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We will CUT OFF your water supply India warning to Pakistan

Says an isolationalist brexit brit.

We are dealing with it. We dont need your miserable british views lol...

Did it stop raining?

1. We are not isolationist, we are protectionist, there is a difference! I voted remain BTW
2. Harsh
3. As a matter of fact we have reasonable weather over here right now. 6*c.
Has anyone actually read the Treaty? Does India have sole rights to 3 rivers or does it have sole rights to upto 20% of total water? And what is the current usage?
1. We are not isolationist, we are protectionist, there is a difference! I voted remain BTW
2. Harsh
3. As a matter of fact we have reasonable weather over here right now. 6*c.

Protectionist? Protecting what? Monarchy?

Harsh because of your condascenting tone.

But did it Rain today
You are a retard. You don't understand that Pakistanis are stubborn to the point of death, but Indians are too cowardly to even handle minor inconvenience and will fold quickly. Such is your nature. Look at your pathetic soldiers crying about eating daal. Lmao
Definitely stubborn when it comes to words - "1000 years war"; "Fight till the last man"; "Won't surrender Dacca" - we've seen how that has panned out in reality.

And you are naive if you think China will help you - China actually gave India the tapes in 1999 after tapping Mushy's phone and never did come to your aid in any war.
Definitely stubborn when it comes to words - "1000 years war"; "Fight till the last man"; "Won't surrender Dacca" - we've seen how that has panned out in reality.

And you are naive if you think China will help you - China actually gave India the tapes in 1999 after tapping Mushy's phone and never did come to your aid in any war.

Things are different, today my delusional bharti friend. China is cooperating with us on a range of projects and we can't have you poking your noses around. It's bad for business, so you will either cooperate, or you will be made to cooperate.
Things are different, today my delusional bharti friend. China is cooperating with us on a range of projects and we can't have you poking your noses around. It's bad for business, so you will either cooperate, or you will be made to cooperate.

This is going to be your eventual Achilles' heel - counting on China. I don't really give much credit to the India-Pak game of oneupmanship - their latest juvenile behavior has been ringing the bells of diplomats at 3 am. But banking on China? They have never been anyone's friend. Time will tell.
That will be freely flowing in Three Eastern Rivers for Pakistan to consume, after India completely blocks flow of water. India will fulfill all the wishes of Pakistan.
And what do you idiots think will happen when you block all water?

Indus water treaty says so, kindly read it.
Get a brain before boasting
1. Google is your friend: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protectionism
2. Admit it, you just like to act like a certified douche cake!
3. Did it rain in Pakistan? Oh no, you guys have a water crisis! Never mind!

It may have rained somewhere in Pakistan.

Are all brits judgemental?

I dont care much for that term. uk is a pillager looter and a hypocrite
Based on Kahonapyarhai's behavior...he doesn't seem like a false flagger. Look at all the threads he opens...it's like maligning Pakistan is all he lives for.

He only opens threads ........ never seen him participating in discussions, hence he is sometimes called bot.
And some guys still maintain their Hindu sir name Rao, Choudary, Randhawa, etc (the list is too long), as a tail with their Muslim name just to reiterate the fact who got raped by whom. :rofl:

Stay on topic if you have anything productive to say. Else please excuse me.
You think replying a cheap troll will make ur life better??

India needs to max use the rivers allocated to it. And set world record in building 30 dams at once ( 10 each on 3 rivers allocated to it) within max 5 years. It will completely destroy Pakistani fabric ..while doing it legitimately. Brilliant decision.

Those Pakistani PDFian here...who are threatning, they should read IWT. You cannot do a shit about it.

As a goodwill gesture ...if they give back the occupied part of Kashmir, we should sell them water and make money ....which they think they will earn from CPEC.

Why did not we think of this earlier. Modi is just awesome.

I don't think so. In the end water flows down to pak.
Problem what they will face is lack of surplus

Their farming sector will take the heat and so the politicians.

Real threat is in a hypothetical situation where water supply in these rivers goes down fast, then India will definitely store water for it's own people then

Once we construct these dams pak will automatically come to negotiation table, today or tomorrow

If you you blow us on your knees, we might let you live.

Spoke like your state of mind.
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