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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

The seething sarcasm in your post aside, may this come true. From your lips to God's ear. Anything to weaken Mama Bharat and let her release her litter.

Unfortunately the reality of India (current day) and its political dispensations are something which will take ages to explain to you. You may eventually wish for a return of the current Indian state should India fragment. In that event, trust me, the biggest loser maybe Pakistan
Unfortunately the reality of India (current day) and its political dispensations are something which will take ages to explain to you. You may eventually wish for a return of the current Indian state should India fragment. In that event, trust me, the biggest loser maybe Pakistan

No. Please do explain how exactly Pakistan would suffer were India to disintegrate? Gross exaggeration again from someone who may know the workings of India on account of her father in law but you know nothing about Pakistan Jon Snow.

Why? How a Fragmented India is against Pakistan?

Her sympathies lie with India from what I've gathered.
The seething sarcasm in your post aside, may this come true. From your lips to God's ear. Anything to weaken Mama Bharat and let her release her litter.
Which is why I say that may the BJP/Sangh continue strengthening in India. :D
I've posted at length on it and I do recall Doc participating in and thanking some of my submissions. My fear of starting a thread here is that some Pakistani (or proclaimed Pakistani) immature members here start personal attacks directed at my family. That is difficult to refrain from responding to. I must say that you as a Moderator do display impartiality and fairness with a willingness to listen and learn about a place you haven't been to or about a topic which you have little knowledge about. The rabid Islamists (or perhaps Sanghis proclaiming to be so) and small minded members who aren't willing to accept reality however spiral out of control and certain Mods seem to condone their conduct. When I respond in their language, I get a ban. Little do they realise however, that my posts are based on my observations of the going ons in India as the daughter in law of a prominent State leader of the BJP who happens to be Muslim and who feels no shame in being one.
We are trying extremely hard with the new moderators to crack down on personal attacks and posts debating the individual instead of the argument. It will take time to reign in bad habits, on all sides, that have seeped in over time due to insufficient moderators.

I understand that personal attacks can be extremely frustrating, but please try your best to refrain from responding. If you and other senior Indian posters like @padamchen & @Joe Shearer do start such threads, feel free to tag me and inform me and I'll keep an close eye. The goal is that we get to learn and read a different point of view.
Why? How a Fragmented India is against Pakistan?

In a nutshell, current India is very fragmented when it comes to internal politics. A few very wealthy states subsidizes the remaining nation. Very similar to the current US. Take a fragmented India with a few of those few wealthy states forming an alliance or federation and let's assume that those powerful states have differences with Pakistan. The concerns of current day India (economics, political votebanks of losing any wars or skirmishes since political parties rely on alliances etc), will fall away. The rest is too lengthy and will be off topic to explain on this thread
They have united India in name of Hinduism

Have you seen how many major states have dropped the BJP?

From 2014 to today.

Google the maps.

The sanghis know this. They are worried.

Because while the BJP will still probably win in 2024, till they do not control both houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) they cannot push through their agenda of a Hindu Rashtra with key Constitutional changes.
No. Please do explain how exactly Pakistan would suffer were India to disintegrate? Gross exaggeration again from someone who may know the workings of India on account of her father in law but you know nothing about Pakistan Jon Snow.

Her sympathies lie with India from what I've gathered.

I earlier complained about personal attacks. I will not report you but place you on my ignore list should you insist on doing so. I am here to discuss what I know and learned from people I associate with, including my father in law. If you have a problem with that then too bad. Please show some maturity and respect. I am fasting and do not wish to get angry at this time.
Have you seen how many major states have dropped the BJP?

From 2014 to today.

Google the maps.

The sanghis know this. They are worried.

Because while the BJP will still probably win in 2024, till they do not control both houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) they cannot push through their agenda of a Hindu Rashtra with key Constitutional changes.
They may lose State elections but not National Election. BJP would still win National election in Dehli
I earlier complained about personal attacks. I will not report you but place you on my ignore list should you insist on doing so. I am here to discuss what I know and learned from people I associate with, including my father in law. If you have a problem with that then too bad. Please show some maturity and respect. I am fasting and do not wish to get angry at this time.

Not an attack. Merely a statement. Unless you assume aligning with India to be an insult.
Have you seen how many major states have dropped the BJP?

From 2014 to today.

Google the maps.

The sanghis know this. They are worried.

Because while the BJP will still probably win in 2024, till they do not control both houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) they cannot push through their agenda of a Hindu Rashtra with key Constitutional changes.

Whilst the majority of the BJP includes the Sanghis, we must not forget that there are certain alliances or key playing factors consisting on non Sanghis (RSS) and Hindus who are involved in the BJP. The mistake many people make is that they equate the BJP with the RSS and vice versa
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