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بھارت میں ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے مسلمان سیاستدان کو زندہ جلا دیا

Red corridor...
800+ terrorists camps.

Koi acha country hmain terrorists boly tu smj aata h.
Sala tm log apna ghr dekho phly .
Hm sy bhtt bura halat hain tm logo k..

We have problem,you have problem,but you sponser that problem everywhere,be it afghanistan or india.

Samjhe ? :D
We have problem,you have problem,but you sponser that problem everywhere,be it afghanistan or india.

Samjhe ? :D

Problem with India is they always tried to bully Pakistan using covert and overt ways.
We being small in size and economy have limited options to respond.
Thanks to our army, Intellegence agencies , and Strategic assets we always kept India at a distance.
Leave Kashmir and Stop bullying Pakistan.
Otherwise na kabhi hm skoon sy reh skty hain na tum.
End of story
Ohh really.
Who is supporting insurgents In Balochistan?
I dont think we are(maybe help via money is the biggest thing we could do),nothing else we can do in an area not located on indian border
Problem with India is they always tried to bully Pakistan using covert and overt ways.
We being small in size and economy have limited options to respond.
Thanks to our army, Intellegence agencies , and Strategic assets we always kept India at a distance.
Leave Kashmir and Stop bullying Pakistan.
Otherwise na kabhi hm skoon sy reh skty hain na tum.
End of story
Read your slain Journo(murdered by khoofia agencies) salim shehzads book on how global jihad is run by ISI and alquaeda ,that would put your doubts to rest ,its available on archive org .
Ok i trust you....If you've more details of Inside news......Bcoz two hindu politicians also get Injured..... Ram kumar singh & chaudhry ram hari singh.....
Iam Not Negative type of Person...but frankly tell me... HOw much Marks you suggest on presence of "anti muslim factor" in recent ongoing Elections??
no u haven't yet seen the true face.....its just the preview......:lol::lol:


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لکھنؤ: بھارت میں مسلمانوں پر حملے نئی بات نہیں لیکن انتہا پسند ہندوؤں کے اندر پلتے مسلم کش جذبات کس قدر بھیانک ہوچکے ہیں اس کا اندازہ اس سے لگایا جاسکتا ہے کہ گزشتہ روز ریاست اترپردیش میں ایک ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے خود کو آگ لگا کر وہاں موجود مسلمان سیاستدان کو بھی جلا ڈالا۔

غیر ملکی خبر رساں ادارے کی رپورٹ کے مطابق بھارتی ریاست اتر پردیش کے شہر سلطان پور میں سرکاری ٹی وی چینل نے ایک پبلک پارک میں سیاستدانوں کے درمیان مباحثے کا اہتمام کیا تھا جسے براہ راست نشر کیا جارہا تھا۔ مباحثے میں جہاں کئی جماعتوں سے تعلق رکھنے والے سیاستدان موجود تھے وہیں بہوجن سماج وادی پارٹی سے تعلق رکھنے والے ایک مسلمان سیاستدان قمر الزماں بھی شریک تھے۔ ٹی وی شو جاری تھا کہ اچانک ایک انتہا پسند ہندو اسٹیج پر آیا اور پہلے اس نے مٹی کا تیل چھڑک کر خود کو آگ لگائی اس کے بعد قمرالزماں کو بھی کھینچ کر اپنے ساتھ جکڑ لیا۔ وہاں موجود لوگوں نے قمر الزماں کو خودسوزی کرنے والے شخص کے شکنجے سے نکالنے کی بہت کوشش کی لیکن وہ اس میں کامیاب نہ ہوسکے۔

قمر الزماں کوبچانے کی کوشش میں شو میں شریک 2اور سیاستدان رام کمار سنگھ اور چوہدری ہری دیو رام ورما بھی زخمی ہوئے۔ دونوں کو شدید تشویشناک حالت میں سلطان پور کے اسپتال لے جایا گیا تاہم بعد میں دونوں کو لکھنؤ کے سرکاری اسپتاال میں منتقل کردیا گیا، جہاں انہیں طبی امداد دی جارہی ہے۔

پولیس نے اپنے آپ کو آگ لگانے والے شخص کی شناخت درگیش کمار کے نام سے کی ہے، پولیس کا کہنا ہے کہ درگیش کا جسم 95 فیصد جبکہ قمر الزمان 75 فیصد جلے ہوئے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے ان دونوں کے بچنے کے امکانات انتہائی کم ہیِں، دونوں کی حالت ایسی نہیں کہ ان کے بیان ریکارڈ کئے جاسکیں تاہم واقعے کے محرکات جاننے کے لئے تفتیشی شروع کردی گئی ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ بھارت میں ہندوؤں کی جانب سے مسلمانوں کو نشانہ بنانا نئی بات نہیں لیکن کسی مخالف سیاسی جماعت یا برادری کے نمائندے کے ساتھ بھارت میں ہونے والا یہ اندوہناک واقعہ پوری دنیا کی انتخابی تاریخ میں پہلا واقعہ ہے کہ کسی سیاسی رہنما کو اس طرح سرعام جلانے کی کوشش کی گئی ہو۔

بھارت میں ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے مسلمان سیاستدان کو زندہ جلا دیا – ایکسپریسس اردو

Ok i trust you....If you've more details of Inside news......Bcoz two hindu politicians also get Injured..... Ram kumar singh & chaudhry ram hari singh.....
Iam Not Negative type of Person...but frankly tell me... HOw much Marks you suggest on presence of "anti muslim factor" in recent ongoing Elections??

Anti muslim rhetoric works for consolidation of fairly upper social groups either financially or caste wise(mostly in bihar & UP) where the regional parties which are ruling these states JDU and SP respectively,depend highly on muslim votes ,so they only give packages,privileges and reliefs to their political social coalition ,For JDU social coalition mean EBC+muslims and for SP its Yadav+muslims.

Except Bihar and UP(maybe wb too in this election),anti muslims rhetoric,wont fetch you votes and that too has a danger of polarizing muslims too much in favor of one party or other.

In this election BJP didn't used much rhetoric,since that would create much more fear in muslims and that would consolidate them heavily behind winnable party,thats would be disastrous for BJP.

get your speech back -->بھارت میں ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے مسلمان سیاستدان کو زندہ جلا دیا
no u haven't yet seen the true face.....its just the preview......:lol::lol:
Post of the day...:enjoy: and we dont want to see the true face if thats the preview...:lol:

True face of India.

Well i don't agree about the true face thing because in this story two other politicians were also injured while saving him from that mad man..
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I dont think we are(maybe help via money is the biggest thing we could do),nothing else we can do in an area not located on indian border

Read your slain Journo(murdered by khoofia agencies) salim shehzads book on how global jihad is run by ISI and alquaeda ,that would put your doubts to rest ,its available on archive org .

Pakistan is not sponsoring any terrorism, it's India who is sponsoring terrorism.
When security rangers conducted operation against Target killers in Karachi. They found out the weapons that target killers uses comes from india. And apart from this india is also aiding target killers in Karachi and has prevailed it's raw network in balochistan as well. It is killing innocent people in balochistan because they wants to create a riot over there (just like what they did in Bangladesh). And india is also supplying the anti Pakistan literature in different parts of Pakistan especially in balochistan. And everyone knows about sirbjeet Singh. He was raw agent and he has killed about 70+ people in Pakistan.

Now a days india is showing lots of interest in Afghanistan. Why it's showing so much interest? Because they have now set the raw camps in Afghanistan so that they could further increase the insurgency in Pakistan and pressurize Pakistan from both borders (east and west).

And as far as saleem shahzad is concerned he was CIA agent. CIA employed him for spreading anti Pakistan and anti Pak army/ ISI campaign. And to divert the world attention from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Everyone knows that al Qaeda was created by USA to destroy Soviet Union. USA also invited the leaders of alqaeda in their White House. Now USA is hiring the journalist In order to tell world and to spread the lies that the Pakistan was behind creation of alqaeda. Why USA is doing this ? It's because their next target is Pakistan. They have destroyed the whole Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ( by helping it's rebellions) and they also destabilized the Egypt. And now their next target is Pakistan. They are hiring lots of journalist from Pak media in order to make people against it's army, so that they could destroy Pakistan easily. It has been estimated that mir shakeel ur Rahman (Owner of geo news) got billions of dollars from USA in 2013, 30 June for airing anti Pakistan, anti army and anti ISI programs. Sorry for being rude but it's in nature of USA that they always throws person like a tissue paper after using it. Similarly they used saleem shahzad and after using him, they killed him. So that ISI could further be defamed and now recently CIA tries to kill it's own agent ( Hamid mir) because they wants to show the world that Pakistanis are killing it's own people. And Hamid mir is not lodging FIR against ISI. And instead of emphasizing government to do investigation, they are continuously blaming ISI. Because they are well aware that ISI was not behind this attack.

And getting back to topic, in this thread the author wants to show that how much hatred is there in india towards muslims. The politicians of india use to inaugurate the anti Pakistan and anti Islam campaign in order to get votes from their people. Recently modi said that he will if comes in power will capture Pakistan in 6 hours. But in Pakistan we don't have such types of campaigns in our election seasons.
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