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We Accidentally Found out Why There Are No Birds in China. There are no birds in China???

I remember in New York people call pigeons " flying rats"

What does that have to do with bird counts?

Are you trying to make some weird case that birds in cities are a negative..and good riddance if they are gone?

Beijing indeed doesn't have those many pigeions,

Pigeons are usually found in large numbers in mostly cities because they have a background of living in cliff dwellings and tall city buildings make them feel at home.

If you do not see many in Beijing shouldn't that be a tipoff of a problem?






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What does that have to do with bird counts?

Are you trying to make some weird case that birds in cities are a negative..and good riddance if they are gone?

Pigeons are usually found mostly in cities because they have a background of living in cliff dwellings and tall city buildings make them feel at home.
I just don't like pigeons, that could be my personal preference, but this is not the point, the point is the SerpentZA guy claims that China has no birds and you are trying so hard to defend his absurd lie, why? everyone in their sane mind knows it's a lie.

Psychology of SerpentZA debunked by other YouTubers for racism, lies, prejudice and disinformation​

If you do not see many in Beijing shouldn't that be a tipoff of a problem?
I see too many of them in Beijing and that's why I don't like them, they poop on my cars a lot, but anyway it's only my personal preference.

Beijing forbidden city

That's typical of whites to shit on youtube. Nothing more to see here. How can "any country" not have birds? I seriously doubt the brain cells of people who watch his videos.
ok, so now you are quickly backtracking after I point out a possible issue.
Beijing doesn't have those many pigeons as I saw in New York, but Beijing still has too many pigeons for my liking? which part of this logic puzzles you? besides, why you keep avoiding the main point of this thread and try so hard to divert it?
besides, why you keep avoiding the main point of this thread and try so hard to divert it?

What do you mean? I already said you are taking his "no birds in China" literally instead of figuratively. He already shows there are birds in China in the video he made. So obviously he is not speaking literally.

Why do you keep asking me this question even after I answered it????

It's like if I walked into a popular Mall in Beijing and noticed only a few people walking around instead of the expected huge crowds I would say "Why are there no people here?' I don't mean there is literally ZERO people in the entire mall. I mean it is far far less than expected. I'm speaking figuratively.

Then you'll jump around calling me a liar since you actually saw a few people...even though what I actually meant was how come there are not many people at the mall.

Anyways I don't think he gave an adequate reason as to why China would need to resort to fake bird migration tourist places instead of people just going out to the countryside and seeing it all natural and free.

Maybe just an impatient populace vs something sinister.
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What do you mean? I already said you are taking his "no birds in China" literally instead of figuratively.
Are you him? what makes you think you know what he really means and can explain his lies aways, and, say even figuratively, he is still lying, China has lots of birds, either way he is a big liar and try so hard to justify his lie which makes you one too.
Even in one of the world's biggest deserts in Xinjiang, there are lots of birds, let alone in other regions, lol, China has no birds...

Bird watchers in Beijing
Beijing has so many bird watching groups and they are everywhere in Beijing watching and taking photos of various birds, very close to where I live there is river and many bird watcher groups set up their observation spots along the river, some even in camouflage, to take photos of various water birds, they are very interested in taking photos of small kingfishers along the river.





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What do you mean? I already said you are taking his "no birds in China" literally instead of figuratively. He already shows there are birds in China in the video he made. So obviously he is not speaking literally.
Listen again , that SerpentZA guy said, " China literally has no birds, no monkeys, China doesn't have animals cause Chinese people ate them all".

Many foreign expats in China made videos to mock him, here is another one, why are you so eager to defend a obvious liar? Do you know that will make you one too?

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