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Wanted: Muslim, Dead or Alive !

I make no hiding agenda of you attacking Islam Speaker and against
muslim brothers. If you think that Palistine conflict was nothing that you do earn the right as an islamaphobe as most of theses Palestian are Muslim.
WHos You yet again proved my post as being an islamaphobe again !

You seem to believe in circular arguments. Let me try one last time. Prove to me that I said the Palestinian conflict is not valid. Prove to me that I said it is okay to kill the Palestinians. Prove to me that I said that it is okay to kill Muslims.

Now understand this point - if the Palestinians feel angry at the US, let them take care of attacking them. Who the hell are the Saudis, or any other nationalities to take arms on their behalf? All because you follow the same religion? And you turn the other way when the victims are non-Muslims. Why is that? Is any religion above humanity? Is that something you can state with confidence?

If you justify harming anyone just because they are the "enemy" of another Muslim, then how can you blame the "enemy" to want to harm you for siding with another Muslim?
I really dont like the fact you wrote this...Wanted: Muslim Dead or Alive. It really offences me and other muslims.I think you should be banned for saying this.PAKISTAN JINDABAAD! :smitten:

Its Pakistan Zindabad not Pakistan "Jindabaad". only indians say jindabaad, Pakistanis say Zindabad.

Why do so many indians hide behind the US and UK flags in this forum, why dont you put up the flag where your originally from.
Many people(in Pakistan) do not have the understanding of modern day politics and policies, with an uneducated population of about 46%, statements in favour of extremists can and should be expected although they are NOT in anyway correct.
And as for the extremists being our "Brothers", I don't know about other extremists but our friendly, local terrorists the TTP consider all those not part of their organization "Murtid" that is someone who can be killed and neither God nor man can prosecute you for that, infact you get rewarded ! So we can't really correct our "Brothers" as you put it because we ourselves are potential targets as has been proven by the fact that Pakistan is the most suicide bombed nation in the world.

I cannot argue with anything you say there. Your statements make sense, although they are only restricted to Pakistan's case.

Going back to the original cartoon, it revels in trying to generalize the victim-hood. Most stereotypes in that is of Arabs, and more cultural than religious. Indeed, the world is still not that degraded that it judges all Muslims the same way. The west's main problem is with the ones from the Arab countries and Afghanistan. You can also add Pakistan due to the incidents of the past 5-6 years. But they don't have any more of a problem with an Indian Muslim than an Indian Hindu (racial profiling). And I am sure they are perfectly okay with the ones from Indonesia and Malaysia.
You seem to believe in circular arguments. Let me try one last time. Prove to me that I said the Palestinian conflict is not valid. Prove to me that I said it is okay to kill the Palestinians. Prove to me that I said that it is okay to kill Muslims.

Now understand this point - if the Palestinians feel angry at the US, let them take care of attacking them. Who the hell are the Saudis, or any other nationalities to take arms on their behalf? All because you follow the same religion? And you turn the other way when the victims are non-Muslims. Why is that? Is any religion above humanity? Is that something you can state with confidence?

If you justify harming anyone just because they are the "enemy" of another Muslim, then how can you blame the "enemy" to want to harm you for siding with another Muslim?

It is called the relation of humanity, even Rachell Corrie came and protested in favour of the Palestinians ! So do thousands of people regardless of their faith ! But just the fact that we follow a common religion means that when we protest against those atrocities it is being unreasonable ?
You seem to believe in circular arguments.


Look whos talking

Now understand this point - if the Palestinians feel angry at the US, let them take care of attacking them. Who the hell are the Saudis, or any other nationalities to take arms on their behalf? All because you follow the same religion? And you turn the other way when the victims are non-Muslims. Why is that? Is any religion above humanity? Is that something you can state with confidence

Whos right for the Jewish in the west to arm Israel when it wanted to
Now understand this point - if the Israelis feel angry at the Muslim world, let them take care of attacking them. Who the hell are the US, or any other nationalities to take arms on their behalf? All because you follow the same religion? And you turn the other way when the victims are non-Jews or Non-Christians. Why is that? Is any religion above humanity? Is that something you can state with confidence

Get the picture !

Since when did Islam viewed humanity in the lower form ?

If you justify harming anyone just because they are the "enemy" of another Muslim, then how can you blame the "enemy" to want to harm you for siding with another Muslim?

Who has said anything harming another where HAVE I EVER SAID THAT
Prove it ! and with that psychotic attitude you'll let Palistiens have no right to defend themselves by gaining support for aothers ? Then tell me why did you rally up and attack Afganistan after 9/11 or drop the A bomb on Hiroshima after Pearl Harbour ?
I cannot argue with anything you say there. Your statements make sense, although they are only restricted to Pakistan's case.

Going back to the original cartoon, it revels in trying to generalize the victim-hood. Most stereotypes in that is of Arabs, and more cultural than religious. Indeed, the world is still not that degraded that it judges all Muslims the same way. The west's main problem is with the ones from the Arab countries and Afghanistan. You can also add Pakistan due to the incidents of the past 5-6 years. But they don't have any more of a problem with an Indian Muslim than an Indian Hindu (racial profiling). And I am sure they are perfectly okay with the ones from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Indeed, I understand their concern but there is blatant generalization in the world right now, my uncle was arrested and detained in America because he was a Pakistani muslim/ an aeronautical engineer and happened to be around when 9/11 occurred he was held without charges for 3 months, proven innocent yet still blacklisted from ever entering the U.S, so if a cartoon does it for once(generalization), I think we should over look it.........

Look whos talking

Whos right for the Jewish in the west to arm Israel when it wanted to
Now understand this point - if the Israelis feel angry at the Muslim world, let them take care of attacking them. Who the hell are the US, or any other nationalities to take arms on their behalf? All because you follow the same religion? And you turn the other way when the victims are non-Jews or Non-Christians. Why is that? Is any religion above humanity? Is that something you can state with confidence

Get the picture !

Since when did Islam viewed humanity in the lower form ?

Who has said anything harming another where HAVE I EVER SAID THAT
Prove it ! and with that psychotic attitude you'll let Palistiens have no right to defend themselves by gaining support for aothers ? Then tell me why did you rally up and attack Afganistan after 9/11 or drop the A bomb on Hiroshima after Pearl Harbour ?

No answer from speaker= a true hypocrite..
It is called the relation of humanity, even Rachell Corrie came and protested in favour of the Palestinians ! So do thousands of people regardless of their faith ! But just the fact that we follow a common religion means that when we protest against those atrocities it is being unreasonable ?

Okay, you have a valid point. I have always supported the Palestinian right to a country and for ending illegal Israeli settlements. A few Pakistanis/Muslims may be that way. But then the true reason comes out when they start saying the evil Jews, and poor Muslims. Those are the same people who will try to follow everything about Palestine, and not care about the plight of non-Muslims in their own country.
Indeed, I understand their concern but there is blatant generalization in the world right now, my uncle was arrested and detained in America because he was a Pakistani muslim/ an aeronautical engineer and happened to be around when 9/11 occurred he was held without charges for 3 months, proven innocent yet still blacklisted from ever entering the U.S, so if a cartoon does it for once(generalization), I think we should over look it.........

Thanks, that is reasonable, but my exception to the Jewish cartoon strip is still valid. That was hypocrisy.
Okay, you have a valid point. I have always supported the Palestinian right to a country and for ending illegal Israeli settlements. A few Pakistanis/Muslims may be that way. But then the true reason comes out when they start saying the evil Jews, and poor Muslims. Those are the same people who will try to follow everything about Palestine, and not care about the plight of non-Muslims in their own country.

I agree there many U.S and Europe based Jews actually support the Palestinians right to a separate and independent country so calling them all bad or justifying the holocaust is a condemnable practice.
Thanks, that is reasonable, but my exception to the Jewish cartoon strip is still valid. That was hypocrisy.

I agree it could have been made a little less graphic but.....I guess that is the artists choice......
if the Israelis feel angry at the Muslim world, let them take care of attacking them. Who the hell are the US, or any other nationalities to take arms on their behalf? All because you follow the same religion? And you turn the other way when the victims are non-Jews or Non-Christians. Why is that? Is any religion above humanity? Is that something you can state with confidence

Thanks! I knew you would say this. So if the US is supporting Israel, and the "Muslims" support Palestine, then that becomes two sides of the war right? So you are justified in calling the "West" evil, call everything the sinister plot of the Americans, generalize the behavior of all Americans and Europeans, call the NATO forces of evil etc. And if they return the favor, they become sub-human Islamophobes? Sure, they aren't justified. But why do you jump with glee in doing the same? Why shouldn't you be called Westernophobes?

Who has said anything harming another where HAVE I EVER SAID THAT
Prove it ! and with that psychotic attitude you'll let Palistiens have no right to defend themselves by gaining support for aothers ? Then tell me why did you rally up and attack Afganistan after 9/11 or drop the A bomb on Hiroshima after Pearl Harbour ?

First of all, I am not an American, nor do I support the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The war on Afghanistan is more complicated and needs a different thread. I was completely against the invasion or Iraq, although that was geopolitically motivated.
Please reserve your comments. I am dealing with two posters here. And only one of them is writing sense and is worth responding to.

WHy is it because what I said was the truth now Speaker ?
Unlike you trying to twist the situation I can't believe the time you have spent here on this board your question had been answered by so many people so many times. Yet you come here trolling with the exact same offensive questions ?

Why ? whats your goal ?
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Thanks! I knew you would say this. So if the US is supporting Israel, and the "Muslims" support Palestine, then that becomes two sides of the war right? So you are justified in calling the "West" evil, call everything the sinister plot of the Americans, generalize the behavior of all Americans and Europeans, call the NATO forces of evil etc. And if they return the favor, they become sub-human Islamophobes? Sure, they aren't justified. But why do you jump with glee in doing the same? Why shouldn't you be called Westernophobes?


Ok where did I ever put West = evil Where did I ever say that all Westerns are evil where ?

Yet again didn't I not mention the level of anti-Islam that media portray for the last 80 years ?

Why shouldn't you be called Westernophobes?


Same reason you avoid calling the west Communophobes or Chinaphobes or Blackophobes, or Native Americanphobes or any other phobes you like to put it on contradictory most of Americans did have a fear of such groups -THATS A FACT

Its in history its facts that these things atrocities of genocide happened anyone would tell you that and you mention it. Thats why I'm not Westernophobes when i present the facts whereas an Islamaphobe makes the facts up or exaggerate them to prove point to vilify Muslim. The people who use these tatics are people who are
Nationlist racist, far-right, whitesupremacy and so on

There's hell of a lot of differents from a person who rants out "death to america" " Kill all westerners" to people who have proven facts of Western brutality

second you can't be a muslim and be an islamophobe ? have you seen a Muslim whos an Islmaphobe ? no because he/she might be in a mad house
Likewise how could I be Westernophobe when I'm myself is a westerner

If you are going to argue please have logical statement please !
Beside you still haven't answered my questions on previous post ?
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