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We Accidentally Found out Why There Are No Birds in China. There are no birds in China???

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Where are the birds in China? do you have eyes? are they also blind like your brain?

View attachment 916962

Obviously you are completely deaf since you obviously didn't listen to the video I posted. SerpentZA explicitly says he didn't mean there are ZERO birds in China. Saying brain dead people like you are taking his words literally instead of figuratively.

What does this picture above mean since he has already clarified the issue?? Even he would say yes those are birds in China...but that is not what he is talking about.

So far over the years your only two examples of SerpentZA being a liar are:

1) Out of all his videos you picked out the one where SerpentZA showed a picture of people having painted a hill green as a a great example of his egregious lying in videos. I then showed you he was actually quoting a China Daily news article. You then said China Daily are liars too. :rolleyes1: (I guess they are in cahoots with the West)

2) SerpentZA said there are "no birds in China" which you took literally to mean ZERO. He then had to make another video to say he didn't mean there are ZERO birds in China just that you don't see any many as you would expect..and uses Hong Kong as a comparison example.
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Obviously you are completely deaf since you obviously didn't listen to the video I posted. SerpentZA explicitly says he didn't mean there are ZERO birds in China. Saying brain dead people like you are taking his words literally instead of figuratively.

He said China literally has no birds, no animals cause Chinese people ate them all, didn't he? this is utterly a lie by any definitions, literally and figuratively, you are just brain dead to see this logic, don't you? why are you trying so hard to defend a despicable liar and his lies which is not even remotely defendable?
So far over the years your only two examples of SerpentZA being a liar are:
Lol, there are tons of videos posted by foreign expats debunking every single lie of him, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=debunk+serpentza . I don't bother to do so, I just came across this one and found it's so pathetic and funny, which is also from a debunking video posted by a foreign expat in China. I actually don't even watch his videos, only got some funny stories from those debunking videos about him, something like he generalizes that Chinese women are all sluts and gold diggers, are those lies and nonsense even worth debating? only you think he is like a god, cause you never got a chance to see what China really is and just eat whatever crap that Serpentza guy thrust into your mouth.
I don't bother to do so, I just came across this one and found it's so pathetic and funny

So you are repeatedly crying loudly about some guy being a liar even though you know little about his actual videos? 🤔
..and you post videos about people saying he is a liar...and they also don't post specific examples of his lies either? 🤔

I'm not saying everything he says has been proven to be 100% true..I'm just saying nobody has proven that most of what he says is a lie.

I can easily say everything Kim Jong-un says is lie because that is what everybody says..but I haven't actually heard anything he says.

Right now it is 0/2.
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So you are repeatedly crying loudly about some guy being a liar even though you know little about his actual videos?
Do I have to know every word in his video? why almost all foreigners living or lived in China talked most fondly and positively about China but only him and his partner bash China on everything, like nothing can be good about China, why the huge contrast between him and the rest of all foreign expats? if you have a brain, use it.

So you are repeatedly crying loudly about some guy being a liar even though you know little about his actual videos? 🤔
This Serpentza guy first came to China from south Africa dirt poor, he got nothing in his life and among the low of the lowest class, China provided him with opportunities, money and a decent life, he got everything he ever dreamed in China and then made bashing China his lifetime career, could anyone trust this unspeakably ungrateful low life?
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A message to @Serpentza: A man who never learn to be grateful will never be happy. 不懂感恩的人永远不会快乐​


A message to @Serpentza: A man who never learn to be grateful will never be happy. 不懂感恩的人永远不会快乐​

That's fine but she isn't saying everything he says is a lie. Again there is a big difference between talking about stuff that doesn't make people happy vs saying lies.

You can post videos about rats in NYC subways that doesn't make people happy to hear about..but you aren't lying.

This is something you simply can not comprehend.
He talks about stuff that doesn't make people happy to hear...but writing it off as "all lies" is simply not correct.


Oh god he is lying about the US and the West!!!! Drug addicts ALL OVER THE WEST!!! Grrr! Why is he such a #@@$@#$ liar!!! Go back to Africa you sh*t!!!

Drugs addicts all over the West?? Even under my left shoe? Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..Why is he such a liar..omg I don't understand..

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That's fine but she isn't saying everything he says is a lie. Again there is a big difference between talking about stuff that doesn't make people happy vs saying lies.
why almost all foreigners living or lived in China talked most fondly and positively about China but only him and his partner bash China on everything, like nothing can be good about China, why the huge contrast between him and the rest of all foreign expats? if you have a brain, use it. it's up to you to choose to believe the 99% or the 1%.

From another foreign expat vlog


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why almost all foreigners living or lived in China talked most fondly and positively about China but only him and his partner bash China on everything,

Again bashing doesn't equate to lying.

You can rightfully call him a basher but saying he is always lying is not correct.

Instead of saying SerpentZA is a known liar about China you should be saying SerpentZA is a known basher of China.

That lady said he has made 800 videos about China. Plenty of source info to prove a point. If he was lying left and right you could post a list 10 pages long of them all..but you can't. You are struggling with finding just two..and you blew them both.
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Again bashing doesn't equate to lying.
How about lying to bash? you agree with his statement that China has no birds and no animals cause Chinese people ate them all? yes or no? and if what he said are mostly not lies, why so many foreign expats living or lived in China made so many videos to debunk and mock him? can you explain?
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