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Featured WB says cannot mediate in Pakistan-India water dispute

Ganga originates in India only, Brahmputra will impact Bangladesh and rest Satluj most of the tributaries comes with in India, come again and good luck to China diverting these rivers in Tibet, India will just give less water to its lower riparian state.. hahah
china sanghi lol ... India Sanghi also told China back channels that pak chin dosti bahut acha haha

The origin doesn't give its flow i.e. the ability to run through most of India giving a lifeline to hundreds of millions. This comes from major tributaries such as the Kosi, Ghaghara( largest tributary of the Ganges by discharge), which originate from China Tibet.

The Brahmputra feeds your entire North East, we can discuss Bangladesh elsewhere.

The Satluj has it's source in Chinese Tibet as well and gives it most of its flow. The Beas river adds to this to a degree, but could no way make up for a restriction at source as it merges too close to the border with Pakistan i.e. the Satluj has to run through Punjab quite a way before the Beas can add flow.

You're only laughing because you just got owned (laughter is a sign of nerves). What do you mean "good luck", do you think China will give a $hit once you start playing water wars, that to being a low riparian state yourself?

The rest of your post is too stupid to even respond to.

Anyway let's see you play water wars.
The origin doesn't give its flow i.e. the ability to run through most of India giving a lifeline to hundreds of millions. This comes from major tributaries such as the Kosi, Ghaghara( largest tributary of the Ganges by discharge), which originate from China Tibet.

The Brahmputra feeds your entire North East, we can discuss Bangladesh elsewhere.

The Satluj has it's source in Chinese Tibet as well and gives it most of its flow. The Beas river adds to this to a degree, but could no way make up for a restriction at source as it merges too close to the border with Pakistan i.e. the Satluj has to run through Punjab quite a way before the Beas can add flow.

You're only laughing because you just got owned (laughter is a sign of nerves). What do you mean "good luck", do you think China will give a $hit once you start playing water wars, that to being a low riparian state yourself?

The rest of your post is too stupid to even respond to.

Anyway let's see you play water wars.
Just to update you, Himalayas/Tibet is not a suitable place for building large dam. It's a young topography which has its own danger. Second why China should start creating an infrastructure which has little benefit to herself. I was in China for some years, she is more business minded than any nation in the World.
Between India doesn't have capability/need to stop water to Pakistan. So be sure India is not going to violet IWT.
Just to update you, Himalayas/Tibet is not a suitable place for building large dam. It's a young topography which has its own danger. Second why China should start creating an infrastructure which has little benefit to herself. I was in China for some years, she is more business minded than any nation in the World.
Between India doesn't have capability/need to stop water to Pakistan. So be sure India is not going to violet IWT.

It isn’t but are dams being built, yes they are and at a rapid pace.
The dam building has been gong for years in Tibet and China is benefiting from it;

Zangmu power station
Lalho hydroelectric project
Shuang Jiang Kou dam
The Longtan hydropower station in Nanning

Hydropower is the centrepiece of China’s renewable energy strategy which it plans to rapidly expand by 2020.

China is upscaling its dam building momentum, with many new megadam hydropower plants underway and proposed for the Nu (Salween), Lancang (Upper Mekong), Jinsha (Upper Yangtze), and the YarlungTsangpo (which becomes the Brahmaputra). In just over a decade more hydropower plants have been installed in China than the rest of the world combined. With 87,000 dams, China now has more than any other country in the world, with twothirds of these located on the Tibetan Plateau


Yes I know the Chinese well and visited and have friends from and they are business minded.
I agree I don’t see India trying to cancel the treaty, my reply was for the most devout Modi nationalists who think that India can cut Pakistan’s water in a heartbeat, when the facts suggest otherwise.
And what exactly are you going to do? You are a lower riparian state yourself. Everything from the Ganges to the brahmaputra to the Sutlej will be under threat.
Your Sanghi government was told by the Chinese through back channels as just what will happen if you dare pull of such a move.

China threatening India over Ganges, Brahmaputra and Satluj would be funny. Considering the catchment area and impact on lowest riparian states any such move will trigger.

Hilarious though is the fact that such secret back channel threat is known to everyone on an anonymous Defence forum.

India right now has no need to pull out of IWT. Nor has capacity to benefit from such a move. Especially when other moves are provided by treaty itself.
Just to update you, Himalayas/Tibet is not a suitable place for building large dam. It's a young topography which has its own danger. Second why China should start creating an infrastructure which has little benefit to herself. I was in China for some years, she is more business minded than any nation in the World.
Between India doesn't have capability/need to stop water to Pakistan. So be sure India is not going to violet IWT.

There is no need to violate or come out of treaty when even allowed water is not being utilized. There are many other steps in treaty itself to frustrate Pakistan if that's required.
pakistanis did a stupid move to give away bias forever thinking about indians good intentions and promises of indra canal to be sent to pakistan eventually
but that all was bogus while we lost only source of water to south punjab result of which is evident in poverty of the area
China threatening India over Ganges, Brahmaputra and Satluj would be funny. Considering the catchment area and impact on lowest riparian states any such move will trigger.

Hilarious though is the fact that such secret back channel threat is known to everyone on an anonymous Defence forum.

India right now has no need to pull out of IWT. Nor has capacity to benefit from such a move. Especially when other moves are provided by treaty itself.

We've already had this debate on this forum, but here it is again.

The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basin is depended upon by 542 million Indians. The basin covers 5 nations, but the overwhelming majority of it lies within India, a figure of 64%. The area of India covered by the basin is 1,102,000 square kilometres.
These figures are not small, they are massive, and just prove conclusively how vital the system is to India's survival. I haven't even added the Satluj.

As for the back channels, that was actually reported by The Indian Express and the Times of India during Modi's first term, when he went on about shutting the water off and how blood and water go hand in hand. He quickly quietened down once the Chinese made the points clear. This isn't me, or the forum but the Indian press. I put up the links some years back on here.

I agree India won't pull out, but it will also not go for any sort of audacious move in the future that could very well end up far worse for it.
The origin doesn't give its flow i.e. the ability to run through most of India giving a lifeline to hundreds of millions. This comes from major tributaries such as the Kosi, Ghaghara( largest tributary of the Ganges by discharge), which originate from China Tibet.

The Brahmputra feeds your entire North East, we can discuss Bangladesh elsewhere.

The Satluj has it's source in Chinese Tibet as well and gives it most of its flow. The Beas river adds to this to a degree, but could no way make up for a restriction at source as it merges too close to the border with Pakistan i.e. the Satluj has to run through Punjab quite a way before the Beas can add flow.

You're only laughing because you just got owned (laughter is a sign of nerves). What do you mean "good luck", do you think China will give a $hit once you start playing water wars, that to being a low riparian state yourself?

The rest of your post is too stupid to even respond to.

Anyway let's see you play water wars.

Here check the Ganga basin map,
India is just waiting for pakistani army to do smthin stupid ... then u will see Chenab river which originates in Himachal gets a good chunk diverted to Indian canal systems just 100 or so kilometres away, by the way chenab is actually one of largest tributaries of Sindhu river, India do want china to attempt the same only will justify India more to do the same to an enemy and by the way Brahmputra is pretty less significant to India then Bandladesh and Brahputra is also not that important for BD as Chenab is for Sindhu and Sindhu is for Pakistan
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IWT is a stupid treaty... no other nation gives more that 50% of water and IWT gives 80% I dont know what these congress mofos has done earlier but new generation in India wont take this shit going forward in case of hostilities going forward the IWT should be cancelled ...

China has the means and if India pushes it, the will to choke India of water. Besides, may of the dams being build on these rivers in Pakistan are partially owned by China. China would take the abrogation of the IWT as an attack on their investment. The last time India abrogated something concerning China, It didn’t end well for India.

China has the means and if India pushes it, the will to choke India of water. Besides, may of the dams being build on these rivers in Pakistan are partially owned by China. China would take the abrogation of the IWT as an attack on their investment. The last time India abrogated something concerning China, It didn’t end well for India.

haha china china china, china has already done what it could have thr r few hydro projects and dam exists in Brahmputra other than that thr is no economically feasible dam can be created and like I told u Brahmputra is not significant to India as much as to BD, Indian north east has many local rivers and very high monsoon rains it will help India if Brahmputra carries sm less water which is not possible as China mainland is too far away and not much need on the other hand Indian canal system is 50-100 kms away from Indus tributaries...
IWT will be trashed sooner or later as Pakistan is hell bent on its terrorist activities not only in kashmir but rest of India any major terrorist attack or any other warlike situation will ensure that.
Pakistan is lucky India has majority Hindus which believe in living peacefully if India would have been non hindu Pakistan would have gotten zilth from India and now after decades of pak army terrorist activities peaceful India has lost her patience IWT will likely be trashed in at most 2-5 years as pakistan is hell bent on enmity against peaceful India and no malik china wont save u. India is more than capable to defend against any chinese aggression
It isn’t but are dams being built, yes they are and at a rapid pace.
The dam building has been gong for years in Tibet and China is benefiting from it;

Zangmu power station
Lalho hydroelectric project
Shuang Jiang Kou dam
The Longtan hydropower station in Nanning

Hydropower is the centrepiece of China’s renewable energy strategy which it plans to rapidly expand by 2020.

China is upscaling its dam building momentum, with many new megadam hydropower plants underway and proposed for the Nu (Salween), Lancang (Upper Mekong), Jinsha (Upper Yangtze), and the YarlungTsangpo (which becomes the Brahmaputra). In just over a decade more hydropower plants have been installed in China than the rest of the world combined. With 87,000 dams, China now has more than any other country in the world, with twothirds of these located on the Tibetan Plateau


Yes I know the Chinese well and visited and have friends from and they are business minded.
I agree I don’t see India trying to cancel the treaty, my reply was for the most devout Modi nationalists who think that India can cut Pakistan’s water in a heartbeat, when the facts suggest otherwise.
Other than Zangmu power station, other stations are not build on the region I mentioned. But it's a gravity dam on run on the river which actually doesn't stores water, just like Kishanganga Project.
What a load of BS. Peaceful Hindus? You mean the ones massacring Kashmiris, burning Indian Muslims' homes, or the ones who murdered 1 million Punjabis to steal territory?
haha china china china, china has already done what it could have thr r few hydro projects and dam exists in Brahmputra other than that thr is no economically feasible dam can be created and like I told u Brahmputra is not significant to India as much as to BD, Indian north east has many local rivers and very high monsoon rains it will help India if Brahmputra carries sm less water which is not possible as China mainland is too far away and not much need on the other hand Indian canal system is 50-100 kms away from Indus tributaries...
IWT will be trashed sooner or later as Pakistan is hell bent on its terrorist activities not only in kashmir but rest of India any major terrorist attack or any other warlike situation will ensure that.
Pakistan is lucky India has majority Hindus which believe in living peacefully if India would have been non hindu Pakistan would have gotten zilth from India and now after decades of pak army terrorist activities peaceful India has lost her patience IWT will likely be trashed in at most 2-5 years as pakistan is hell bent on enmity against peaceful India and no malik china wont save u. India is more than capable to defend against any chinese aggression

This dream of starving NE of water by building dams on Brahmaputra is hilarious. NE gets highest rainfall in region.
International law of treaty on both points. Pakistan has never announced that it is exterminating the treaty. You leave a treaty when its not a bilateral treaty but multi-party treaty but when its bilateral, you rescind or revoke the treaty and has pakistan ever stated that the Shimla agreement has been revoked. Did it send a formal diplomatic note to India, declaring the agreement void or revoked? If not then Pakistan never left the treaty and your government repeatedly highlights the Shimla agreement whenever Pakistan brings up Kashmir in UN and the UN also highlights bilateral because of the treaty. Did both revoke it? No they did not and frankly if Pakistan had done that then the law of treaty would apply to pakistan just as it would apply to India, if it ever tried to revoke a treaty.

Law of treaty and the ICJ judgments are important when discussing treat laws
So, that essentially means that India should not withdraw but simply stop the water flow without openly announcing. That is essentially the same in effect

Yes ok lol, watch what China does with your water, or what's left of it.....

The origin doesn't give its flow i.e. the ability to run through most of India giving a lifeline to hundreds of millions. This comes from major tributaries such as the Kosi, Ghaghara( largest tributary of the Ganges by discharge), which originate from China Tibet.

The Brahmputra feeds your entire North East, we can discuss Bangladesh elsewhere.

The Satluj has it's source in Chinese Tibet as well and gives it most of its flow. The Beas river adds to this to a degree, but could no way make up for a restriction at source as it merges too close to the border with Pakistan i.e. the Satluj has to run through Punjab quite a way before the Beas can add flow.

You're only laughing because you just got owned (laughter is a sign of nerves). What do you mean "good luck", do you think China will give a $hit once you start playing water wars, that to being a low riparian state yourself?

The rest of your post is too stupid to even respond to.

Anyway let's see you play water wars.
Indian water does not come from China. Just because a river originates somewhere does not mean its source of water is mainly from there. A big river like Brahmaputra, Ganga, Satluj etc get water from the snowcaps, water from Himalayan tributaries etc. Tibet hardly has any rainfall and hence it is impractical to say that Tibet actually provides water to India. Even if China block, at most 5% of Brahmaputra water can be blocked and that will only hit Bangladesh, not India. The NE region in India gets so much rain that there can be no practical scarcity of water. In case of Satluj, only 2% water can be cut by China. This becomes irrelevant
China already threatened India, and India backed off so that proves that China has some influence in this regards.

That is independent of Indian shoddy assurances.
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