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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

wait a minute. i am having conversation with typical atheist or typical hindus? i am confused. i guess you too. neither pure hindu nor pure atheist. got it dude.
Atheism means not believing in god or the creation of life by god hence im an Atheist...but i still follow my customs and traditions as it bonds our society together and joins families. Being human means being in touch with ur emotions as well as knowing these are just chemical reactions.
Science has nothing to say about God, Santaclaus, unicorn, invisible teapot circulating earth, wiches, deamons, fairies etc etc.
They may as well exist, but because there is no evidence we will assume that they dont, and we wont miss them.

That assumption has helped us a lot, if you see how civilization progressed, when we relied on reason, and not on belief.

However, scientists have expressed their views on god in their personal capacity. That god (say the god talked about by einsetein) is completely different god from religion talks about.
That god does not listen to prayers, does not give sh*t a whether we live or not.

Science cannot say anything about God because science has its limitations. There is evidence about GOD but there is not any scientific evidence.Some attributes of God make it impossible for science to prove his existence. I have explained it many times in previous replies. Science in general and physics in particular occupies itself especially with measurable things with repeatable experiments. It is also a fact that science can neither explain, rule out or proove things like a "soul" . There are so many of nature's mysteries that I am in awe of and that in turn makes me in awe of a God that created these wonders. Is awe proof? Not in a scientific sense but it comes close in the mystery stakes

If you "believe" in God just because science has proved his existence, don't you primarily believe in science then? If God does exist, he would want people to have faith in him but He wouldnt want people to show that He surely exists. Because that would destroy the purpose of faith. Do we know anything for certain? Is education only truth? No. Is hypothesis, theory accepted on the basis that it cannot be contradicted or disproved and so on? You know what makes perfect sense to one person, may seem ridiculous to another. Peoples belief systems are based on their own version of rational thought. If we all thought on the same level and in the same way there may be more unity in the world, but less diversity. This is why there are different religions and beliefs when it comes to God.

Beliefs can be based on reasons. Beliefs never stopped peoples from getting progress. For example tell me, why i cannot be good scientist if i am good believer. My religion ask me to seek knowledge and truth about this world. Religion is not against gaining scientific knowledge. For example look here
List of Muslim scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There were many Jews, Christian scientists as well as scientists from other beliefs. Their belief did not stop them to get progress in other fields of science,. Science and religion are not against each others. Science is all about getting knowledge about material or physical world while religion provide answers which are beyond the realm of science. :)

Please read deism for more details.
Also, can you explain what is metaphysical world. Also please explain what is singularity or energy and matter wrt big bang.
I am no scientist, I am making an effort to explain what I think, I expect same from you.

Metaphysics is oldest branch of Philosophy which studies concepts that are spiritual but is not part of any specific religion. What is my purpose? What is my reality? Why am I here? What is there? How did I get here? What is the purpose of my life? What is the afterlife like? What will happen when I die? These are just a few of the questions asked in Metaphysics. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that attempts to understand the world, the nature of existence and reality.

As far as your second question concerned. First here was nothing, then there was something and that something somehow exploded, caused a big bang and then at once there was a universe with stars and galaxie. That's pretty much what the whole big bang theory means lol. According to the Big Bang theory, our universe came into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago. Singularities are zones which defy our current understanding of physics. They are thought to exist at the core of "black holes." Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure. The pressure is thought to be so intense that finite matter is actually squished into infinite density (a mathematical concept which truly boggles the mind).

These zones of infinite density are called "singularities." Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something a singularity. Where did it come from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know.

My question was where did the material came from that created the big bang? That's a question nobody has ever been able to answer so far. And I don't think anyone will ever come up with a satisfying answer. If we suppose evolution theory is based on the existence of a big bang at the beginning of the whole process. If the big bang didn't happen or couldn't happen or at least causes lots of scientific problems, then what can be done with the evolution theory? Without a conception theres no baby and without a big bang there's no evolution haha :D
I feel poor for those who always look scientific evidence for everything in order to believe it. Imagine their gf/wife express her love for them and they ask her where is evidence of love. where is proof of existence of love? :D

Oyea Ali its cheating :D

Yea dude feelings which belong to the spiritual realm, are beyond the scope of scientific reasoning. Rational thinking can lead in extreme cases to a build up of ego in humans for they will not back down from what they see as rational logical steps towards proof

sorry guys all other questions asked from me will be answered in next episode :)
Science cannot say anything about God because science has its limitations. There is evidence about GOD but there is not any scientific evidence.Some attributes of God make it impossible for science to prove his existence. I have explained it many times in previous replies. Science in general and physics in particular occupies itself especially with measurable things with repeatable experiments. It is also a fact that science can neither explain, rule out or proove things like a "soul" . There are so many of nature's mysteries that I am in awe of and that in turn makes me in awe of a God that created these wonders. Is awe proof? Not in a scientific sense but it comes close in the mystery stakes

If you "believe" in God just because science has proved his existence, don't you primarily believe in science then? If God does exist, he would want people to have faith in him but He wouldnt want people to show that He surely exists. Because that would destroy the purpose of faith. Do we know anything for certain? Is education only truth? No. Is hypothesis, theory accepted on the basis that it cannot be contradicted or disproved and so on? You know what makes perfect sense to one person, may seem ridiculous to another. Peoples belief systems are based on their own version of rational thought. If we all thought on the same level and in the same way there may be more unity in the world, but less diversity. This is why there are different religions and beliefs when it comes to God.

Beliefs can be based on reasons. Beliefs never stopped peoples from getting progress. For example tell me, why i cannot be good scientist if i am good believer. My religion ask me to seek knowledge and truth about this world. Religion is not against gaining scientific knowledge. For example look here
List of Muslim scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There were many Jews, Christian scientists as well as scientists from other beliefs. Their belief did not stop them to get progress in other fields of science,. Science and religion are not against each others. Science is all about getting knowledge about material or physical world while religion provide answers which are beyond the realm of science. :)

Please read deism for more details.

Metaphysics is oldest branch of Philosophy which studies concepts that are spiritual but is not part of any specific religion. What is my purpose? What is my reality? Why am I here? What is there? How did I get here? What is the purpose of my life? What is the afterlife like? What will happen when I die? These are just a few of the questions asked in Metaphysics. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that attempts to understand the world, the nature of existence and reality.

As far as your second question concerned. First here was nothing, then there was something and that something somehow exploded, caused a big bang and then at once there was a universe with stars and galaxie. That's pretty much what the whole big bang theory means lol. According to the Big Bang theory, our universe came into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago. Singularities are zones which defy our current understanding of physics. They are thought to exist at the core of "black holes." Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure. The pressure is thought to be so intense that finite matter is actually squished into infinite density (a mathematical concept which truly boggles the mind).

These zones of infinite density are called "singularities." Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something a singularity. Where did it come from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know.

My question was where did the material came from that created the big bang? That's a question nobody has ever been able to answer so far. And I don't think anyone will ever come up with a satisfying answer. If we suppose evolution theory is based on the existence of a big bang at the beginning of the whole process. If the big bang didn't happen or couldn't happen or at least causes lots of scientific problems, then what can be done with the evolution theory? Without a conception theres no baby and without a big bang there's no evolution haha :D

For the third time, let me explain why scintific method and rationality should be the only guiding light to find the truth.
Let us first assume for arguments sake that science has limited capability in finding truth. As you said things like God, Soul or Djinn cannt be verified by science, as they are beyond science as of now( or forever).

Let me propose another such entity "X" which does not exist( exists in my mind, I just made it up)
When I told you that it exists, and you said prove it, I just told you what you mentioned above, it is beyond science.

There are so many things which are beyond science, we have only learnt a little.
However it does not give anybody free allowance to propose their wacky thoughts, and when challenged just say: It is beyond science.

Hence, the best way is to accept that we dont know (like you said about singularity) or we may never know. That does not allow others to create false answers.
A "I dont know" answer is much better than a fake make believe answer.

About bold part, why would god want you to have faith?
What if I say If God wanted us to know his existence surely he would have made it clearer(assuming that he really exists)
Do you know his mind, that he wants faith to be above reason, when it is about him?

Lastly science has not ruled out santa claus either.
About bold part, why would god want you to have faith?
What if I say If God wanted us to know his existence surely he would have made it clearer(assuming that he really exists)
I dont have much time today to discuss the other points you raised in your post which i will do tomorrow if topic was still open.

Your this question tempted me to reply. If God would have made his existence clear then everyone would have believe in him. What was the point of sending Prophets, angels, religious scriptures, miracles, hell or heaven etc. It is my test in this life to believe in his words without solid proof. I mean Why God should send someone in heaven if he believe in something which is very clear or is scientific fact :P Dont make sense to me. one plus one equal to two. No one will disagree with it. Its fact. When something get proven as fact then there is no need for faith or believe.

Remember i believe in your existence because of your words which you type here on this forum. I don't have any other proof that you exist..
in one word... yes... Darwin was a sick imperialist and racist... he had his problems with God and decided to lead humanity astray... sounds familiar? :)
I dont have much time today to discuss the other points you raised in your post which i will do tomorrow if topic was still open.

Your this question tempted me to reply. If God would have made his existence clear then everyone would have believe in him. What was the point of sending Prophets, angels, religious scriptures, miracles, hell or heaven etc. It is my test in this life to believe in his words without solid proof. I mean Why God should send someone in heaven if he believe in something which is very clear or is scientific fact :P Dont make sense to me. one plus one equal to two. No one will disagree with it. Its fact. When something get proven as fact then there is not need for faith or believe.

Remember i believe in your existence because of your words which you type here on this forum. I don't have any other proof that you exist..

So basically you not only believed that God exists, without reason, but also believed that prophets, messangers were sent by him.
Do you have any proof or is it just your belief again?

Till what point you will keep this belief story going? In this way you can say anything like "cat is god's messanger" and when I say how you know you just say: Matter of belief.

I made the same point in my previous post, a deist god(a god which created universe) is one thing to believe.
But to Jump from a creator god to a personal god( a god which is interested in its creation, sends messengers, listen to prayers etc) is a huge jump of faith.

Let us agree something so that we can move on next.
Do you agree that science does not rule out santa claus.
Do you agree that you should be beliving in my imaginary entity X, as per your logic
If one believes that God created the universe and all living kind, then it's fair to ask, who created God then? Logically speaking something has to happen first before God can do anything, right? (This is just my view, nothing against religious folks). :coffee:
I dont have much time today to discuss the other points you raised in your post which i will do tomorrow if topic was still open.

Your this question tempted me to reply. If God would have made his existence clear then everyone would have believe in him. What was the point of sending Prophets, angels, religious scriptures, miracles, hell or heaven etc. It is my test in this life to believe in his words without solid proof. I mean Why God should send someone in heaven if he believe in something which is very clear or is scientific fact :P Dont make sense to me. one plus one equal to two. No one will disagree with it. Its fact. When something get proven as fact then there is no need for faith or believe.

Remember i believe in your existence because of your words which you type here on this forum. I don't have any other proof that you exist..

Actually the belief in God according to Islam is a rational belief... God exists and this can be proven...
I dont have much time today to discuss the other points you raised in your post which i will do tomorrow if topic was still open.

Your this question tempted me to reply. If God would have made his existence clear then everyone would have believe in him. What was the point of sending Prophets, angels, religious scriptures, miracles, hell or heaven etc. It is my test in this life to believe in his words without solid proof. I mean Why God should send someone in heaven if he believe in something which is very clear or is scientific fact :P Dont make sense to me. one plus one equal to two. No one will disagree with it. Its fact. When something get proven as fact then there is no need for faith or believe.

Remember i believe in your existence because of your words which you type here on this forum. I don't have any other proof that you exist..

Hmm your a hardcore believer, and it is absolutely fine for me.
You have every right to believe in God and everything else that your religion preaches.
But, like i said earlier, religious beliefs are blind beliefs, so it will absolutely impossible to prove the existence of God in a logical or scientific way.
Religion and Science/logic are two different things, please try to understand that.
I being a Hindu cant prove the existence of my God, and our beliefs like a flying monkey or anything else.
Similarly you being a Muslim cant prove existence of your god and other beliefs like splitting the moon, climbing the seventh heaven riding on the back of a horse with human face and meeting dead prophets to bargain with God to reduce the number of prayers from 50 to 5 times per day.

Religious beliefs are blind beliefs, they are to be believed, not proven.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

Actually the belief in God according to Islam is a rational belief... God exists and this can be proven...

Plz prove. I look forward.
If one believes that God created the universe and all living kind, then it's fair to ask, who created God then? Logically speaking something has to happen first before God can do anything, right? (This is just my view, nothing against religious folks). :coffee:

You are applying logic to an unlimited being?

How can the uncreated be created? ;)

Thats the answer to your question... either God was created by super God... or there is someone who is ETERNAL (from a beginning which has no beginning to an end which has no end)

In scientific terms... do not apply time on God... God created time so God is not bound by what He has created... (i.e there was nothing before the creation of the universe... big bang... not even time because time is merely an ongoing fourth dimension)

You want my autograph now? Your welcome ;)
Hmm your a hardcore believer, and it is absolutely fine for me.
You have every right to believe in God and everything else that your religion preaches.
But, like i said earlier, religious beliefs are blind beliefs, so it will absolutely impossible to prove the existence of God in a logical or scientific way.
Religion and Science/logic are two different things, please try to understand that.
I being a Hindu cant prove the existence of my God, and our beliefs like a flying monkey or anything else.
Similarly you being a Muslim cant prove existence of your god and other beliefs like splitting the moon, climbing the seventh heaven riding on the back of a horse with human face and meeting dead prophets to bargain with God to reduce the number of prayers from 50 to 5 times per day.

Religious beliefs are blind beliefs, they are to be believed, not proven.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

Plz prove. I look forward.

Ah I appreciate your interest but this takes a lot of time... I should tell you... you risk your current belief system if you want to proceed with this... so dont come near this discussion unless you are willing to adopt a totally different belief system (and reject your current one)...

I can certainly direct you to the material that you can read...
You are applying logic to an unlimited being?

How can the uncreated be created? ;)

Thats the answer to your question... either God was created by super God... or there is someone who is ETERNAL (from a beginning which has no beginning to an end which has no end)

In scientific terms... do not apply time on God... God created time so God is not bound by what He has created... (i.e there was nothing before the creation of the universe... big bang... not even time because time is merely an ongoing fourth dimension)

You want my autograph now? Your welcome ;)

Well that's the thing, how do one define God without anyone ever witness it?
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