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Wanted: Muslim, Dead or Alive !


Mar 24, 2010
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Very nice, a good way to correct our international image, but we must accept that we ourselves ruined our image in the first place, now it's up to us to correct it........
Nice way of fighting generalizations - by generalizing yourself! Muslims need to stop associating themselves with issues that don't pertain to their region or country. Not all Muslims are profiled the same way. The world-is-out-to-get-"us" mentality needs to improve. Btw, the cartoon with a Jew with a gun is in poor taste.
Nice way of fighting generalizations - by generalizing yourself! Muslims need to stop associating themselves with issues that don't pertain to their region or country. Not all Muslims are profiled the same way. The world-is-out-to-get-"us" mentality needs to improve. Btw, the cartoon with a Jew with a gun is in poor taste.

Easy for you to say, it's more easier to relate to when you are denied visas to other countries even though you are a good Samaritan, questioned on airports because your first name is Mohammad, forced to open all your luggage because they EXPECT you to be doing something wrong. But I don't blame them, they are just trying to protect their country because I know it is people from my community that are maligning our image and not someone from outside.
As for the Jew cartoon, Freedom of speech ! That phrase has been used against us on multiple occasions, first time we've brought it into play !
Easy for you to say, it's more easier to relate to when you are denied visas to other countries even though you are a good Samaritan, questioned on airports because your first name is Mohammad, forced to open all your luggage because they EXPECT you to be doing something wrong. But I don't blame them, they are just trying to protect their country because I know it is people from my community that are maligning our image and not someone from outside.
As for the Jew cartoon, Freedom of speech ! That phrase has been used against us on multiple occasions, first time we've brought it into play !

How did that come to be? Regardless of your position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, how do the other Arab countries get involved in it? How many people from Palestine are in the Al Qaeda? Why does it become a Muslim's problem? Why was America attacked by people who had nothing to do with that conflict? And please don't say it is because of humanitarian reasons. There are far too many humanitarian issues that are conveniently ignored. The common assumption is that Muslims are innocent and always the victims of conspiracy. This has to change. Protest by all means - in your country, and pursuant to your constitution. But stop concerning yourself with people and countries that you have no relation to.

Till you continue thinking of supporting Muslims regardless of their guilt, the world will be forced to generalize. And for that matter, the profiling happens on race - I have been singled out for special treatment at airports fairly regularly.

As for the Jew cartoon - if others used it against you, and you use it against them, how does that show you as any different? Are you condoning their generalization by doing that?
how many times?
its at least third time when these pictures are shared. I think "FreekiN" once shared a video containing same pictures and other members created threads too

Nice pictures though - but its been shared here for couple of times
How did that come to be? Regardless of your position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, how do the other Arab countries get involved in it? How many people from Palestine are in the Al Qaeda? Why does it become a Muslim's problem? Why was America attacked by people who had nothing to do with that conflict? And please don't say it is because of humanitarian reasons. There are far too many humanitarian issues that are conveniently ignored. The common assumption is that Muslims are innocent and always the victims of conspiracy. This has to change. Protest by all means - in your country, and pursuant to your constitution. But stop concerning yourself with people and countries that you have no relation to.

Till you continue thinking of supporting Muslims regardless of their guilt, the world will be forced to generalize. And for that matter, the profiling happens on race - I have been singled out for special treatment at airports fairly regularly.

As for the Jew cartoon - if others used it against you, and you use it against them, how does that show you as any different? Are you condoning their generalization by doing that?

Their are special treatments and laws only for Muslims....will you call it generalization? i'm a muslim too and these laws are against my independence, against my privacy and why people put finger on me bcz i'm a Muslim, it's just generalization when you are labeled terrorits simply bcz you are muslim? when you hear comments like oh those mulsims are all terrorist...how would you feel if you are prejudice when people even doesn't know you?

The treament which we muslims are recieving after 9/11 is not diffrent fundamently from what jews were recieving at the begining of 1930's. The meanless hate and the racism acts...Then why there are just only 2 days a year dedicated only to jews so called memorial day and day of remembrance? when there were done even more horrible acts against the muslims in Bosnia and in diffrent parts of the world till day! This is just unfair....just watch whats happening in Muslim countries, all the wars just count them, all those innocent peoples who are loosing their lives, who will pay for them?....so please avoid your meanless comments on generalization bcz we are Muslims and we define us as a one nation and it's the people who always generalize against muslims. good and bad people are every where in the world but when someone do a bad thing and if he's a muslim then all muslims are putten in that category. THIS IS CALLED GENERALIZATION!
The whole world is ganged up on Muslim and i see many moderates or been moderates till 2009 rapidly growing beards and turning in favour of talibans likes.
how many times?
its at least third time when these pictures are shared. I think "FreekiN" once shared a video containing same pictures and other members created threads too

Nice pictures though - but its been shared here for couple of times

I got them today in email. I did not see them on this forum before.
The whole world is ganged up on Muslim and i see many moderates or been moderates till 2009 rapidly growing beards and turning in favour of talibans likes.

How growing a beard is Taliban like & how do you Justify that ?
The whole world is ganged up on Muslim and i see many moderates or been moderates till 2009 rapidly growing beards and turning in favour of talibans likes.

Yes sometimes people go in a different direction when faced with negative pressure. My family knew Sher family for than 25 years as we both lived close to each other in Brossard near Montreal. Khurram parents Iqbal and Nishat visited our home many times and they are liberal Muslims from Karachi. Khurram who I knew since he was a small kid has been arrested on terrorism charges. That has rankled all our friends in Brossard and Montreal.

Montreal’s Muslim community rallies after terror charges - The Globe and Mail
Montreal’s Muslim community rallies after terror charges

Popular online forum urges members not to talk about accused men
Natalie Stechyson and Kate Allen

From Saturday's Globe and Mail

Khurram Sher and Misbahuddin Ahmed, two of the men charged in an Ottawa terror plot, are cousins by marriage, and the tightly-knit Montreal Muslim community they lived in is now shutting down to protect them.

In the online forum montrealmuslims.ca, an administrator posted a message Friday urging its members not to talk about “Khurram and Misbah,” publicly or privately, because it is “more than likely that some people are under surveillance and anything could be used against the defendants.”

It’s not the first time members of the community worried that they were under the eye of the government. Three years ago, on the same website, several people posted messages on a forum about concerns that the FBI were tapping their phones. A man who posted under the name Khurram was one of them, giving guidance to other worried members.

“Cellphones are much easier to listen into, a very common technique employed by CSIS/FBI etc.,” the poster wrote. “Home lines can be tapped but you should hear a clicking noise – inform Bell Canada right away. They can check if it is tapped or not.”

Dr. Sher, Mr. Ahmed and a third man, Ottawa resident Hiva Alizadeh, were arrested in a series of raids after a year-long investigation by Canada's spy agency and the RCMP. The three have been charged with conspiracy to facilitate an act of terrorism. Mr. Alizadeh has also been charged with funding terrorism and possession of an explosive device.

Dr. Sher is being held in isolation at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre. His lawyer, Anser Farooq, who represented members of the Toronto 18, said Dr. Sher was remaining positive, despite his situation. But his family was having a much harder time, Mr. Farooq said.

“It’s hard for everybody,” Mr. Farooq said. “It’s really difficult.”

Dr. Sher is married with three young daughters. His wife, Sheeba Shukoor, was interviewed earlier in the year by Radio-Canada about her decision to stop wearing a niqab. In the interview, Ms. Shukoor, 25, says she chose on her own, for religious and spiritual reasons, to wear the religious head-covering in the first place. But she had recently abandoned it at the request of Dr. Sher. He was ill-at-ease with the niqab because he worried people would think he forced her to wear it, she said.

In the interview, she said her marriage was “semi-arranged” – the two families contacted each other, but the pair had a chance to sit down and talk, in the presence of a chaperone, to see if they would make a good match.

Faisal Shahabuddin, 38, says he’s known Dr. Sher since they were both young children in Montreal. They played ball-hockey together, and in 2009 travelled to Malton, Ont., to take part in the Salaam Cup, described on the tournament's website as “the Ultimate Muslim Ball Hockey Tournament.”

It was at a ball-hockey game that Dr. Sher opened up about his 2005 trip to Pakistan to help with earthquake relief. Mr. Shahabuddin said Dr. Sher was saddened by the devastation and suffering he saw in the country, but was inspired by the people he met.

“He said the people were very nice, that even if they had nothing they wanted to help you, “ Mr. Shahabuddin said. “They were very satisfied with the little things over there – they’re not very materialistic.”

Mr. Shahabuddin also played hockey with Mr. Ahmed, one of the other men accused. He says Mr. Ahmed is more serious than Dr. Sher, but is very nice – dedicated to his faith and to sports.

Mr. Ahmed took a couple of courses at Concordia University but never graduated, a spokesperson for the university confirmed. Because of confidentiality agreements, the school could not detail what Mr. Ahmed studied or when.

Mr. Shahabuddin said generosity is a defining trait of Dr. Sher, and said that his friend has also volunteered for a month in a hospital in Israel and used to work regularly at a Montreal soup kitchen.

He was also generous with his friends and loved ones, Mr. Shahabuddin said. On the day Dr. Sher left for London, Ont., he left a gift on Mr. Shahabuddin’s doorstep: a Dallas Cowboys football jersey.

“He knows I like them,” Mr. Shahabuddin said.

Lawyers for the accused say they hope to set a bail hearing for their clients as soon as possible. “We’re hoping to get [Dr. Sher] back reunited with his family as soon as possible,” Mr. Farooq said. “And then get him vindicated.”

Khurram Sher: A high-achieving, joking doctor
Khurram Sher hams it up during a 2008 auditon for Canadian Idol in Montreal.

Sean Gordon and Natalie Stechyson

Montreal and Toronto — Globe and Mail Update Published on Friday, Aug. 27, 2010 12:42AM EDT Last updated on Friday, Aug. 27, 2010 2:30AM EDT

After ambling up to the Canadian Idol judges, the bearded young man in stereotypical Pakistani garb bantered about how “I’ve been here for a couple of years, I came in 2k5” and proceeded to enthusiastically butcher pop warbler Avril Lavigne’s hit song Complicated.

But little was real in this 2008 bit of reality television: First, the contestant wasn’t a recent immigrant – he was born and raised in Montreal, a gifted student who raced through one of Canada’s most prestigious medical schools by age 23.

Relatives also say Dr. Khurram Sher put on an exaggerated accent, shalwar kameez and oversized pakul hat as “a dare.”

It was, one cousin said, “classic Khurram.” On Thursday, Dr. Sher’s friends and extended family were in disbelief over his arrest and inclusion in an alleged terrorist plot.

Portrayed primarily as a wit and high-achiever, Dr. Sher is also an avid hockey player – his name pops up frequently on Montreal ball-hockey websites.

Nauman Abbasi of Toronto has known Dr. Sher and his family for years, and played hockey with him in Montreal at a tournament in May.

“He’s a one-man wrecking crew in terms of scoring goals,” said Mr. Abbasi, who described his friend as a satirical person and a joker, and strongly believes he is innocent.
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Nice way of fighting generalizations - by generalizing yourself! Muslims need to stop associating themselves with issues that don't pertain to their region or country. Not all Muslims are profiled the same way. The world-is-out-to-get-"us" mentality needs to improve. Btw, the cartoon with a Jew with a gun is in poor taste.

What on Earth are you talking about ? Why is it that every Indian that comes on here always so predictable and brain dead WHY ?

Btw, the cartoon with a Jew with a gun is in poor taste.
No what you just typed is an absolute disgusting I'm sure as from heaven to hell Gandhi would have broken is oath of non-violence and smacked you on the face with his shoe.

You wouldn't want to tell a Jew that the holocaust didn't even exists, (even though the miss treatment of Palestine's children exist in Israel) wouldn't you now
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