What war? The Artsakh Defence Forces were scattered and with most equipment destroyed after the 2020 war. Pashinyan said "we're not going to war with Azerbaijan for Nagorno-Karabakh" and that was it.
It wasn't a war,it was more of an operation. Like,I understand how Azeris and their Turkish friends are happy about it,it's normal,it's normal for you guys to be happy,but what was the great achievement? To take out a tiny army with older and inferior equipment,no support even from its mother country and disorganized,reduced in numbers by casualties and POWs, and with no real plan of what to do?
And now you're like "Who's next? Iran we'll destroy you if you try anything!"
Maybe you're mistaking Iran with tiny Artsakh of about 20,000 soldiers,old soviet equipment and no help from anyone?
Iran will chew Aliyev for breakfast.