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We Accidentally Found out Why There Are No Birds in China. There are no birds in China???

Are you him? what makes you think you know what he really means and can explain his lies aways, and, say even figuratively, he is still lying, China has lots of birds, either way he is a big liar and try so hard to justify his lie which makes you one too.
i "think" @Hamartia Antidote means there are not many naughty birds in china??
Birds arent real anyway
i "think" @Hamartia Antidote means there are not many naughty birds in china??

I think the bottom line is why in urban environments in mainland China (like Shenzhen) do you see less birds flying around than even next door in Hong Kong. There's even lots of wild Rhesus macaque monkeys in tiny Hong Kong....but not seen across the bay in Shenzhen.

He says even when he's motorcycling in the areas outside of Taiwan's cities he sees more wildlife than outside of China's mainland cities (for instance Shenzhen but he has motorcycled across much of China and noticed similar situations).

He thinks because of that time when China had that famine caused by Mao you still have an older generation of people alive who basically learned how to survive on trapping wildlife and they haven't stopped which while not at zero is certainly causing a noticeable decrease in numbers compared to neighboring Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Of important note: This famine didn't happen in Hong Kong and Taiwan so you don't have this generation of people living who in desperation learned how to survive on wildlife so thus you see a very noticeable increase in wildlife compared to mainland China.
Wild monkeys in Taipei.

Wild monkey in Kuala Lumpur
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Where are birds in China...

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He says even when he's motorcycling in the areas outside of Taiwan's cities he sees more wildlife than outside of China's mainland cities.
Which mainland city? I suggest you come to China and see the country with your own eyes since you love to talk about China so much, how can one talk so passionately about a country where they've never set a foot in? come and see for yourself instead of brainlessly following that moron Serpentza guy, you have your own eyes and brains, don't you? why not use them?
Wild monkeys in Taipei.
Wild monkeys in Taipei.
New York also doesn't have wild monkeys, does it mean New York doesn't have birds and animals? since when monkeys become a standard for a city's ecological situation?

Many Chinese cities and towns have different types of monkeys, they are mean animals, they also bully people.

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If you like to talk about China, come and see China for yourself, don't just blindly follow a moron hater, otherwise you will become as moronic as he is.
New York also doesn't have wild monkeys, does it mean New York doesn't have birds and animals? since when monkeys become a standard for a city's ecological situation?

LOL! New York has even bigger wildlife.
Does Beijing or Shenzhen have animals the size of Coyotes walking around their downtown streets?

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LOL! New York has even bigger wildlife.
Does Beijing or Shenzhen have Coyotes walking around their downtown streets?

No , Beijing doesn't, but you still fail to see the point you are just delibrately doing so? Urban Beijing doesn't have wolves and monkeys, does it mean China doesn't have birds and animals in China because Chinese catch them and eat them all as the Serpentza guy claims? are you really that stupid to believe in his claim? why come to China and see for yourself, I've already posted several pictures of Beijing here, didn't you see them?

Some common bird species in Beijing


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No , Beijing doesn't, but you still fail to see the point you are just delibrately doing so? Urban Beijing doesn't have wolves and monkeys, does it mean China doesn't have birds and animals in China because Chinese catch them and eat them all as the Serpentza guy claims? are you really that stupid to believe in his claim? why come to China and see for yourself, I've already posted several pictures of Beijing here, didn't you see them?

LOL! The problem is you are not getting the point.

The point is why is there less wildlife seen in and near large Chinese urban areas compared to Taiwan and Hong Kong?

Why is it that when he wakes up in a hotel in Taipei he hears birds chirping outside but never remembers this ever happening in China's cities. He then asks "Why are there no birds in China".

To show SerpentZA that he is wrong Chinese netizens post examples of how they are getting up early, jumping in their cars, driving to some nature area, pulling out their cameras and desperately searching for a bird to snap a picture of to prove him wrong.

What people don't realize is a whole long process needed to get that picture is exactly what SerpentZA is talking about.

In Taipei or Hong Kong he can just take a seat at a local outdoor cafe and birds will start landing by his table.
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LOL! The problem is you are not getting the point.

The point is why is there less wildlife seen in and near large Chinese urban areas compared to Taiwan and Hong Kong?
Did he literally say that China literally doesn't have birds and animals? yes or no?

I don't get what point? why many foreign expats made videos to mock him? how come you are the only person who got "his point"? how well do you know China to generalise China like that, you sound like another "China expert", lol, how long have you lived in China?
What people don't realize is a whole long process like this needed to get that picture is exactly what SepentZA is talking about.

In Taipei or Hong Kong he can just take a seat at a local outdoor cafe and birds will start appearing.
This is from a Chinese mainland city, Kunming, not from Taipei or Hong kong


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