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We could have inflicted heavy damage on Pakistan during aerial raid if we had 'tech asymmetry': IAF

On point.

However, the only facet of the world where they are truly underdogs is the exploding population of the 1.35B narcissists waiting to shoot down an F-16 :D
Their facade is all that really matters to them and doing whatever it takes to win using superior odds. That isn’t a bad strategy per se since I am more concerned as @deterrant put it about is exposing the chinks in their armor and them now being able to fix it for a much larger conflict.
Their facade is all that really matters to them and doing whatever it takes to win using superior odds. That isn’t a bad strategy per se since I am more concerned as @deterrant put it about is exposing the chinks in their armor and them now being able to fix it for a much larger conflict.
And they have the money and capability to do it too
Dear Pakistanis do not be afraid of cow urine drinking veggie Indians. We take them on any day. Pakistan Zindabaad
I am not even trying to link anything to GoI let alone made up stories. I have merely managed to memorize the continuous & unlimited Indian claims be it Media or GoI or even IAF/Military. However, that took a lot of energy & time for me to gather all that at single place but at-least, I am seeing progress as you are now relying upon IAF press briefing only. So, whatever being said by Ministers or over the internet by anyone from India is not substantiated nor reliable rather an attempt to divert from facts and confuse Indian masses more than before.

Do you believe that what really happened by doing so? Exactly the same what I said that these claims are being made through different sources & domains merely on purpose to confuse people more & divert their attention from the facts or even before they could ask some real questions. In fact Elections are knocking on the door hence, it was the only way to advance with pro Modi election campaign.

So all that new findings of unsubstantiated news & claims; shall be taken down by Indian authorities rather than convincing anyone else to not to rely during a fact check reply. IAF pressers are merely wordings and lastly, seen couple of drawings. On other hand, world has seen enough evidence. Even the piece of AMRAAM is treated something in regard to taking down an IAF bird contrary to Indian push of shooting down F-16. This twist of yours by disowning media hype and uncontrolled politicians is yet another addition to the story like in the end, denying all what happened. Every single Indian story is being shared by Media or there is some secrete domain that you know and we aren't able to see. However, all I can find that most of sources even from Pakistan side are not paying much attention except for one or two statements and that is just because due to fake news industry of India.

The IAF press conferences have given us most of the picture necessary.

Pakistan's "sources" have been compromised since a long time, ever since the Dawn leaks. You will be lucky if you do not get filtered information.

As for the world, they can only talk about what we have shown them.

As for politicians, they are politicians, enough said.

These strikes have nothing to do with elections. If it were, you would have seen much more information coming out. You guys give yourself too much importance. Mumbai attacks happened in 2008 and general elections happened only a few months after. Did you see UPA lose due to their inaction? Vajpayee went nuclear, won a war and successfully brought international pressure on Pakistan in the early 2000s, none of it helped him win again. Pakistan isn't as big a political topic in India as you think it is. Only you lot think Pakistan is important in India.

They have hidden failures, both at Balakot with the failed strikes and with the F-16 shoot down claim.

What if they are not?
What's most amusing is that the IAF does not consider Derby, R-77 and MICA as worthy BVR missiles. If they are so worthless then why did they waste so much money on procuring these missiles.

They are worthy missiles, but they are outranged by Aim 120 C5. At present Aim 120 C5 in the best BVR missile in the subcontinent. Just like how Archer is best WVR presently in the subcontinent.

Arrival of Meteor in few months time will change that.
They are worthy missiles, but they are outranged by Aim 120 C5. At present Aim 120 C5 in the best BVR missile in the subcontinent. Just like how Archer is best WVR presently in the subcontinent.

Arrival of Meteor in few months time will change that.
Going by your above statement, IAF has better plane (SU-30) in there inventory, number of fighter planes is also greater, it should be PAF that should be complaining rather then IAF whining around.
If Aim 120 was such a great threat to the IAF they should not have bothered messing around and waited for meteor.
@Khafee @Oscar @Tps43
They need Kryptonians

They are worthy missiles, but they are outranged by Aim 120 C5. At present Aim 120 C5 in the best BVR missile in the subcontinent. Just like how Archer is best WVR presently in the subcontinent.

Arrival of Meteor in few months time will change that.
View attachment 556170 These sort of statements by the military high command are counter productive to the morale of the forces and the people.

The psych of Indian people is to grab attention and portray themselves as a superior race. It's in their blood. I remember meeting a RAF F-35 pilot. I mentioned the talk of IAF's Su's slaughtering Eurofighters in an exercise. He was visibly annoyed when he commented on it. He said all those claims were unfounded and baseless. There was never a win for IAF in those series and even we were surprised when all these claims came out of Indian media. Some IAF officers stationed in Britain were summoned and when enquired about those rumours they said they had no knowledge of it. It was disturbing he remarked.

Before anyone challenges me on meeting this gentleman. Allow me to post my picture with him :enjoy:

USAF video exposing IAF with laughs is still available. In fact, these guys haven't spared a single place to be a laughing stock either by the hands of Military itself or be it Media mouths. Just in case being caught, will plainly deny any news and that is evident in this thread alone.

@2:30 min mark ... "they killed a lot of friends..."
Basically blue on blue. IAF apparently didn't take any lessons home lol
NEW DELHI: If the Indian Air Force possessed high levels of "technological asymmetry", then it would have been able to inflict heavy damage on Pakistan during its unsuccessful aerial raid on February 27, according to an IAF report.

The report analysed various aspects of IAF's air strike on a Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist training camp in Pakistan's Balakot on February 26 and the subsequent Pakistani retaliation the next day.

India carried out the air strike to avenge the Pulwama attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed.

In the report, the IAF said Pakistan Air Force has been consistently enhancing its air defence and offensive capabilities since the Kargil war in 1999 and there was a need for India to bolster its "technological asymmetry" for aerial combat, official sources said sharing details from the report.

At present, Pakistan has some edge with its fleet of F-16 jets with AMRAAM missile fitted with them, said an official.

The sources said the planned induction of Rafale aircraft with deadly Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and S-400 air defence missile system will provide India a significant advantage over Pakistani Air Force.

"We felt we could not punish the adversaries appropriately. So we need to bolster technological asymmetry so that the enemy does not even dare to come close to the border," said a source.

On the Balakot strikes, the report said the Israeli Spice 2000 precision guided munitions (PGM) fired from Mirage 2000 jets hit five out of the six designated targets in the JeM training facility. However, one Spice PGM did not leave the aircraft because of a drift in the inertial navigation system.

The report said the deception used was successful as Pakistan was caught off guard despite their air force being put on highest alert.
Various packages of jets flew in several directions including a fleet of Jaguars went towards Bahawalpur, a key air base of Pakistan Air Force, sources said.

In the list of possitives from the strike, the IAF talked about accuracy of intelligence inputs, precise selection of targets, demonstration of its ability to carry out precision strikes and its success in maintaining secrecy of the operation though over 6,000 personnel were involved in it.

In its analysis of possible areas for improvement, the IAF sought superior technological asymmetry and air defence system over Pakistan, sources said.

It also talked about the need for procuring new weapons and other platforms for enhancing the IAF's overall combat capabilities.

Induction of Rafale jets along with Meteor beyond-visual-range missile and S-400 air defence missile system will provide India an edge over Pakistan, according to the report.

India is procuring a batch of S-400 air defence system from Russia at a cost of USD 5 billion. India is also buying 36 Rafale fighter jets from France at a cost of Rs 58,000 crore.

During the aerial combat of February 27, IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman had engaged with one of the Pakistani F-16s and shot it down before his Mig-21 Bison was downed.

Varthaman was captured by Pakistan and was released after spending nearly 60 hours in Pakistani custody.

The Indian Air Force had on February 28 displayed pieces of an AMRAAM missile, fired by a Pakistani F-16, as evidence to prove that Pakistan deployed the US-manufactured fighter jets during the raid.


R77, MKI, Mirage? :confused:
We have one more helmet, uniform, some picture one more pistol and few documents from SU-30....:whistle: it is about time...:lol:
I feel Indians complex is Muslims ruled them more than thousand yrs and then British when Hindu times come Muslim separated which hurt them.

Yes, but they don't despise the British rule, as much as the Muslim rule. This aspect has totally maligned their psyche.
NEW DELHI: If the Indian Air Force possessed high levels of "technological asymmetry", then it would have been able to inflict heavy damage on Pakistan during its unsuccessful aerial raid on February 27, according to an IAF report.

The report analysed various aspects of IAF's air strike on a Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist training camp in Pakistan's Balakot on February 26 and the subsequent Pakistani retaliation the next day.

India carried out the air strike to avenge the Pulwama attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed.

In the report, the IAF said Pakistan Air Force has been consistently enhancing its air defence and offensive capabilities since the Kargil war in 1999 and there was a need for India to bolster its "technological asymmetry" for aerial combat, official sources said sharing details from the report.

At present, Pakistan has some edge with its fleet of F-16 jets with AMRAAM missile fitted with them, said an official.

The sources said the planned induction of Rafale aircraft with deadly Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and S-400 air defence missile system will provide India a significant advantage over Pakistani Air Force.

"We felt we could not punish the adversaries appropriately. So we need to bolster technological asymmetry so that the enemy does not even dare to come close to the border," said a source.

On the Balakot strikes, the report said the Israeli Spice 2000 precision guided munitions (PGM) fired from Mirage 2000 jets hit five out of the six designated targets in the JeM training facility. However, one Spice PGM did not leave the aircraft because of a drift in the inertial navigation system.

The report said the deception used was successful as Pakistan was caught off guard despite their air force being put on highest alert.
Various packages of jets flew in several directions including a fleet of Jaguars went towards Bahawalpur, a key air base of Pakistan Air Force, sources said.

In the list of possitives from the strike, the IAF talked about accuracy of intelligence inputs, precise selection of targets, demonstration of its ability to carry out precision strikes and its success in maintaining secrecy of the operation though over 6,000 personnel were involved in it.

In its analysis of possible areas for improvement, the IAF sought superior technological asymmetry and air defence system over Pakistan, sources said.

It also talked about the need for procuring new weapons and other platforms for enhancing the IAF's overall combat capabilities.

Induction of Rafale jets along with Meteor beyond-visual-range missile and S-400 air defence missile system will provide India an edge over Pakistan, according to the report.

India is procuring a batch of S-400 air defence system from Russia at a cost of USD 5 billion. India is also buying 36 Rafale fighter jets from France at a cost of Rs 58,000 crore.

During the aerial combat of February 27, IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman had engaged with one of the Pakistani F-16s and shot it down before his Mig-21 Bison was downed.

Varthaman was captured by Pakistan and was released after spending nearly 60 hours in Pakistani custody.

The Indian Air Force had on February 28 displayed pieces of an AMRAAM missile, fired by a Pakistani F-16, as evidence to prove that Pakistan deployed the US-manufactured fighter jets during the raid.


R77, MKI, Mirage? :confused:
So Sakhoi 30MKI are peace of crap as they cry that F-16's had advantage .Pak airforce should go for F-21(F-16 viper) instead of Mig-35 to counter Rafale.
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