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China-Pakistan: Beijing to "Further Deepen and Expand" Ties, Support Pak "Financial Stability"

Yeah they was peacefully elected by council. How can one say that with a straight face.
They weren’t? Are you stupid or dishonest? Which of the first four caliphate elected caused bloodshed during the process? I’ll wait Hindoo.
Thread about Pakistan/China and most of the comments are by Indians targeting Islam.

@waz , do we really need these posters and their worthless opinions derailing every thread?
Don't even get me started , They could not even wait for a day to elect caliphate ,the power struggle was happening literally over the dead body of mohamad. Seriously

Where was the bloodshed? That came much later. Trust me - I’m Shia and I know the history like the back of hands. No bloodshed, though disagreements but still no bloodshed.
Pakistani sepoy generals are not convinced so long as there are no fast food franchise and gas station empire opportunities in China or little Johnny's budding careers in neoliberal consultants firms a la McKinsey, Deloitte, etc., no Pakistani general worth his colonial salt would play ball with China.

Not sure what end game China is naively pushing for, bordering on being a bit too clingy, the Bajwa episode should have been a precautionary tale and they should've learnt their lesson that sepoys are only loyal to their western colonial masters. China should have cut their losses and gone with the Afghanistan-Iran-Bandar Abbas option.
Irony you had to tell me you are a shia 😀. I don't want to derail this thread.open another thread or quote me on another where they discuss religion.
Since you cleverly alluded to the historical divide between different Muslims, I am telling you exact history which you as a typical deceitful and dishonest poster purposefully obfuscate facts and historical events.

Why do you Hindoos feel entitled to spread lies about something you have not an ounce of knowledge of?
Since you cleverly alluded to the historical divide between different Muslims, I am telling you exact history which you as a typical deceitful and dishonest poster purposefully obfuscate facts and historical events.

Why do you Hindoos feel entitled to spread lies about something you have not an ounce of knowledge of?
You are telling me there was no power struggle. Poor “Ahlul-Bayt”. Please don't quote if you have no full knowledge, half knowledge can be dangerous.
You are telling me there was no power struggle. Poor “Ahlul-Bayt”. Please don't quote if you have no full knowledge, half knowledge can be dangerous.

Hindoo, did you read any of my previous posts? I clearly and specific referred to the first four caliphates as chosen by council peacefully.
Keep the glorious name of the prophet’s (pbuh) family out of your mouth.
I have more knowledge than a subhuman lingering on a forum of an enemy nation.

Brofessor sb,

Thanks for your reply. But my Q was about Pakistan as a whole and not just the Thar. Pushing Pak into a debt trap hardly seems a worthwhile transformation.

Thread about Pakistan/China and most of the comments are by Indians targeting Islam.

@waz , do we really need these posters and their worthless opinions derailing every thread?

Got rid of them. It’s a lesson for them now.

Brofessor sb,

Thanks for your reply. But my Q was about Pakistan as a whole and not just the Thar. Pushing Pak into a debt trap hardly seems a worthwhile transformation.

I do understand your feelings towards CPEC project. Being an Indian, you are entitled of dreaming of undoing the partition of 1947 and achieving the goal of Akhund Bharat. Your resentment towards anything that is beneficial to Pakistan is justified. However, a lot of water has flown under the bridges. Undoing the partition is not possible at all. Earlier the Indians get that realization, better it is for them and the people of this region.

Coming back to the CPEC project, I believe, this project has now brought Pakistan at an extremely crucial junction in this country's history. The rail link between China and Gwadar is something that, if successfully completed and operationalized, will turn Pakistan into a global trade link. As US Fox News channel has rightly pointed out that the completion of this project will have serious implications for global trade. To understand that we need to realize a bit of the background.

China currently has probably the biggest volume of international trade in the whole world. It imports huge volumes of energy supplies and other raw materials from the world and exports goods worth trillions of dollar every year. All that trade is currently channeled through only the strait of Malacca. There are a number of reasons why that is not desirable. For one, that channel is probably fast reaching to its capacity. Second, it's longer and hence economically less feasible. But the most importantly, it's will be a disaster for global trade and economy, including that of Europe and America, if the trade through strait of Malacca is disrupted due to any reason such as accidents, war hostilities, tsunami, etc. An alternative is thus desperately desired. Gwadar offers the shortest, safest, and economically the most feasible alternative. Once it becomes operational, a prosperous and nuclear-powered Pakistan will protect this route to the benefit of the global trade and economy. And that's what brings the severe pain in the neck for Indians the most.

Regarding the much-trumpeted debt trap, Chinese are to be blames probably the least. If Sri Lanka (Bangladesh, or Pakistan) government is unwilling or unable of turning Chinese investment into really successful national projects, then these governments need to be blamed for their inability, nepotism, corruption, and short-sightedness. But in Pakistan's case, Chinese investment and assistance, both the civilian CPEC and military domains, has proved to be very helpful. For example, Pakistan is no more prone to the traditional Western blackmail while selling their military equipment to us thanks to the very effective assistance from our Chinese iron brothers.

On the civilian side, Pakistan successfully got rid of sever power shortages a few years ago only with Chinese investment in our power projects (and that too when no other country was willing to invent a penny in such projects). By now, we were supposed to have completed most of the construction of ML1 (a new parallel high-speed railway track spanning north-south Pakistan), established at least seven special economic/industrial zones (for manufacturing and exporting products), and operationalizing trade road for import/export of Chinese goods through Gwadar. If the IK government miserably failed in achieving all these pre-set goals and rather managed to make our Chinese friends disgruntled, it's no fault of CPEC projects.

After getting imposed by that duo of Bajwa and Faiz, this brainless idiot IK made it a mantra to trumpet of imaginary overwhelming corruption of previous governments (without any proof or evidence) during his state visits to other countries. The question is what the heck he was trying achieve? Implicating the host governments too for their cooperation with previous Pak government? He and his brainless minsters did the same thing during their state visit to China and got rebuffed by their hosts. His foolish claims of mega corruption by SS in CPEC projects disgruntled our Chinese friends and that was perhaps the real purpose of installing this mentally-sick dude with largely dysfunctional brain onto Pakistani people. When later it turned out that this filthy criminal, his family, and his gang of crooks were ripping this nation off like there was no second day, all our friendly governments started giving cold-shoulder and keeping a distance from IK and his government. Pakistan indeed got diplomatically isolated towards the end of IK's incompetent and corrupt government.

However, that duo of Bajwa and Faiz kept building their evil network of mafia by installing their own men in every key position (admin - civil and khaki - judiciary, media, etc.) with plans to run the show until at least 2035. You can imagine that judge mafia even started calculating when and who will be the CJ of Pakistan and positioning/appointing their own persons at the right numbers/places. Such long planning and calculations were used by disgraced scumbags like Saqib Nisar and Bandial to position their close relatives to ultimately sit in the CJ's chair. All that shows why junior judges were being promoted out of turn. The planned filth was overwhelming and meant for someones getting extension in their tenure being chief, some to become chief, and others positioned right to become chief in future. Allah SwT saved us from this filthy mafia just at the brink. Alhamdulillah.

I hope the efforts by the current leadership (both civilian and military) would bear the fruit and bring the CPEC projects on the track once again. Let's hope the special processing/industrial zones become a reality, some of Chinese industry is relocated into those zones, ML1 project gets out of freeze, and the halted work on all Chinese projects in Pakistan gets re-started once again into full swing.

The government Of Pakistan should also try convincing the international community that CPEC is not a military project at all leave alone being against any one country in world. Far from that, it is purely an infrastructure project meant for facilitating and promoting global trade. Having an alternate route of strait of Malacca is in the best interest of global community. It must not be seen under the prism of US-China rivalry. Rather everyone, including the West, should try to augment it and take a leverage of it for bringing the prosperity to the mankind. Indians, in the meantime, can keep burning in their own fire of hate and jealousy towards Pakistani people and departing for their chittah with all their desires of Akhund Bharat buried into their chest.

Being an Indian, you are entitled of dreaming of undoing the partition of 1947 and achieving the goal of Akhund Bharat.

Whatever be the views of the average Hindu Indian about 1947 and whatever he may profess on his lips. the last thing he wants is to undo Partition and add another 400 million plus Muslims to th citizenry. It is a bad idea, I hope you will admit that.

The rail link between China and Gwadar is something that, if successfully completed and operationalized, will turn Pakistan into a global trade link.

Turn Pakistan into what global trade link? What are you guys going to trade? From where to where?

Gwadar offers the shortest, safest, and economically the most feasible alternative

Do you have any idea about the logistics business? What it costs to transport large volumes of material via land (road or rail) over thousands of kilometres, including some of the most hostile terrain known to mankind?

On the civilian side, Pakistan successfully got rid of sever power shortages a few years ago

That, indeed is true and I have admitted as much. But can you tell us how much is the cost of power you are getting for the power your purchase from CPEC projects?

Having an alternate route of strait of Malacca is in the best interest of global community.

Indeed it would be great to have alternate routes. There are many alternate routes. Ships could travel round the South side of the Sunda islands, pass by Hambantota or Vizhinjam (when the latter becomes operational) and then sail west. Would be a lot cheaper than Shanghai-Kashgar-Gwadar route.

Key nations sit out U.S. standoff with Russia, China, leaks show - The Washington Post

THE DISCORD LEAKS | Documents illustrate how emerging nations’ bid to duck the great power showdown have put Biden’s global agenda at risk

The documents, among a trove of U.S. secrets leaked online through the Discord messaging platform, provide a rare glimpse into the private calculations by key emerging powers, including India, Brazil, Pakistan and Egypt, as they attempt to straddle allegiances in an era when America is no longer the world’s unchallenged superpower.

This is apparent in Pakistan, which received billions of dollars in U.S. economic and security aid following 9/11 but now is heavily reliant on Chinese investment and loans. According to one of the leaked documents, Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan’s minister of state for foreign affairs, argued in March that her country can “no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States.”

In an internal memo she titled “Pakistan’s Difficult Choices,” Khar, who previously served as Pakistan’s foreign minister, cautioned that Islamabad should avoid giving the appearance of appeasing the West, and said the instinct to preserve Pakistan’s partnership with the United States would ultimately sacrifice the full benefits of what she deemed the country’s “real strategic” partnership with China. The undated intelligence document does not detail how the United States gained access to Khar’s memo.

Another document, dated Feb. 17, describes Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s deliberations with a subordinate about an upcoming U.N. vote on the Ukraine conflict, and what the government anticipated would be renewed Western pressure to back a resolution condemning Russia’s invasion.

The aide advised Sharif that support for the measure would signal a shift in Pakistan’s position following its earlier abstention on a similar resolution, the intelligence document says. Pakistan had the ability to negotiate trade and energy deals with Russia, and backing the Western-backed resolution could jeopardize those ties, the aide noted.

When the U.N. General Assembly voted Feb. 23, Pakistan was among 32 countries that abstained.

Pakistani officials and those from other countries named in the leaked documents declined to comment.

While core U.S. allies in Europe and East Asia have come together to back Biden’s Ukraine campaign, providing an ever-increasing array of weapons and weaning themselves off Russian energy, Washington has encountered resistance elsewhere.

The Biden administration has told those countries that it is not asking them to pick sides between the United States on one hand and China and Russia on the other, a message that Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stressed in his travels. But nations including South Africa and Colombia bridle at what they see as an implicit choice.

Brofessor sb,

It is all very good of Pak to hitch its star to Beijing. But:

1. Can Pak do without access to the West's markets?
2. Can Pak do without access to the West's labour market, cos PRC wont accomodate any Pak migrants?

and last but not the least can Pak's ruling elite (both military and civil) afford not to park their wealth (ill gotten or fair) not in London or NY

#UNSC says #Taliban Foreign Minister can meet #Pakistan, #China ministers. #Chinese & #Pakistani officials have said in the past that they would welcome Taliban-led #Afghanistan into the multibillion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (#CPEC).

Afghanistan sits as a key geographical trade and transit route between South and Central Asia and has billions of dollars of untapped mineral resources. The Taliban seized power in August 2021 as U.S.-led forces withdrew after 20 years of war.


UNITED NATIONS, May 1 (Reuters) - A U.N. Security Council committee on Monday agreed to allow the Taliban administration's foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi to travel to Pakistan from Afghanistan next week to meet with the foreign ministers of Pakistan and China, diplomats said.

Muttaqi has long been subjected to a travel ban, asset freeze and arms embargo under Security Council sanctions.

According to a letter to the 15-member Security Council Taliban sanctions committee, Pakistan's U.N. mission requested an exemption for Muttaqi was to travel between May 6-9 "for a meeting with the foreign ministers of Pakistan and China."

It did not say what the ministers would discuss. It said Pakistan would cover all costs associated with Muttaqi's trip.

Chinese and Pakistani officials have both said in the past that they would welcome Taliban-led Afghanistan into the multibillion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) infrastructure project, part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Afghanistan sits as a key geographical trade and transit route between South and Central Asia and has billions of dollars of untapped mineral resources. The Taliban seized power in August 2021 as U.S.-led forces withdrew after 20 years of war.

The Security Council committee allowed Muttaqi to travel to Uzbekistan last month for a meeting of the foreign ministers of neighboring countries of Afghanistan to discuss urgent peace, security, and stability matters.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres began a two day meeting on Monday in Doha with special envoys on Afghanistan from various countries that aims "to achieve a common understanding within the international community on how to engage with the Taliban," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

Dujarric said the closed-door meeting would discuss key issues key issues, such as human rights - in particular women's and girls' rights - inclusive governance, countering terrorism and drug trafficking.

Taking part are China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Britain, the United States, Uzbekistan, the European Union and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
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