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We could have inflicted heavy damage on Pakistan during aerial raid if we had 'tech asymmetry': IAF

Going by your above statement, IAF has better plane (SU-30) in there inventory, number of fighter planes is also greater, it should be PAF that should be complaining rather then IAF whining around.
If Aim 120 was such a great threat to the IAF they should not have bothered messing around and waited for meteor.
@Khafee @Oscar @Tps43
and what about previous indian claims that su 30 will eat pakistani f16s and jfts in combat?

@2:30 min mark ... "they killed a lot of friends..."
Basically blue on blue. IAF apparently didn't take any lessons home lol

Mistakes happen all the time. Even we make mistakes in exercises. However we never come out and say..We slaughtered/out gunned the turks or Saudi's in this xyz exercise.

The IAF press conferences have given us most of the picture necessary.

No. The two stills they showed were doctored and reproduced images. If you have ever seen a 'real' radar scope. You'll be baffled to see the details. Also the logic of 'track vanishing' they ascertained is very naïve to begin with. Every radar has a beam angle. Lets say F-7P's radar looks 40 degree forward. Any aircraft escaping that 40 degree range will 'vanish'. This is why modern radar's have look down capability which also has limitations.

In that terrain, a single F-16 diving to tree top level or even below hard deck of FL5 will be invisible to every radar on this planet.

Know your guns.

Pakistan's "sources" have been compromised since a long time, ever since the Dawn leaks. You will be lucky if you do not get filtered information.

Your entire youtube and google is filtered. I remember sending an article to on IAF losing xyz assets to someone in Pakistan high commission in New Delhi. Guess what? It didn't open. Infact it didn't open in entire India. Same goes for hundreds of other links which your IT services blocked regarding Feb 27 fiasco.

And you talk about 'compromised sources'. You have been feeding on poison all this time by your own state.

As for the world, they can only talk about what we have shown them.

If you didn't notice. Most major Pentagon and independent researchers have debunked your claims. Slowly and steadily everything is coming to light. Isnt it appaling how Mi-17 incident slowly became a fratricide. And now 'no civilians' were killed in Balakot strikes. :enjoy:
As for politicians, they are politicians, enough said.

These strikes have nothing to do with elections. If it were, you would have seen much more information coming out. You guys give yourself too much importance. Mumbai attacks happened in 2008 and general elections happened only a few months after. Did you see UPA lose due to their inaction? Vajpayee went nuclear, won a war and successfully brought international pressure on Pakistan in the early 2000s, none of it helped him win again. Pakistan isn't as big a political topic in India as you think it is. Only you lot think Pakistan is important in India.

What if they are not?

I agree with the red part to an extent. In Mumbai, yes Pakistan is not a big deal. Just another non friendly country. But Delhi is a different story. Rafale hota to ye na hota. All these whining is coming from Delhi isn't it?

If you think Pakistan isn't considered a security threat to India then you are a bafoon who has been living under a stone.
Yeah i can see Randi rona in front of IMF,Chinese,SA.
So this is your best defense on a defense forum?

Mentioning a country's financial insecurity? Why are you even here? Go join some Masters program and write a thesis on it. Its not your business to be here.

Also. its not everyday that a $8B defense force grabs a $50B by its balls and makes it moan Rafale Rafale.

Feel it.
So Sakhoi 30MKI are peace of crap as they cry that F-16's had advantage .Pak airforce should go for F-21(F-16 viper) instead of Mig-35 to counter Rafale.

The Americans will not sell the F-21 to PAF, and they wont sell the AMRAMM 120D's either. That opportunity window has passed. Least I remind you, they stopped FMS on 8 F16s and impounded the AH-10Z attack helicopters !!!!
So this is your best defense on a defense forum?

Mentioning a country's financial insecurity? Why are you even here? Go join some Masters program and write a thesis on it. Its not your business to be here.

Also. its not everyday that a $8B defense force grabs a $50B by its balls and makes it moan Rafale Rafale.

Feel it.
We all saw who was moaning.IK was literally begging India to deescalation.Why dont you explain the incidence Pilot was returned even when India threatened Pak. Please dont say that it was peace gesture.
We all saw who was moaning.IK was literally begging India to deescalation.Why dont you explain the incidence Pilot was returned even when India threatened Pak. Please dont say that it was peace gesture.

The entire world dreaded a war between the two countries. Who would want a war? Even India didn't. If you think otherwise then you are no better then a street dweller who has no idea how the real world works.

India wanted to slap Pakistan and face no repercussion. It didn't happen. India was kicked in the balls. The captured pilot was never in the equation to begin with.

Even if what you're saying WAS true. Yadav would have been in your possession by now. But that spy is rotting in our prisons and being questioned 18 hours a day.

Also Pakistan's aim for descalation MEANS it was a peace gesture to return the downed pilot. You need to learn English my friend. Or I can try switching to hindi/Urdu so you may comprehend what seems to be incomprehensible for you.

Leave this forum and find your expertise in something else. Foreign Policy is clearly not your cup of tea.
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Going by your above statement, IAF has better plane (SU-30) in there inventory, number of fighter planes is also greater, it should be PAF that should be complaining rather then IAF whining around.
If Aim 120 was such a great threat to the IAF they should not have bothered messing around and waited for meteor.
@Khafee @Oscar @Tps43

On an average, IAF has better aircraft, and are more in number.

On 27th as PAF had the initiative, in that limited battlefield, IAF was outnumbered 3:1.

Previous day, when IAF was on an offensive, PAF aircraft never even came into picture, not a single shot was fired.
On an average, IAF has better aircraft, and are more in number.

On 27th as PAF had the initiative, in that limited battlefield, IAF was outnumbered 3:1.

PAF was able to take the initiative because IAF's command failed to assess the risk. Which country on earth conducts strikes and then does not brace for retaliation? That is India.

Previous day, when IAF was on an offensive, PAF aircraft never even came into picture, not a single shot was fired.

Not a single shot was fired. Not a single man was killed: Source: Indian FM
PAF was able to take the initiative because IAF's command failed to assess the risk. Which country on earth conducts strikes and then does not brace for retaliation? That is India.

Not a single shot was fired. Not a single man was killed: Source: Indian FM

Your analysis is always objective and to the point.
"Na hoga nau mann tel na radha naache gi" (نہ ہوگا نو من تیل نہ رادھا ناچے گی) (Radha won't dance without nine maunds of oil) Story behind: Radha tells people that she will dance when she has accumulated 9 Maund oil. So people know that Radha doesn't want to dance and she is putting this condition just to avoid dancing. Indians are making excuses of their incompetency and failures. What we have here Hindutva lunatic Modi and Indian Air Force insisting that they failed against Pakistan because India did have Rafale jets. Monkeys cannot defeat Pakistan even when flying a Rafale !
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PAF was able to take the initiative because IAF's command failed to assess the risk. Which country on earth conducts strikes and then does not brace for retaliation? That is India.

Not a single shot was fired. Not a single man was killed: Source: Indian FM

Wrongly quoting ..Indian FM.

Besides the fact, that PAF did not know...how many causualties there will or will not be..when IAF aircrafts struck 80 Km deep within Pakistan proper. When IAF went on offensive, PAF was no where in picture.
Wrongly quoting ..Indian FM.

Besides the fact, that PAF did not know...how many causualties there will or will not be..when IAF aircrafts struck 80 Km deep within Pakistan proper. When IAF went on offensive, PAF was no where in picture.

Guess google earth is wrong or indians have a new metric

Oh and it's 43.km including free Kashmir

And spike range is 100km where as a dumb bomb with simple kit will give you 40km release at optimum range..modern kits will give you 60+range

So spike which has range of 60+km dropped within 4 km of Pakistani airspace (intrusion time in seconds) missed only at 45-50km range? why did india missed all 5 targets..this is something that has made all of us wonder in disbelief ..i mean surely they can't be this incompetent ...i believe they missed on purpose
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