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We Accidentally Found out Why There Are No Birds in China. There are no birds in China???

Did he literally say that China literally doesn't have birds and animals? yes or no?
He has already posted a second video that clarified his bad choice of words for that video's title to the perpetually mentally challenged people who will take that title's wording literally instead of figuratively. Which is amazing since in the first video he showed himself standing mere meters from big birds in China...yet many Chinese citizens don't even know what a bird is claim he was insisting there are zero birds in China due to the title...which is completely illogical when looking at the video's contents.

He has worded the subsequent video "Where are the Birds in China?" and in it gently takes the hand of those confused netizens and walks them through what the first video means.

However a few with cognitive disabilities still can't understand there is a clarification and don't want to hear it...and just repeat the literal translation of the first video's title over and over and over and over without even watching it where they would watch it they would clearly see birds in China being shown and how the title is obviously not to be taken literally.
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He has already clarified it for the mentally challenged people

Did he literally say that China literally doesn't have birds and animals? yes or no?

I don't get what point? why many foreign expats made videos to mock him? how come you are the only person who got "his point"? how well do you know China to generalise China like that, you sound like another "China expert", lol, how long have you lived in China?

What people don't realize is a whole long process needed to get that picture is exactly what SerpentZA is talking about.

In Taipei or Hong Kong he can just take a seat at a local outdoor cafe and birds will start appearing.
This is from a Chinese mainland city, Kunming, not from Taipei or Hong kong, which city you refered to? which cities you visited to make you sound so sure about his claim?


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How come your search for bird pictures leads you to Kunming's seabirds instead of the inland local bird population?
Is Kunming not part of China? he said China doesn't have birds and animals cause the Chinese people caught and ate them all, why in the videos and pics we don't see people catch their birds and eat them? you are just defending an undefendable liar, and by doing so you made yourself one of them, a despicable liar.
Is Kunming not part of China? he said China doesn't have birds and animals cause the Chinese people caught and ate them all, why in the videos and pics we don't see people catch their birds and eat them? you are just defending an undefendable liar, and by doing so you made yourself one of them, a despicable liar.

I find it an interesting how you ended up with seabirds and not flocks of local small birds found further inland and should be seen nesting in trees in the everyday urban streets of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.

I wouldn't expect seabirds to be nesting in the trees outside a hotel in downtown Shenzhen. These local nesting birds is what he is mostly talking about when it comes to numbers.
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I find it an interesting how you ended up with seabirds and not flocks of local small birds found further inland and would be seen in the everyday urban streets of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.
I told you if you really like to talk about China, come to visit or at least do some basic research, stop so eager to show how ignorant you are about the country you keep talking about

Black-headed gull is definitely not a 'seagull' and is found commonly almost anywhere inland. Black-headed gulls are sociable, quarrelsome, noisy birds, usually seen in small groups or flocks, often gathering into larger parties

It breeds in colonies in large reedbeds or marshes, or on islands in lakes, nesting on the ground. Like most gulls, it is highly gregarious in winter, both when feeding or in evening roosts.

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do some basic research,

Black-headed gull is definitely not a 'seagull' .

I did some! Seems black-headed gulls are endangered..well wow what a big shocker in terms of the topic of this thread!

"Black-headed gulls are an endangered bird and are under first-class state protection in China,” Li said"
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I did some!
Then why you said that? If Kunming is not inland, where is inland? the whole Yunnan province is inland which no where close to the sea, let alone Kunming city. so you did what?

Hamartia Antidote said:
I find it an interesting how you ended up with seabirds and not flocks of local small birds found further inland and would be seen in the everyday urban streets of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.
Then why you said that? If Kunming is not inland, where is inland? the whole Yunnan province is inland which no where close to the sea, let alone Kunming city. so you did what?

So you think black headed gulls are doing fine all over China even though they are on China's endangered list?

It seems from that article they have declined due to China's massive building boom wiping out their wetland habitats.

Well what a shocker!!!

Now why would people like SerpentZA be asking questions like "Where have all the birds in China" gone?

Hmmm.are things starting to fall into place yet?

Or are you going to go into denial of this black-headed gull bird which YOU posted as an example of how well birds are doing in China?
So you think black headed gulls are doing fine all over China even though they are on China's endangered list?
Why you again try to avoid my question? I was asking why you said that if you did your study?

Hamartia Antidote said:
I find it an interesting how you ended up with seabirds and not flocks of local small birds found further inland and would be seen in the everyday urban streets of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.

Now why would people like SerpentZA be asking questions like "Where have all the birds in China" gone?
Is he a god to you to the point to blind your eyes? birds are everywhere in China, what did you see in China having no birds?

You are just crazy, it's like I claim US has no birds and animals cause Americans caught and ate them all, and no matter how many pictures and videos you posted about US birds and animals, I just turn a blind eye and insist that US has no birds and animals cause a random moron said so... are you really that retarded?
This is Beijing, can you see anything in these Beijing photos?








Why you again try to avoid my question? I was asking why you said that if you did your study?

Is he a god to you to the point to blind your eyes? birds are everywhere in China, what did you see in China having no birds?

You are just crazy, it's like I claim US has no birds and animals cause Americans caught and ate them all, and no matter how many pictures and videos you posted about US birds and animals, I just turn a blind eye and insist that US has no birds and animals cause a random moron said so... are you really that retarded?

I think it is becoming abundantly clear through your example of the black-headed gull that you said is "found commonly almost anywhere inland" but in reality is actually on China's endangered list shows that perceptions in China don't match daily reality...and people are likely in very heavy denial of there being a problem...and no attempt at logic is going to sway them.
I think it is becoming abundantly clear through your example of the black-headed gull that you said is "found commonly almost anywhere inland" but in reality is actually on China endangered list shows that perceptions in China don't match daily reality...and people are likely in very heavy denial of there being a problem...and no attempt at logic is going to sway them.
Why you always try to go off topic, you don't even know what they are and where Kunming city is, how ignorant a person I just found out you are. but all your ignorance is not the point, the thread is about that Serpentza guy's lie which he claims China literally has no birds, no animals, cause Chinese people caught and eat them all. it's the same as if I say US has no birds and anmials cause Americans caught and ate them all, got it?

What an ignorant guy, now I start to wonder if he knows where Beijing is, could be a total waste of times posting Beijing photos...
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Beijing is a Chinese city in north China, and Beijing is very cold in winter, monkeys live in south, they never lived as far north as in Beijing region. so you can stop blaming Beijing for having no monkeys, do you see monkeys in cold Russia? there are some monkeys living in Beijing's suburbs in recent years, but no one knows where they came from cause Beijing was never their natural habitat in the history.


Wild monkeys in Beijing Changping district
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All the birds are at everyone's dinner table...

Let's eat!
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