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Was Imran Khan's China Visit a Complete Failure?

Is the visit a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
thanks fo your info, i might not be noticed. and we will not agree with.any.thing with IK is.doing, but i.agree with.the anti corruption campain he lauched.
thanks be honest with me that we.are.commie.terrorosts, at least you are not hypocrite.

If you can call my PM terror sympathiser I can call commie whatever I want to . No need to cry now. You started barking here without any knowledge, things are perfectly fine b/w China and Pakistan..and we will sort issues on table maybe in next few meet ups.
there.are rules to.follow in doing business. its important to keep ones promise.

adjustment CPEC in some contract term.is.ok
tech transfer is.ok
balance trade is.ok
how.about anti terrorist commitment?

We will jointly counter terrorism as we did in the past.
If you can call my PM terror sympathiser I can call commie whatever I want to . No need to cry now. You started barking here without any knowledge, things are perfectly fine b/w China and Pakistan..and we will sort issues on table maybe in next few meet ups.
there is some difference.between IK and Xi. you have to admit it rather.than leave it.

they will have to talk out.of.it.
there is some difference.between IK and Xi. you have to admit it rather.than leave it.

Imran Khan don't operate any camp for non Muslims in Pakistan.

And IK have international media exposure when Xi was nowhere.
Imran Khan don't operate any camp for non Muslims in Pakistan.

And IK have international media exposure when Xi was nowhere.
IK is.still in the process of gaining political experience as a governer. He will not.be able.to fulfill all the promise.he.gave during his.campaign. as a leader of a ruling party and a opposition party is totally different.

i will keep close.attention on him, and see what he've really got.

@wanglaokan @Max Calm down guys...no need to get all worked up.....difference of opinion exists even between brothers but that doesnt mean we call out names...lets give IK and China some time to iron out the differences in opinion...things will be fine in due time...kudos
friends.might.have difference, but will have to have each.others back at any.curcumstances.

IK has got a long way to go.

i get no.feeling.when.others call me a commie.terrorist, cause.im not.even a.member of CCP. i love China, not.CCP.
@wanglaokan we have your back...remember what sheikh rasheed said a while back that attack on china will be considered as attack on pakistan...the new govt had not even completed 100 days in office...in due time the chinese leadership and IK govt will develop a common ground to work on and take this relationship forward...dont worry
Pakistan has a multi party system. The previous Govt signed CPEC deals, didn't take opposition parties in confidence, nor shared any details.

The opposition party came into power and since they don't know anything about the CPEC deals, they have to back and review every single agreement.

That's standard procedure and there's nothing wrong with it.

China is investing billions in CPEC because it will turn over a large profit over the next 50 years. Pakistan needs the investment and the infrastructure it brings.

Pakistan has the right to review and change the deals if they're not applicable or too expensive.

You need to understand that, we also have to pay you back. Its better for us to adopt fiscal discipline, so we can meet our obligations more easily.

China is investing hell lot of money in CPEC because we have commitments from Pakistan goverment. this is billions and billions at stake, not play house.
you.have your choice, but we have our concern as well.

Your concern should be of no concern to us. And our concerns should be of no concern to you.

You are not us. And we are not you.

@wanglaokan we have your back...remember what sheikh rasheed said a while back that attack on china will be considered as attack on pakistan...the new govt had not even completed 100 days in office...in due time the chinese leadership and IK govt will develop a common ground to work on and take this relationship forward...dont worry
cant agree with you more.

Your concern should be of no concern to us. And our concerns should be of no concern to you.

You are not us. And we are not you.
its not the.way friends shall treat each other.

Pakistan has a multi party system. The previous Govt signed CPEC deals, didn't take opposition parties in confidence, nor shared any details.

The opposition party came into power and since they don't know anything about the CPEC deals, they have to back and review every single agreement.

That's standard procedure and there's nothing wrong with it.

China is investing billions in CPEC because it will turn over a large profit over the next 50 years. Pakistan needs the investment and the infrastructure it brings.

Pakistan has the right to review and change the deals if they're not applicable or too expensive.

You need to understand that, we also have to pay you back. Its better for us to adopt fiscal discipline, so we can meet our obligations more easily.
and will IK share all the details PTI reaches with.China about CPEC with.the.other opoosition parties in.the.future? or this is just a procedure.of anti.corruption campaign?
its not the.way friends shall treat each other.

I have nothing against China .I fully support CPEC and Pakistan's alliance with China.

The Chinese economic miracle is something others should learn from.

However... Nobody... I mean nobody has a right to talk down to us. End of the day... I have Pathan Pakistani blood.
Our commitment with China is not based on money. We stood for you when you had absolutely nothing.

You need to understand that we are in dire financial crunch right now. We owe you huge sums of money. How are we going to pay it back?

What happens if we can't pay it back in time?

Govt is trying to juggle the fiscal crisis and CPEC at the same time and we might have to slow down on some CPEC projects to manage our budget properly so we don't end up falling behind the payments we owe you.

cant agree with you more.

its not the.way friends shall treat each other.
i dont agree.China.is.taking advantage of Pakistan in CPEC.

I have nothing against China .I fully support CPEC and Pakistan's alliance with China.

The Chinese economic miracle is something others should learn from.

However... Nobody... I mean nobody has a right to talk down to us. End of the day... I have Pathan Pakistani blood.
its not.talk down, its telling a freind.our concern. we are.not.giving a.handout to Pakistan, you.just earn it.

Our commitment with China is not based on money. We stood for you when you had absolutely nothing.

You need to understand that we are in dire financial crunch right now. We owe you huge sums of money. How are we going to pay it back?

What happens if we can't pay it back in time?

Govt is trying to juggle the fiscal crisis and CPEC at the same time and we might have to slow down on some CPEC projects to manage our budget properly so we don't end up falling behind the payments we owe you.
what if.the.commie.doesnt want to.slow.it.down? im just curious.
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