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Was India Ever a Rich Country in its History?

:lol: your religious text?

You actually believe that propaganda?

Kid if we are continually calling "Bharat" as our country for last 10,000 years then its the name of the country what is there not to believe??

Suppose ur parents calls u chus lee or bruse lee then it became ur name how can any one doubt it?
If there was no India before 1947, then the "East India Company" which was formed in 16th century was named after which country? called India??? :woot::woot::woot:

"East India Company" was formed 350 years ago from the 1947 so there must be a country called India. :wave:

It was named after sub-continent called "India" not a country "India"
LOL sorry but you can spin it whatever way you want but there was no such thing as 'India' before 1947.

As the founding father of 'India' Winston Churchill said, 'India' is merely a geographical expression.
Its a historic proven fact that Muslim invaders and kings destroyed the learning centers, universities and libraries all over India.

They discourage Science and Technology and punishes for any scientific work.

Before the Muslim invasion India was flourishing on the basis of science, technology, knowledge and discoveries. The kings used to fund the science, technology, medicine, art and other areas from the state fund. :agree:

Stoppage of state funding in science, technology, medicine, art and destruction of old knowledge led to the downfall of India. :cry:

It was named after sub-continent called "India" not a country "India"

U mean before 1947 Pakistan and Bangladesh was part of a subcontinent not a country? Ur and mine ancestors was without any country for thousands of years? :blink:

babar invaded a sub continent? Muslim never ruled India but some part of a subcontinent? :blink:
india only thrived under the Islamic rule. For about 1000+ year, Islamosphere remained the most dominant superpower of the globe..like U.S was in 1990's or British in 19th century etc. It was only after Islamic take-over that india found stability, organization, effective tax-collection system crafted by Akbar and so on.

Before that, india was usually bunch of hindu kindgoms invading and killing each other.

Even today, Islamic World vastly outperforms india in almost every aspect...
India was indeed a rich country in terms of the overall world GDP share that we had (Pakistani Punjab and Sindh were a part of that ancient India btw)

In terms of per capita income we were more or less at the same level as the West until 1000 AD (ahead of them actually). In fact, if you see even until 1820 the West wasn't that far ahead of us. Difference in 1820 between India and the West was only equal to the difference between Russia and Western Europe today. It is only in the last 200 years, due to British colonisation that Western GDP per capita went so far ahead of us while we kept lingering around the 500-600 dollars mark.
How do you know Indian subcon per capita income to be the same as the West? According to which economist/historians? Angus Maddison? Do you know which geographical area he included in the study. Do you know how Maddison derived his numbers??

What manufactured goods did you produce during those times?? Silk Road starts from China to the West. Indian subcon just happened to lie in between.

There is a reason why India was invaded by inferior civilisations from Afghanistan and Central Asia during the middle ages. It was always to loot India's wealth. Even the Mongols tried but failed.

The reason why you were most invaded:
1) you're at the crossroad between the West and East.
2) India subcontinent was well known to the West after Alexander invaded, and the later, establishment of Bactria-Greek empire.

There is also a reason why Christopher Columbus came looking for a route to India. There is also a reason why a British East India Company was formed in the 16th-17th century.

Total garbage. The name "India" came from the Greeks. Any land beyond Indus river is called India, according to the Greek's definition. It very well includes South East Asia too.

Christopher Columbus was looking for the new world, the land beyond Indus river which was unknown to the west. Columbus was NOT looking for a country. India as a country didn't existed then.

Thanks for proving it. Angus Maddison's study is the best authority to prove how Western imperialism drove two rich civilizations such as India and China into the ground. Anyway, we are catching up now.

Angus Maddison is no authority. Economics can hardly be considered as science without any empirical data. His work on ancient world economy are not based on empirical data, They are guesstimate at best.

Gregory Clark, Economics Department, University of California, Davis

"In the past decade, however, Maddison has sought to extend his estimates back into the pre-industrial era, first to the year 1000, and now to 1 AD. Contours of the World Economy projects a revised set of these estimates, for every country on earth, back to 1 AD.

There is, however, a problem at the core of this book, and indeed at the core at the whole Maddison project of the last ten years. The numbers Maddison estimates for the years before 1820 are fictions. They are based not on empirical evidence, but on unsubstantiated and demonstrably implausible theories of the nature of life in pre-industrial societies. Even some of the post 1820 estimates have an equivalently dubious provenance. Having built up some reputational capital for his earlier work, Maddison seems determined to squander it all on this new venture."

Angus Maddison: Contours of the World Economy 1-2030 AD. Essays in Macro-Economic History. Oxford 2007. - H-Soz-u-Kult / Rezensionen / Bücher
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Per capita income say who????

What manufactured goods did you produce during those times?????

Silk Road starts from China to the West. Indian subcon just happened to lie in between.

The reason why you are most invaded is because you're at the crossroad between the West and East. And India subcontinent has been known to the West since the times Alexander the Great

Total garbage. The name India came from Greeks. India refers to the land beyond Indus river. There was no empire called India.

Christopher Columbus was looking for the new world, the land beyond Indus river which was literally unknown to the west. Columbus was looking for a country called India.


Hail @ Fattyacids the one with "tundering tayphoons sky rocketting high IQ Holder"


Per capita income same as the West ? Says which economist/historian?? Do you even know what were the western power during the same era??

What manufactured goods did you produce during those times?????

Silk Road starts from China to the West. Indian subcon just happened to lie in between.

The reason why you are most invaded is because 1) you're at the crossroad between the West and East. 2) India subcontinent was the furthest frontier known to the West that had been conquered by them: Alexander and Bactria-Greek empire,.

Total garbage. The name India came from Greeks. India refers to the land beyond Indus river.
Christopher Columbus was looking for the new world, the land beyond Indus river which was literally unknown to the west. Columbus was NOT looking for a country called India. There wasn't one until 67 years ago.

Angus Maddison is not an authority. His work are not based on empirical data.

Excellent reply, 100% truth!
Thats why Indian expats pretty much run the whole economy of the GCC,the so called Islamic world.


yeah..indians run NASA, GCC, EU, China, and Aramco etc.

What losers.

The very fact that your people need to go to Arab World to find a 'good life' shows where you stand.

Biggest company of GCC (and of the world, too) is Saudi Aramco...with estimated market capitalization of.....are you ready?.....$4-7 trillion!!!!

Go and look up the administration, Chief, CEO etc. of Aramco. Almost all Arab chief executives graduated from Stanford and with decades of experience.

yeah..indians run NASA, GCC, EU, China, and Aramco etc.

What losers.

The very fact that your people need to go to Arab World to find a 'good life' shows where you stand.

Biggest company of GCC (and of the world, too) is Saudi Aramco...with estimated market capitalization of.....are you ready?.....$4-7 trillion!!!!

Go and look up the administration, Chief, CEO etc. of Aramco. Almost all Arab chief executives graduated from Stanford and with decades of experience.
baki ka pata nahi
but NASA mein 40 percent scientists Indian hai :D:D
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