucks

Gurl your privilege really is toxic. Who cares what your husband and his daddy do? The hundreds of poor Muslims having Nazi level filth spewn on them in India need protection and I'm just talking along the lines of giving them some sort of protection. Go pledge you allegiance to the Indian flag while Muslims keep getting attacked.
@xeuss As an Indian Muslim please stay wary of upper class [Edited-Deleted] amongst Indian Muslims. Seeing the sufferings of Indian Muslims strikes me personally as my grandparents migrated in 1947 from Bareilly. Many in the Muslim world are worried for you guys (even those pesky Arabs are taking notice) while some of your own native Indian Muslim leaders make alliances with BJP and their family members come here and make quips. Disgusting to say the least.
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Muslims in Hyderabad, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Mumbai and other Maharashtra areas can give a tough fight. @Joe Shearer

What is the ground position in West Bengal and Assam? Have the Muslims really taken over as the Sanghis are wont to claim.

As Muzaffarnagar and Delhi have shown, Hindu consolidation is now complete.

No communal conflagration will happen that remains limited to local or regional lines.
Stop being such a cry baby. No one is talking about your sister yet. That is considered a personal insult.

Learn to observe forum rules and develop a sense of humour. No one is out here to get you.
If personally insulting others is your type of humor, then we are not on the same page.

I still won't forget your comment where you disgraced your own mother by talking about women trafficking for sex slaves.
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