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Muslim Leader burnt alive in a Live Tv Show in India?

Its about the intentions . . . its like 4th or 5th thread on the very same topic since last night. :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

those who wanted the answers . . . got it in the very first thread.

I think Pakistanis will even find Hindu-Muslim connection in oranges and guavas. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
I don't see any Indian Muslims concerned about this - what's up with the Pakistani's and their concerns and opening of numerous threads on this?.
LOL, these guys can't help seeing everything in terms of religion. Even if a bunch of muslims get killed in a car accident or by falling off a roller-coaster, they'll blame Modi/RSS for it. There are a thousand reasons why such an event could have happened , the most obvious reasons being that the guy might have been mentally unstable or there might have some sort of personal enmity between the two.

They are scared of him. Scared pale because they know what he can do and what he will if they continue their 'holy war' against India. That's the reason. Name me ONE leader that Pakistan has ever been so worried about before becoming PM. Even Indira was a concern only after 1971 war.

But this.... this is a different ballgame. A totally new ballgame.

The only other entity to cause this level of concern in Pakistan is a country called Israel.
They are scared of him. Scared pale because they know what he can do and what he will if they continue their 'holy war' against India. That's the reason. Name me ONE leader that Pakistan has ever been so worried about before becoming PM. Even Indira was a concern only after 1971 war.

But this.... this is a different ballgame. A totally new ballgame.

The only other entity to cause this level of concern in Pakistan is a country called Israel.
MUSLIMS of india . :(:( DAikh liya two nation theory ghalat ni thi ..
They are scared of him. Scared pale because they know what he can do and what he will if they continue their 'holy war' against India. That's the reason. Name me ONE leader that Pakistan has ever been so worried about before becoming PM. Even Indira was a concern only after 1971 war.

But this.... this is a different ballgame. A totally new ballgame.

The only other entity to cause this level of concern in Pakistan is a country called Israel.

Honestly , I don't really care about corruption now, that's the last thing on my mind. I think it's totally worth getting Modi to power just to scare the neighbours around us.:rofl:
Religious parties must be banned, including (IUML)Muslim League and BJP. this can help.
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