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War has begun in Karabakh.

Fake news. No one surrenders with billions of dollars of Indian weapons. Armenia will be superpower sidekick, you just watch.
India catching strays and Ls everywhere india cant catch a break.........................................................................................................................................
That was quick.
Its good news, hopefully Azerbaijan and Armenia can now live in peace, expand trade, economy. Armenia should allow Turkey and Azerbaijan to use corridor for trade, it will benefit them aswell. Win win for all.
If the Armenians had chosen to fight, Indian weapons would probably have fallen into Azerbaijani hands And probably their next destination would be Islamabad

Armenian cavemen are stronkkk 💪💪💪 they dont need tunnels
Lol no joke they thing like that.. Before 2020 they believed in pure Armenian superiority
this was regular armenian cartoon

Ah those are just excuses after they lost the 44 day war so the scapegoat in this case is pashinyan .
I've explained thoroughly in a whole thread I opened long time ago,why and how. Now if you want to think otherwise,that's your right and your problem. Would the Armenians have won? Possibly only if it was a short war which would have eventually been stopped by Russia or the UN. In a long war,for example 6 months or a year,the Armenians wouldn't have a chance,they were alone anyway.

How would the outcome be different anyway? With the right leadership and support,they would have caused more heavy losses to Azeris and progress would have been slower. An Armenian defeat would have eventually caused heavier losses of equipment and manpower than in the war that happened.

Either way,Armenians would have waged a way better defence,even with eventual defeat.
Good news for baku. They don't have any excuses for war with Armenia now.

Where is Iran? I hope the get involved so we can solve the South Azerbaijan question too
Iran is waiting for any stupidity from baku and turkey now. we don't need a new province but if you want to give us free lands, we will accept it🤣😎
Armenian cavemen are stronkkk 💪💪💪
Azeri cavemen better?
It all makes sense now.

Armenians surrendered because they realised it would be suicide fighting a war with Indian weapons.
Did they even get the weapons? Did anything arrive before the war? 🤔

And again,as you saw,they bought the wrong equipment. Now,I'm just a keyboard warrior and not a general or something,but...wouldn't it have made more sense that they spent emergency money to buy anti-drone systems ASAP? And whatever EW they could find from anywhere?

They had at least 2 years to do that. Unless the government was like "We control the budget,we authorize what the Army buys" and had the Chief of Staff and higher officers of Armenia and Artsakh shut up.
Armenians who settled in Khojaly after the Armenian massacres and occupation are leaving the town en masse.

How was started:

How is end:
Georgia is another Azerbaijan in the caucaus. It is not in Irans camp that is for sure. They have arms interoperaility with the turkish armed forces
Let me summarize the relations between Turkiye and Georgia with an example: The Turks built Batumi airport, and when you want to go to Hopa or Artvin, Kars etc. from Istanbul, you fly directly to Batumi, and from there you take a taxi or a bus to Hopa. No passport, no visa. Tens of thousands of Georgians travel to Turkiye and tens of thousands of Turks travel to Georgia daily. The total number of citizens of both countries living and working in the other is around 1 million. Georgian cities are not the cities of another country, they are almost neighboring cities. Everyone understands Turkish, it is a country where you can live without the need for a second language.

We are stationed on an air base in Georgia. We provide active support in the modernization of their army and infrastructure works, both in the form of grants and technical consultancy. Economic relations are excellent, Georgia is Turkiye's gateway to the east, and all big infrastructure projects (Europe-Asia high-speed rail, Caspian-Europe oil pipelines etc.) are routed through Georgia.
Not possible they had Indian artillery! Armenia is definitely pretending to surrender before they launch massive counter attack with artillery barrage and take the whole caucus. They are such genius its weird that they aren't a superpower after existing for so long.
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