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War has begun in Karabakh.

Surprised they didn't blew up that dam
If the Armenians had chosen to fight, Indian weapons would probably have fallen into Azerbaijani hands And probably their next destination would be Islamabad

Lol no joke they thing like that.. Before 2020 they believed in pure Armenian superiority
this was regular armenian cartoon

I've explained thoroughly in a whole thread I opened long time ago,why and how. Now if you want to think otherwise,that's your right and your problem. Would the Armenians have won? Possibly only if it was a short war which would have eventually been stopped by Russia or the UN. In a long war,for example 6 months or a year,the Armenians wouldn't have a chance,they were alone anyway.

How would the outcome be different anyway? With the right leadership and support,they would have caused more heavy losses to Azeris and progress would have been slower. An Armenian defeat would have eventually caused heavier losses of equipment and manpower than in the war that happened.

Either way,Armenians would have waged a way better defence,even with eventual defeat.
Armenians did way better

Baku simply paid it smart
Used tons of money on media op inside and outside country and used COVID noise for cover
Armenians who settled in Khojaly after the Armenian massacres and occupation are leaving the town en masse.

How was started:

How is end:

Good to see Azerbijan economically strong enough to look after herself, her people and her interests. Lessons for some people to see !!!!
After 24 hours of operation : Around 1000 Armenian gangsters neutralized by the Azerbaijani army.

Then, Armenia-backed separatist regime in Karabakh surrenders.

An agreement has been reached on the withdrawal of the remaining units and military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia from the deployment zone of the Russian peacekeeping contingent and the disbandment and complete disarmament of the armed formations of the so-called “Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army” and the withdrawal of heavy equipment and weapons from the territory of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in order to their prompt disposal.

All that remains now is for the Armenian state to fulfill its other obligations under the 2020 peace agreement. If they continue to drag their feet on this issue, they will be dealt another blow.

If Armenia takes steps in favor of peace, it will open a new door for a truly sustainable peace and prosperity in the region. The Armenian government must seize this historic opportunity or they will perish.
The Russian peacekeeping command stated that 3 Russian peacekeepers were killed in the attack, which was blamed on Armenian gangs.

Armenia is now screwed.

Armenia will pay the price for getting into bed with the US with the complete disintegration of the country.
Good to see Azerbijan economically strong enough to look after herself, her people and her interests. Lessons for some people to see !!!!
Pakistani Generals don't even take lessons from Turkish innovation...

The Russian peacekeeping command stated that 3 Russian peacekeepers were killed in the attack, which was blamed on Armenian gangs.

Armenia is now screwed.

Armenia will pay the price for getting into bed with the US with the complete disintegration of the country.
And their Armed Forces Command for not having the balls to oust a traitor and his circus when they should have.
Bahahahaha come ooon! That vase thing 😂 😂 😂
The vase is important! When you want to buy a lasting gift for an Iranian friend, you can choose a stylish vase. It is always needed in their homes and is an important tool in the military training system.
If the Armenian military or people manage to kick Pashinyan and his government and replace it with the previous one or another heavily pro-Russian strongman,they could easily stop this war by having the Russians intervene and tell the Azeris "enough,go back to your positions".
piska wanna BarraktearEd up turks snaky armenee
let's be honest as far as I know Russia had warned Armenians . before the war and let them know you're on your own in this war because it's Azerbaijani territory occupied by you Armenia. So stop whining about everything just because you can't have it your way because everybody is fed up with you Iran and Armenians

who exactly is fed up with Iranians and armenians? 2 of the most ancient people in the region, with far more roots then our greek (“turkish”), neighbours whos female ancestors were the plaything of hoards of mongol turks. And now have proudly adopted their identity….

Are those the clowns that are fed up? Because last time they tried to make a move in the caucaus.

Their entire 100k+ army was slaughtered by the Iranian armys advance guard of 10k men. At the battle of yeghavard.

The turks then lost another 3-4 full 100k armies when they came back for seconds and thirds

Iran beat the living shit out of every turk so badly, that they havent so much dared look at Iran the wrong way since…

For the longest time, Iran was a land of sheer terror for ottoman soldiers. Nobody came back alive except a few nader sent to tell the story of what happened to them
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