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War has begun in Karabakh.

who exactly is fed up with Iranians and armenians? 2 of the most ancient people in the region, with far more roots then our greek (“turkish”), neighbours whos female ancestors were the plaything of hoards of mongol turks. And now have proudly adopted their identity….

Are those the clowns that are fed up? Because last time they tried to make a move in the caucaus.

Their entire 100k+ army was slaughtered by the Iranian armys advance guard of 10k men. At the battle of yeghavard.

The turks then lost another 3-4 full 100k armies when they came back for seconds and thirds

Iran beat the living shit out of every turk so badly, that they havent so much dared look at Iran the wrong way since…

For the longest time, Iran was a land of sheer terror for ottoman soldiers. Nobody came back alive except a few nader sent to tell the story of what happened to them
Sure pal.. We invade Iran,Eastern rome,Arabian lands and many more but now every person from this nations larp as kebab remover..
who exactly is fed up with Iranians and armenians? 2 of the most ancient people in the region, with far more roots then our greek (“turkish”), neighbours whos female ancestors were the plaything of hoards of mongol turks. And now have proudly adopted their identity….

Are those the clowns that are fed up? Because last time they tried to make a move in the caucaus.

Their entire 100k+ army was slaughtered by the Iranian armys advance guard of 10k men. At the battle of yeghavard.

The turks then lost another 3-4 full 100k armies when they came back for seconds and thirds

Iran beat the living shit out of every turk so badly, that they havent so much dared look at Iran the wrong way since…

For the longest time, Iran was a land of sheer terror for ottoman soldiers. Nobody came back alive except a few nader sent to tell the story of what happened to them

Iran was ruled by Turks for 1000 years the seljuqs ruled it which are current day turkey.. Even the Azeris ruled it for centuries. The ill Khanate ruled which is Turkmenistan for centuries. It is difficult to find A land the turks has not owned from all the way to China, India and to central Europe. IRAN was literally the feeder hoe.. There is even a high chance that you yourself are a Turk as a product of that
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What war? The Artsakh Defence Forces were scattered and with most equipment destroyed after the 2020 war. Pashinyan said "we're not going to war with Azerbaijan for Nagorno-Karabakh" and that was it.

It wasn't a war,it was more of an operation. Like,I understand how Azeris and their Turkish friends are happy about it,it's normal,it's normal for you guys to be happy,but what was the great achievement? To take out a tiny army with older and inferior equipment,no support even from its mother country and disorganized,reduced in numbers by casualties and POWs, and with no real plan of what to do?

And now you're like "Who's next? Iran we'll destroy you if you try anything!"

Maybe you're mistaking Iran with tiny Artsakh of about 20,000 soldiers,old soviet equipment and no help from anyone?

Iran will chew Aliyev for breakfast.
As I read your essay I smile because you write

"but what was the great achievement? To take out a tiny army with older and inferior equipment,no support"

But when it comes to the Israeli army and Palestinian children you get your pompom out and cheer for the mighty Israelis....White men always have 2 faces.
What war? The Artsakh Defence Forces were scattered and with most equipment destroyed after the 2020 war. Pashinyan said "we're not going to war with Azerbaijan for Nagorno-Karabakh" and that was it.

It wasn't a war,it was more of an operation. Like,I understand how Azeris and their Turkish friends are happy about it,it's normal,it's normal for you guys to be happy,but what was the great achievement? To take out a tiny army with older and inferior equipment,no support even from its mother country and disorganized,reduced in numbers by casualties and POWs, and with no real plan of what to do?

And now you're like "Who's next? Iran we'll destroy you if you try anything!"

Maybe you're mistaking Iran with tiny Artsakh of about 20,000 soldiers,old soviet equipment and no help from anyone?

Iran will chew Aliyev for breakfast.
Take away this much land in 40 days. When France and European were behind armi. It is more then a big thing.
Indian state has bigger balls than Pakistan.

They are targeting separatists in foreign countries meanwhile Pakistan barely does that within the country itself lmao
Pakistani's are good at haram khori, dishonesty, baaten chodna etc
DNA tests dont lie.

Also azerbaijan has mobilized troops on both sides of zanzegur

From nakhchivan and azerbademjan proper.

Armenia is extremely weak and isolated, and you have them completely by the balls.

All you need to do is capture that small stretch of territory from a near defenceless armenia and achieve what the ottomans at their height couldnt.

Have a continous pink panturk nation from anatolia to china…

What exactly is stopping the turks here?? Why arent you going for it? It be ridiculously easy, and Iran fears the mighty stronk azerbademjan / turkey….

Why arent you taking zanzegur??
Dont you think you making yourself very big...in 40 days they took a land which they lost. Attack was so fast n quick. As student of history I really feel they have done more then amazing job. Using drones tech Revolutionized by trucks is more then anything we have seen even US drones attack ware not that successful against talibans. They not even dismantled the arm army and took the lands as well..

Indeed. In addition, Armenia is poorer than Azerbaijan so it could not afford to allocate nearly as much treasure to upgrade its military. Azerbaijan produces oil and Armenia does not and the former has found good customers who are also excellent arms producers in the Middle East.

Azerbaijani troops are, by all accounts, still far from being world class. However they have been putting a lot of effort into improving their capabilites since the days of military ineptitude when they lost badly to Armenia during the Soviet collapse.

Given the demographic trend disparity between the two nations, I'm afraid Armenian prospects will likely continue to worsen.
Money has nothing to do with wars. Look at talibans. How they defeated.US and nato. It is will and giving your life for your mother land matters tge most.
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The number of dead Russian peacekeeping soldiers has risen to 8. On the very day that the US-Armenia military exercise ended. Russia will surely have a response.
Basically Russians allowed azari to punish Armenia for beding with usa
I don't think they will attack,but if they want to "touch" Azerbaijan,they can easily do it.
If they “touch” someone will “touch” them too

DNA tests dont lie.

Also azerbaijan has mobilized troops on both sides of zanzegur

From nakhchivan and azerbademjan proper.

Armenia is extremely weak and isolated, and you have them completely by the balls.

All you need to do is capture that small stretch of territory from a near defenceless armenia and achieve what the ottomans at their height couldnt.

Have a continous pink panturk nation from anatolia to china…

What exactly is stopping the turks here?? Why arent you going for it? It be ridiculously easy, and Iran fears the mighty stronk azerbademjan / turkey….

Why arent you taking zanzegur??
Gypsie from India speculates about DNA of Turks.
DNA tests dont lie.

Also azerbaijan has mobilized troops on both sides of zanzegur

From nakhchivan and azerbademjan proper.

Armenia is extremely weak and isolated, and you have them completely by the balls.

All you need to do is capture that small stretch of territory from a near defenceless armenia and achieve what the ottomans at their height couldnt.

Have a continous pink panturk nation from anatolia to china…

What exactly is stopping the turks here?? Why arent you going for it? It be ridiculously easy, and Iran fears the mighty stronk azerbademjan / turkey….

Why arent you taking zanzegur??
The Armenian problem has to be solved once and for all.
What war? The Artsakh Defence Forces were scattered and with most equipment destroyed after the 2020 war. Pashinyan said "we're not going to war with Azerbaijan for Nagorno-Karabakh" and that was it.

It wasn't a war,it was more of an operation. Like,I understand how Azeris and their Turkish friends are happy about it,it's normal,it's normal for you guys to be happy,but what was the great achievement? To take out a tiny army with older and inferior equipment,no support even from its mother country and disorganized,reduced in numbers by casualties and POWs, and with no real plan of what to do?

And now you're like "Who's next? Iran we'll destroy you if you try anything!"

Maybe you're mistaking Iran with tiny Artsakh of about 20,000 soldiers,old soviet equipment and no help from anyone?

Iran will chew Aliyev for breakfast.
If Iran gets involved with Azerbaijan you will have Israel coming out of nowhere and striking destroying Iran. After that Turkey, Afghanistan, Arabs coming in to finish the job. Don’t underestimate Aliyev. He has a lot of close ties…
DNA tests dont lie.

Also azerbaijan has mobilized troops on both sides of zanzegur

From nakhchivan and azerbademjan proper.

Armenia is extremely weak and isolated, and you have them completely by the balls.

All you need to do is capture that small stretch of territory from a near defenceless armenia and achieve what the ottomans at their height couldnt.

Have a continous pink panturk nation from anatolia to china…

What exactly is stopping the turks here?? Why arent you going for it? It be ridiculously easy, and Iran fears the mighty stronk azerbademjan / turkey….

Why arent you taking zanzegur??
Timing is most important factor when its the right time Zengezur and beyond will be taken. Symbolism and timing are important for the Turks.

Sun Tzu: Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

There are mountian jews living in Azerbaijan thats probably them. Also there are Israelis that support Armenia are you going to ignore it?

Armenia is supported by US, India, Iran and EU.

Now what’s your response shia?
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Take away this much land in 40 days. When France and European were behind armi. It is more then a big thing.
How exactly were they behind Armenians? Tell me. They provided no help. No men,no weapons,no money. Only words.

The Armenian problem has to be solved once and for all.
What do you mean the "Armenian problem"?

But when it comes to the Israeli army and Palestinian children you get your pompom out and cheer for the mighty Israelis....White men always have 2 faces.
You must either retarded or a liar.

Because I haven't cheered for "mighty Israelis". In your mind anyone who sees things as they are,is pro-Israeli. You only want someone who agrees with your point of view and sees things black or white. Unless your ignorant brain considers massive conventional armies as "Palestinian children". I'm talking about 1948,1967,1973 and 1982.

Stop slandering me with lies and things I've never said. I'm warning you.
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How exactly were they behind Armenians? Tell me. They provided no help. No men,no weapons,no money. Only words.

What do you mean the "Armenian problem"?

You must either retarded or a liar.

Because I haven't cheered for "mighty Israelis". In your mind anyone who sees things as they are,is pro-Israeli. You only want someone who agrees with your point of view and sees things black or white. Unless your ignorant brain considers massive conventional armies as "Palestinian children". I'm talking about 1948,1967,1973 and 1982.

Stop slandering me with lies and things I've never said. I'm warning you.
"Retarded and a liar"
@LeGenD @waz @WebMaster

Dude everyone knows u are more Jewish than the resident nazis here

Now is anyone going to say anything?? Or shall I respond.
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